SS9 called my phone and asked me to put BM's so-called guy "friend" she's living with now's number off restriction. Opinions??
Hey, so I'd just like a few outsider perspectives here...
Anyone who read my blog post yesterday knows the backstory of SS9's BM abusing his emergency phone.
Well he just called my phone a few minutes ago wanting to talk to DH, and was asking him to put this new guy whom BM is living with's number back on his phone. I get the distinct impression that it's more his BM making this request than SS9.
Apparently as things are with her living situation she is completely dependent on this guy for all her transportation needs, including getting SS9 to/from school.
I guess we're being forced to enable his mother to use this phone that was originally only intended for him. What do you think?
This guy is apparently the one she's been texting/calling all the time from SS9's phone now that I see what the number is.
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Look, if she truly is
Look, if she truly is financially low income, she qualifies for a lifeline phone. My answer would be no. What does SS need to call that guy for? I don't think so, and BMs phone and transport issues are her problems, not yours.
OMG, my DH is pissing me off
OMG, my DH is pissing me off right now. He is flipping out because I'm asking him WTH I should do. I've un-blocked and now blocked the number again. This is REALLY STUPID and is making me want to go get a cigarette REALLY badly!!!
(I've been quit for a month now.)
I think she's blowing smoke.
I think she's blowing smoke. Even if she's not, there is no way my DH would pay for a cell phone that BM is trying to convince us she needs. That's just ridiculous.
Yeah, that's exactly what's
Yeah, that's exactly what's going on. I just listened to the last phone conversation DH had with "SS9" (really his BM talking through him), and all he kept saying was that he just needed the number... and when pressed he finally said "because mommy needs to say hi to him."
DH is blowing up and throwing stuff around because I'm pressuring him to TALK TO HER (BM) and TELL HER IT IS NOT HER PHONE.
He is yelling and screaming at me about how he "CAN'T TALK TO HER."
And he doesn't know why.
I'm getting SO PISSED OFF... he needs to GROW A PAIR and put her in her place!!! I told him I thought as much.
I think I'm going for a drive.
Okay, sorry for the rant.
Okay, sorry for the rant. Things have calmed down now. DH tried to get BM on the phone and off speaker phone to talk to him directly (as it was blatantly obvious she was relaying things through SS9, he could hear her in the background), and she hung up on him.
Thank god DH is finally taking a stand. I can't BELIEVE she would put her son in the middle of this, what kind of mother does that??
Our BM puts SS13 in the
Our BM puts SS13 in the middle all the time. She's been told on numerous occasions NOT to communicate with DH through the kids, but she does it anyway. She says we need to "honor SS's wishes" (translation: her wishes), "it's what SS wants" (what she wants). Sorry, but he's 13...he may know what he wants, but he doesn't know what he NEEDS. She has been told this is harming her son (by a psychologist). But she knows best. Narcissistic mother's do this.
Yeah, it's horrible. I feel
Yeah, it's horrible. I feel so bad for SS9.
It was really upsetting that she was so blatantly doing that tonight. Yesterday SS9 called literally in tears about the his phone having numbers blocked on it now, likely incensed by her telling him "Your DAD had all the numbers blocked!" Ugh, what a bitch!
Yeah, then the poor child has
Yeah, then the poor child has to face the wrath of BM. Even if she's not angry with SS, she's angry and no fun to be around.
If she's always using that
If she's always using that phone, that defeats the purpose of SS having a phone. Besides, I would NEVER pay for a phone for BM. Let her go get a pay as you go phone and budget her minutes. She'll be able to make a call if she has a true emergency. You don't have to pay for her to say hi to her man du jour. Honestly, what did we do before cell phones?
I think she cannot make that
I think she cannot make that request. This phone has a specific purpose for YOU and DH. BM's purpose for using it is not your problem.
Its called planning ahead, BM. Do it.
How about going to court and
How about going to court and asking the judge to order her to keep a landline? We had to do that. There has to be a way to communicate between the your two homes, if you're going to share custody. What would she do in an emergency? What if SS9 were to crack his head open jumping on the bed, how would she call for help? How would the school reach her should he gets hurt there? It's not safe for him to be in a home with no telephone.