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Worries About Future Children and SS9.

DTK's picture

So I've been pondering this for awhile.

DH and I want to try to have a baby sometime in the future. We're probably going to wait at least a year though because my current job/income situation is not ideal for starting a family just yet. But we've been discussing it more recently, and I think it's a definite plan for us.

My deepest concern though is my SS9. He is an only child so he is used to being the center of attention when it comes to his bio parents. Lately he's gone through a "wish daddy and mommy had never gotten divorced" phase, which means I've felt a lot of rejection and resentment thrown my way. Last weekend we had him over on Sun. and we took him and a friend of his to the pumpkin patch and had a good time, so things felt a little less tense.

What if he ends up hating us (well, me, I doubt he'd ever feel that way about DH) and our child because his half sibling gets to live with both of his/her parents? He is the type of child to easily blame others and take out his frustrations physically (I have to remind him that hitting the dog is NOT okay almost every weekend he's here). What if he ends up abusing his half sibling? Resenting him/her? He has also expressed how much he wouldn't like a sister. For whatever reason he only likes the thought of having a brother.

I do empathize with his potential position of being the child who doesn't get the benefit of having two parents in one household. It's not ideal in anyone's book. I do feel sorry for him often because he has no choice in these matters, and he has a psychotic, manipulative child for a mother.

Does anyone have any thoughts they'd like to share on the subject of having children in this situation? Advice? I just worry that it may contribute negatively to what I'm already foreseeing with SS9 - that we will have a beast of a tween/teen on our hands, and he may endanger my child if his resentment grows out of control.


RogueRanger's picture

FDH and I are expecting our baby boy in a couple weeks and I have worried about ALL of these exact same things regarding SS7. Situation sounds so similar down to the psychotic manipulative child for a BM lol. I've come to the point of realizing I can only worry about my son and our family here. SS's BM does everything she can to stick FDH with as little time with his son as possible, and I'm sure this will cause SS to resent his new brother- especially because he'll go from being an only child to only being able to see his dad once in a while compared to the baby who will be here all the time. I've decided I won't get myself worked up over bad choices on BM's part (or FDH's part) because I can't control them and that I simply will not tolerate bad behavior from SS acting out when he's here. I could waste time getting angry about it, but I already see that that is wasted energy that could be spent positively on the baby. And by the way, SS's baby resenting has already started- we bought him some Hot Wheels the other days and out of nowhere he starts saying, "These aren't for "new baby*. I'll never share anything with him!" and so on. I'm guessing BM has already started trying to brainwash him against the baby.

SteppingUp's picture

I think these are common fears for all stepparents who plan to have children with their SO in the future. Let me tell you my experience so far:

My BS is only 7 months and my skids are a lot younger than yours, though. But even so, I'll have to say that so far, most of the stress has been on DH more than anyone. Our biggest issue to face at this exact moment is that when the skids come over, I automatically take over all the care for BS. I feel guilty "making" DH do anything with him or take care of him becase I feel he should get to spend quality time with the skids. But this has led to some resentment because DH is looking at the situation like "SteppingUp isn't spending any time with the skids, she only pays attention to BS". Whereas I'm resenting him for essentially not letting me spend quality time with the skids. For example, we took the skids swimming and I was looking forward to playing with them in the pool and having some bonding time with them. We tried all playing together but BS got tired and needed a nap, so I went and sat in the shade with him while he napped with me. I watched DH and the skids swim and play. He never once asked me if I'd like to join and he'd take over baby afterwards I was kinda mad and disappointed, and he was complaining about being exhausted! Arg!

As for the skids, SS4 just doesn't really do much with the baby yet. Maybe as he gets older some more jealousy will sprout out, but really I haven't seen much. His life hasn't changed really (but like I said, maybe that's because DH gives him so much attention when he's here). I think alot more of the stress and speculation of "how are things going to be?" is more of a stress on DH than anyone. He worries about it all too, and alot of the questions you posed he brings up a lot. I could go on and on but I just wanted to share a tidbit of what life is like in teh beginning months of this situation!

