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Jwoo83's Blog

It's official...

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The hell beast is moving across the road and 2 houses down from me. Wth is she thinking?! All she's gonna do is see FDHs car at my house on days he doesn't have the kid and make pithy comments and make all our lives a nightmare!

Need some opinions

Jwoo83's picture

My boyfriend and I have been talking seriously about getting married lately. I was wondering what others opinions were on handling BM, drop off/pick ups of SKids? Here is what I've told him. 1)I don't see any reason why she would ever need my personal cell number. He and I discuss our plans and what needs to be done and then he can communicate our decisions to her. Her having my number would only give her a way to harass me. Which she would until I changed my number.

My first rant here!

Jwoo83's picture

Thank goodness I found this page or I'm afraid I'd go insane! This may be more of a ramble than anything but at least it'll help me get it all out. Here goes... This past week, my boyfriend texts me asking what my address is. I tell him and he says omg, BM is looking at a house right by you! Turns out, this house is across the road and 2 houses north of me.