The names have changed to protect the innocent and not so innocent.
Here are the names: Biodad=Godsgift (to women)
BM= Behemoth
SS14= Brainiac
SD12=Vera (de Milo) --Jim Carey sketch on In Living Color
SS8= Prince Hygiene
Well Godsgift, instead of boozing, was drinking coffee and trying to "act reasonable" (yeah right)
Smoking cigs too IN THE HOUSE! Stunk up the place pretty bad!
He's "hurt" doncha know. Seemed to have an uncanny interest in my email to his oldest brother :sick:
Don't know how much he saw as I checked the laptop. My old email has definitely been compromised so please don't use that email address (i have a new one!) No typed URLs to steptalk, but he probably googled the nicknames
So to him blogging on this site is "immature" and "juvenile" and he "forbids" me to do it. To me that is typical of an abuser. . .trying to isolate me from friends and family. He views blogging on the internet about step problems to be airing dirty laundry to a "bunch of strangers." The way internet pedophiles act. He's already tried to isolate my oldest daughter Peg (29) and her husband. And he's isolated two of my friends (former colleagues)
I view this site as my 2nd family and friends site, so TOUGH! He presumtuously:
1. deleted all the emails I saved from him when we were in our "honeymoon" phase
2. deleted all my passwords in my email that were to internet shopping sites
And the worst! He told Awesomeson last night that he had to move out because HE was SELLING the place. Now imagine if the house was in HIS name and I told Brainiac to move out because I had a fight with his dad!!??? Yeah that would fly!!!
I told him that he had no right do that and in fact that Awesomeson can STAY and HE can move out. So then he started talking "palimony" and that he wanted a lump sum of 8K from me to move out!! With the house unfinished!! I said "ok" and that shocked him into backing off! Here's the deal: I was really calling his bluff and I"m sure when the house is finished and the economy is better I'll gladly pay him off for getting out, not 8K but a sum of some sorts. He didn't want to take "monthly palimony payments" as I had offered him because it "wasn't in his best interest" (like he didn't trust me)
Another factor! HIs job is slowing down radically and yesterday he had no work as well as today (thanks to the current regime). So he might be getting laid off although he is the "star worker." I think that gave him pause because there's no way he'd be able to live on what unemployment pays him after CS is taken out!! So then he started in with his honeymoon speech. I told him that what he told Awesomeson was extremely presumptious and highly inappropriate!! And I told him he is just as bad a parent as Behemoth as I have caught him treating even Prince Hygiene as an adult confidant about our business.
So somehow blogging to a bunch of anonymous women about common concerns is WAY WORSE than trying to PAS OUT your girlfriend's own SON!!! He even tried to get Awesomeson to comment on my emails!!! If he showed HALF as much BALLS to the Behemoth as he does ME we'd be getting somewhere!!
OH and now he noticed that I cleaned up "the shrine" and wants those photos of his lovely children back to the shrine along with the other ones!! He even CALLED me during WORK today saying he was up in the attic SEARCHING for them and acted suspiciously as though I had tossed them! And he wants to "somehow" contact his children (aka wine and dine them on my dime)
As I was frying my retinas from CAPCHA and getting carpal tunnel from clicking "delete" on FOUR YEARS worth of blogs I noticed that it seems every month for the past I dont' know how long, GodsGift wants to rekindle his warped "relationship" with the "lovelies" I've saved some of my blogs to chronicle the HELL these almost eight years have been to keep me on plan.
This whole thing has only STRENGHTHENED my resolve to continue with my exit plan so that I can get that whole lot out of my life!! AND continue reporting here to help others to NEVER EVER get involved with a man with children!!
- Auteur's blog
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I know. What an ass. I think
I know. What an ass. I think we should all chip in and come up with the money to get him to tuck tail and LEAVE!
oh he deleted them out of the
oh he deleted them out of the trash as well. It's yahoo mail. I did email him apologizing for posting pics of "his kids" so when he did that I believe he logged out as me and logged in as him. So he couldn't get back in and he's a slow reader anyway. Damage control central.
I just texted awesomeson(he
I just texted awesomeson(he doesn't know that nickname) to just not get in any conversations with him today.
ANOTHER THING!!! Because he's home he or awesomeson could start getting the mail and that's not good.
Yep I'm a control freak but that's the ONLY WAY to manage this crazy environment!
Probably. The Behemoth's
Probably. The Behemoth's orchestrated "heartstrings" crap which i have to thoroughly screen for content. Plus his b-day is coming up soon so there'll be a gratuitous "heartstrings" bday card coming up!! :sick:
And right now he's totally vunerable b/c he feels that I've "attacked" his kids and he's play DEFENSE HARD!