I know this sounds like crappy advice, but you just have to cross that road when you get there. If you are sensitive to these questions and you're not even pregnant/TTC yet, I think you're off to a great start. You will think of ways to phrase things to SS so taht he won't feel left out or abandoned or anything. And maybe he'll be more mature by that time, too. I think it's important to maintain or begin a "tradition" with SS now that continues, even if it's just an hour of catch or something alone with Dad -- and make a point to continue doing that after a baby is born. Everyone wants to feel important and loved.

Madam Hedgehog's picture

Yep. Yep. Yep.

I worry about this all the time. DH and I actually held off on getting pregnant last year because SS2 was so nuts at the time. He attacked his brother, his father, and myself as well on a daily basis. That said, he has calmed down a TON. Now, he only hits when his brother is teasing him (pushing, grabbing his face, stealing his toys, etc.) which still gets a time out, but which is much more understandable.

SS5 is also a concern now that he's become so interested in bothering his brother and getting him in trouble. (as I was writing this, I caught him in the process of getting his brother in trouble again)

DH thinks we can handle it by being extremely strict in the discipline arena. I have no doubt whatsoever that BM will try to turn both of them against any half-sibling that enters the scene.

How is your DH when it comes to discipline? I think if he is pretty strict and if he makes sure SS respects your feelings and wishes, then it's worth a try. If not, I think the whole situation might spell disaster.

DTK's picture

Your step kids sound exactly like my middle and youngest brothers when they were growing up!! lol. (I am the eldest of 4, the only girl too). I think that's actually very common though. And man did the older brother TORMENT my youngest bro, he was terrible! We're all very well-adjusted adults now though, of course, and we actually joke and laugh about how much they used to scream, taunt, and generally be PITA's to each other. We're all good friends and the middle brother started his own successful business at age 23 and youngest is an accomplished cellist and composer, going into grad school next year.

Anyway, about DH and discipline, no he is not very strict when it comes to his son. I am actually appalled at what he lets SS9 get away with at times. I think he has gotten better though, and he is especially sensitive to how SS9 treats me and is firm that he respect me. SS9 seems to resent the more stringent rules now that I've come on the scene, but I really think it's necessary considering his BM doesn't EVER discipline him.

Ugh, now I'm even more worried. LOL. But at least I have a subject to eventually bring up with DH.

the_stepmonster's picture

I am currently expecting my first child and I have the same concerns. SD9 and SD11 and very clingy with DH and are very jealous. We still haven't told them we are expecting but I am going to start showing very soon (I'm 3 months along) and I am worried how they will take the news.

iwishyouwould's picture

When I know that a major life decision that my husband and I have made or are going to make is going to upset my stepson (moving, anticipated trip gets canceled, new school, etc...), we take the stance that he is the child, we are the adults and we make the decisions based on what we think is best for us and our family, not how ss (or bm, or the inlaws, or anyone else) will react. We do the best we can to soothe the transition but keep moving forward. When we moved, we talked about it with ss, we bought and read books about moving, we let him pack his stuffed animals and clothes. Preparation can make a big difference for kids with any major life change. I'm sure that when you and your husband decide to bring more kids into your family that you will do a wonderful job preparing your ss to be a big brother and he will adjust with time.

Stpmum11's picture

I've had similar concerns with ss5. I had my bd last year. When dh and I told him we were expecting he immediately regressed to a 2 year old. Bm didn't make it any easier, due to her jealousy and hatred. She would tell ss5 that his dad would "forget" about him and even had the nerve to say to dh that their son woulnt be "new" anymore! He's 5 for crying out loud! Once my daughter was born, something happened that I never expected. My ss5 absolutely ADORES his little sister! Everywhere we go he brags about how cute she is etc...from time to time I see some jealousy which is natural. My suggestion to you is to just think positive and wait until the you have the baby. You never know how he'll deal with it. Just always put your bio kid best interest first no matter what!