Grasping At Straws
I almost feel sorry for GG (biodad I live with). . .well not really feel sorry. He received Brainiac's (SS 15) report card yesterday. It should be noted that all three skids are receiving "AIS" which is special help for "underperforming" children via NYS.
Brainiac got a "48" in English. NUMEROUS comments of "doesn't complete assignments; needs to put forth more effort; not working to ability." He has FIVE tardies in ONE MONTH which GG TOTALLY ignored even though it was highlighted on the report card!! All his other grades he is hovering around failing (65 here in NYS)
This was the child that met with GG this past March after almost three years of PASing out (not seeing him aka opting out of visitation, with complete and full permission to do this by the Behemoth aka BM) At said meeting he told GG that "Mom said I didn't have to study because I'm going to be the next X Factor Rock Star." GG begged to differ (GG is a paper tiger; he really has no intentions of being a parent as he is scared shiteless of the Behemoth)
He does have one perfect score. . . and that is in BAND. GG was so proud of him for getting 100 in band and that the comment in that class was "an asset; pleasure to have in class"
Ummmm, I was in orchestra for at least six years in which time I received 98-100 with virtually ZERO effort, other than showing up.
The only comment I could muster up was "well it's good he's taking interest in a subject"
I thought I was being EXTREMELY generous on that one!!
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It's amazing how many kids of
It's amazing how many kids of divorce are allowed to do as they please, including not show up for school or get such bad grades. Then again, the longer they stay in school, the longer mom collects her money...beautiful.
I hear DH no longer really bothers with report cards or attendance records. Heck his daughter constantly is failing just about every single class, if not ALL and misses at least 4 days of school weekely. The state, nor school, does much of anything to stop it and of course, mom could care less so loser kid and her can continue to milk DH for CS...I pray that next year the judge will see it for what it is and put a stop to their money train...pathetic.
My parents would have beat the crap out of me if I didn't show up for school or got such poor grades. Instead, many of these kids are still bought iPods, given money for the latest fashions and concerts...really pathetic. If we think there are many welfare queens now, wait a few years when so many of these kids of divorce who got used to the free ride grow up. We'll be supporting more and more losers with our tax dollars.
It's amazing how many kids of
It's amazing how many kids of divorce are allowed to do as they please, including not show up for school or get such bad grades. Then again, the longer they stay in school, the longer mom collects her money...beautiful.
I hear DH no longer really bothers with report cards or attendance records. Heck his daughter constantly is failing just about every single class, if not ALL and misses at least 4 days of school weekely. The state, nor school, does much of anything to stop it and of course, mom could care less so loser kid and her can continue to milk DH for CS...I pray that next year the judge will see it for what it is and put a stop to their money train...pathetic.
My parents would have beat the crap out of me if I didn't show up for school or got such poor grades. Instead, many of these kids are still bought iPods, given money for the latest fashions and concerts...really pathetic. If we think there are many welfare queens now, wait a few years when so many of these kids of divorce who got used to the free ride grow up. We'll be supporting more and more losers with our tax dollars.
GG's eyes are wide shut. I
GG's eyes are wide shut. I almost feel sorry for him too. Its difficult though because he's done it all to himself.
He'll hold on to that 100 in band forever.
YAY! 100 IN BAND! Bring out
YAY! 100 IN BAND! Bring out the giant bowls of candy! Who needs English and Math skills anyway?
Please don't tell GG, but I too got straight A's in band- clarinet. If I'd got any less than an A in BAND of all things my parents would've bonked me over the head with that clarinet!
GG won't even see his kids.
GG won't even see his kids. Why does he look at thier grades?
You've got that backwards. .
You've got that backwards. . .GG's kids won't see HIM unless on the BEHEMOTH'S terms:
As you well know the Behemoth wants to turn the clock back to GG being disney-guilty-doormat daddy. Non-parental status on-the-fly when convenient to the Behemoth babysitter. NO parenting, NO training, NO rules. THAT scenario is not worth "seeing your kids" She wants ME to just disappear except for all the FUNDING I supply.
Never again.
keep up that support
keep up that support auteur!!!
Gosh - how many thousands of
Gosh - how many thousands of kids think they are going to be an X factor star? Not that many mothers probably encourage them, though.
Our BM, like the Behemoth, has done literally nothing to support her daughters in making the most of their very expensive private education. Never gets them to do homework, but expects them to become rocket scientist and brain surgeon. Like the overweight underachievers, one is underachieving spectacularly, the other is just average.
I'm afraid I am not so diplomatic as you in my comments, I have been telling DH for the last few years that he is pouring his money down a rat hole.
poor SS15. we can't hurt his
poor SS15. we can't hurt his fee fee's
Its that little effort and keeping grades at threshold that gives us a wonderful population of slackers.
Oh, I DID make one other
Oh, I DID make one other comment to GG which might have caused WWIII. I got a "deer in the headlights" look from GG.
"You know, to get a scholarship to a fine music school, all the OTHER grades other than music have to be exceptional. . ." :evil:
BWA hahahahah!!!!
BWA hahahahah!!!!
Same here. I've heard it
Same here. I've heard it all. They get a good mark in Gym and they're "athletic" just like dad :sick:
"They're late bloomers"
"They're JUST KIDS!"
:sick: GAG!!
You can tell the pattern especially with VD (SD stb 13) who gets even WORSE grades than her older brother if you can imagine it. Literally a "4" out of 100 because the Behemoth told her if she doesn't want to do something she shouldn't have to. Same goes for brushing teeth, combing hair, showering, you name it.
You'll see terrible marks and no homework done, but then toward the end of the school year all of a sudden 100s on homework turned in (good to see that the Behemoth can do 6th and 7th grade level work)
Of course quizzes and tests are still an abomination since the Behemoth can't take THOSE FOR her.
We have a failing grade in
We have a failing grade in health here...WTF? AND the teacher is the football coach. SS16 is on the football team and claims coach hasn't said anything about needing to get his grade up in order to continue to play. As FDH said, you almost have to work to fail health unless you are sleeping thru it! FDH is livid at SS.