What is it they send that you
What is it they send that you have to screen for content?
already stated
already stated
Heartstrings & a birthday
Heartstrings & a birthday card, & they need to be screened for content?
Not going to go there with
Not going to go there with you. You've read almost four years of my blogs and know what crap i put up with.
I wasn't trying to go
I wasn't trying to go anywhere with it. I'm not saying your husband is right for being the way he is, but would you not feel violated & completely pissed if you discovered he was screening communications between you & your own children?
With all that's going on, I just wasn't sure why those things would be at the top of your concerns is all.
Carry on...and best wishes!
He wants 8K and he's not
He wants 8K and he's not going to get it. No can do. I"m trying to postpone the inevitable as long as possible (his disrespectful crotch droppings) coming in and wanting me to go to doormat stage 2.
Not gonna happen. He definitely wants to go back to me being all smiley nicey and giving the brats what they want then watch them turn on me once again.
NO F'N WAY!! He will do without those monsters pulling him in a thousand directions UNTIL HE FINISHES THE HOUSE and that's that.
I agree. As much as crayon
I agree. As much as crayon is always telling most women here to dump their man, and now that the chance is staring her in the face, and she is not taking it….makes me go hmmmm? I hope she will at least quit telling almost everyone to leave their husbands since there is no way on hell(IMHO) that she is ever going to leave her live in.
Willow, I make 44K a year.
Willow, I make 44K a year. My mortgage payment is 815 plus utilities, etc. HOW the HELL would I be able to pay a personal loan at some astronomical rate for 8K? AND if i got THAT loan before the HOUSE IS DONE and REFIED, THAT 8K loan would PrEvEnT me from getting a refi (too heavily obligated)
Please put brain in gear before setting fingers in motion.
you guys werent married,
you guys werent married, screw him and screw the 8k! Make him file in court and sue you for it!
Exactly-it's YOUR house, you
Exactly-it's YOUR house, you owe him nothing. Palimony or going away money when you weren't married? Puleze...How about a TPO to get your butt out the door that doesn't cost a damn thing?
Please put brain in gear
Please put brain in gear before setting fingers in motion.
LOL! And I wish you would engage some tiny part of you brain before you spout off your god awful advise to some of these women. I shudder to think that anyone would take your advice. Especially when you don’t even take your own!
Your EXCUSES do not even make sense.
Just because he wants 8K
Just because he wants 8K doesn't mean you have to give it to him to be rid of him. The house is yours to evict him from without having to give him money.
A life is worth far more than any house...regardless of the monetary loss. Even if you end up taking a loss, it's still worth saving your life if indeed you feel like it's in danger.
Definitely get a PO Box. It
Definitely get a PO Box. It will also come in handy if you'll need any legal documents for your exit plan.
I wasn't aware that he was abusive until all this started going on and people were talking about it. I'm so glad you're working on getting him the hell out of your house. How DARE he even THINK of selling YOUR house. I know you have a lot of supportive friends on here, but if you live anywhere near the SF Bay Area and need any logistical help, count me in. Keep us posted.
Welcome back friend. I am so
Would you please get the hell out or boot that rat ba$t@rd out.
We were worried sick young lady!
(sound like your Mom giving you hell? ha ha ha ha ha)
So glad you are okay.
Glad you are OK, funny how
Glad you are OK, funny how much Godsgift has learned from the Behomoth... his first and foremost concern was what kind of money he would be getting from you should you boot his ass....
I read probably a third of
I read probably a third of this before I realized what the deal was.
I am so happy that you are ok. I just about said something to NN last night because I was so concerned. Then I realized I'd be digging my OWN hole as he has no clue about this site AND he is ALSO the typical overly private dickhead who HATES when I talk to ANYONE now. (It used to be men he worried about. Now it's BOTH sexes! How insecure.)
I mean come on! Just because you had two kids with a slut doesn't mean you married one too!
Anyway, yeah, get a PO Box for yourself but that's not going to stop the clan from sending things to the house for him. BUT for yourself...
I got a PO Box in the town I work in and then went to the local credit union and opened up checking and savings with info going to PO Box. I WAS planning on renting a storage unit but have decided to move everything at once after NN's comment.
It drives me NUTS that he can walk over his dirty laundry laying on the floor and have empty beer bottles laying everywhere and not seem to notice, but I move TWO BOXES out of the house (not a small house either) and he gets suspicious!
