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Clean you room. ok., but I'm going to do what I want and dad won't say anything.

purpledaisies's picture

I have told dh too many times that the boys won't clean their room. It is gross and they leave pop cans and bottles and trash along with dishes. I have told them too many time not to eat in there if they can't clean it up.

We are doing a massive cleaning before it gets cold and I am having dh move some things, he found all this crap in their room. I looked at him and said 'I have been trying to tell you this for months!'.... I am sick of them thinking everyone else should clean up after them! Just b/c their mom does at their house doesn't mean I have to! It just pisses me off so bad that I have to moan and bitch at dh for months and he only gets it when he sees it! GGGRRRR...

i just hope that he will make them clean it friday when they get here. That is the question.


baseballgirly's picture

I close the door to the room.
CL has 2 boys (8 and 10) and if they don't clean their room when they go back home after their weekend here, I close the door and forget about it. If their bed is peed in, I leave it. If their clothes are dirty and left anywhere but the hamper, I throw them in the room too and I leave them. I am soooo sick and tired of messes being left everywhere they are and on everything they touch... I put it all in their room on their bed and wait for them to come back next time. They need to clean it up then before they can get in bed to sleep. Soon enought they will catch on to clean it up the first time. I hired a cleaning lady to come in once every two weeks after they leave and I make CL pay for half. If he won't make his boys clean up after themselves and he won't do it either, I will make them live in it. The sad thing is... they don't care. It only makes me more angry knowing I have to live with it too. Sad

If you figure it out, can you let me know how?!?!?

Willow2010's picture

I don't fight for a clean bedroom. I just close the door. lol. If they want to live in that crap, more power to them. Now, if it gets REALLY bad or smelly, then they are made to do a big time clean on it.

Oh...and...they are NOT allowed food or drink in the bedroom!! This is a hard fast rule at my house and one of the few that I will have a fit over.

Mommyto1Stepto2's picture

I don't know how you ladies can just shut the door and not worry about it. I have tried but I am too anal. SS peed his bed a few weeks ago and left it and the door was shut. I went in to put some clothes in there and the smell was so gross (this was just after a day) that I stripped the bed down and washed it. DISGUSTING!

the_stepmonster's picture

My SD's are the dirtiest little girls I have ever met. I would expect it from boys from not from girls (double standard, I know, whatev). When DH makes them clean their room they just stuff all their dirty clothes back into their drawers. If SD4 wets the bed, SD9 and SD11 will just sleep on the couch without even telling us the linens are dirty. I finally one day made them bring me all their clothes, every single article in the house, to wash. The pile of clothes was so smelly I almost barfed in my mouth. Apparently BM isn't into cleaning either so they were never taught to do it properly. Gross. I can only imagine what her house looks like.

Disneyfan's picture

My DF is always on his son and my son (when he’s home from school) about keeping their rooms clean. I don't get it. If they want to live like pigs, more power to them. I just tell them to keep the doors shut because I don't want to see it.

As long as they clean up the mess they make in the rooms and keep their bathroom clean, I'm fine.

purpledaisies's picture

can't just shut the door my washer and dryer are in there. I keep the laundry to one basket which is never full and that is all. Everything else is them! I have to go in there to do laundry. this is a very old house before it was washer and dryers in the house so they put it in the closet of one of the bedrooms.

paul_in_utah's picture

I have gone back and forth on this issue. I used to clean SD17's room pretty regularly, but as one of the posters on here noted, she was just taking advantage of me being a "resource." I thought that was a pretty good point, so I have stopped cleaning the room regularly. What I now do is to randomly box up everything that is left on the floor, which is quite a lot as my SD17 is a huge slob. Any clothes on the floor go to the laundry room, where DW can deal with them. SD is always pissed because she has to go through all of her boxes to find things, but that's her own fault.

The key is to do this at RANDOM times. That way SD never knows when it is coming, and she does not get to count on me doing work for her.