Let me know if you need ANYTHING at all. Or if you decide you want to completely move out of the area!!!
Good to know that you are ok.
I will be fine, but I will
I will be fine, but I will fake it till i make it b/c I'm not going to lose ONE PENNY over this fiasco i got myself into!!
He was SOOOOO concerned about the wonderbrats photos!! I called him back and told him where to look. So he's calmed down now and will look for it on the weekend. I even offered that we get a FRAME for the lovelies!! (how's THAT for acting??!!) The big problem is his lack of work. he goes INSANE (more so) when there's no work.
He even told me he can't tolerate laziness!!! Well he's in for a big surprise with his own brood when they open their first welfare case!!!
The thing that REALLY pisses me off is that he told Awesomeson to move!!! GRRRRRRRR!! I'm going to have a private talk with awesomeson and let him know if anyone will be moving it will be Godsgift!!!
Exactly. Even if we aren't
Exactly. Even if we aren't crazy BMs, we ARE still BMs.
I know NN won't even let MY son come to visit!! So much for it being half MY house, huh?
So glad you are back! and ok!
So glad you are back! and ok!
Well I'm not. To me it's
Well I'm not. To me it's been pretty much an even exchange. Maybe I should charge him that $300 a month I was spending on his health insurance for two years!!
He needs to get the f'n house DONE and SELLABLE before he starts visiting his monsters who will pull him off the job. THEN when he's OFF ON HIS OWN after the house is SOLD, he can do whatever guilty daddy calisthenics fetch 'n' step he wants to.
He OWES it to me for SELECTING this DUMP and PRETENDING that I was the love of his life! When really his "life partner" is the Behemoth and her crotch droppings.
"crotch dropings"!!! Im
"crotch dropings"!!! Im dying, here!!!
Auteur It amazes me that you
It amazes me that you think as clearly as you do in the middle of this situation. I made major fnancial mistakes when I got my divorce. I wished I had planned better instead of acting on emotions. Plan Plan Plan Save Save Save Get stingy with your money and divert it little by little to another account. Kick his ass in gear and work the piss out him to complete your house.
Play the game all the way to the bank if you have to, but keep safe doing it.
This is exactly what I have
This is exactly what I have been doing too. It's amazing how quickly that money adds up when I am not constantly making up the difference in NN's spending habits.
Just make sure that you stay safe. No amount of money in the world is going to make up for your safety.
I would make an appt with a lawyer to see what your financial rights are in this matter. Are you considered common law now? How in the hell can a BF collect alimony?? I know around here initial consults with lawyers are free.
I am not going myself because I am just giving him what he wants anyway (and he would NEVER EVER stoop to the level of thinking that I would have to pay HIM anything - in fact, he's worried about ME asking for alimony! Which I won't. I want him out, not raked over the coals).
Glad everything is okay and
Glad everything is okay and welcome back
So funny I read some of your
So funny I read some of your comments on SA's blog and thought it was you but the name threw me - thank you for letting us know you are okay - I have not read any comments on here just wanted you to know that I am happy you are okay and alive and was about to put out a just let us know you are okay blog!!!!
It's good to see you back
It's good to see you back here!
Get a restraining order. Get
Get a restraining order.
Get a large, barking dog.
Get police surveilance.
Change the locks.
Find some friends to help you fix up your house.
If Peter Frampton's GF
If Peter Frampton's GF couldn't get palimony, I don't think Godsgift will. He's been living with you rent free and fixing up the house in exchange for room and board. Even steven.
Get a restraining order. Get
Get a restraining order.
Get a large, barking dog.
Get police surveilance.
Change the locks.
Find some friends to help you fix up your house.
Don't waste one more minute of your life.
So glad you're ok...I was
So glad you're ok...I was worried...You are such a strong women and phenominal person that anything life brings...You got it whooped!!!
He kinda reminds me of my
He kinda reminds me of my son's dad...if that guy's mouth was moving he was lying...bragged about everything...made mountains out of mole hills...had absolutely nothing and worked when he wanted but I absolutely adored his daughter and she did me too. That is one of those weird skid deals where the skid is really great. I still talk to her on FB
Glad your back and ok.
Glad your back and ok.
So glad you are safe.
So glad you are safe.
Yaay you're here! I'm so
Yaay you're here! I'm so glad! I was worried about you...well we all were! I'm glad you are alright Auteur...your advice is valuable to me as well I would have missed you too much for you to leave! I know you'll keep us updated so I don't have to say that