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My plans are always pushed aside! Or “forgotten” prt 2

foxymama87's picture

Well DH and I had a long talk about our Slumber party for SD9 issue and this is what went down...

(read first blog to catch up.) DH told me I quote "he's not going to argue with the ex-wife about whose going to have SD9 on her Birthday weekend." According to him "we've had SD9 on her birthday for 4 years in a row so It wouldn't be right for him to tell bitch face not to have her."

NOTE: Bitch face didn't want SD9 for her birthday in the last 4 years or any day for that matter. She would have cared less so WHY freaking NOW?!! I say, screw the bitch!! If she didn't want SD9 in the last for years for her B-day than that's her own damn fault for being a selfish bitch. I still don't see why I have to push MY plans aside! I think its all a bunch of BS!!!

Then DH went on about "how he is trying to do his part in following the court orders when it comes to sharing SD9"... Which made we want to laugh my ass off because he and Xwife go by their own damn rules when it comes to SD9 since the divorce!! On paper, We have full custody, Bitch face is suppose to pay DH child support, have SD9 every other Wed and weekend and have SD9 every other year when it comes to holidays. But NO! She pays NO CS, Picks up SD9 whenever is convenient for her even on holidays and never buys that poor child any good clothes/shoes when needed. WE pretty much DO everything for that Child! I pretty much do More for that child then her own mother! sometimes even her own damn father! So why should I sit back and be okay with the fact that DH thinks nothing about our plans for SD9's b-day (which I panned for months and for warned about!), and that its okay for her damn mother to have her just because?

Screw that! Then he had the nerve! to tell me "when did this become a pissing contest or any contest between BM and I?" And I straight up told him their is no contest! Because at the end the bitch Xwife will Always win! She is after all SD9'd mother!! What chance do I have! NONE so no! there is NO damn contest!

So with that said. I will still have the stupid slumber party for SD9 on a different date. Only because she deserves it since she's been good and it would be very awful of me to take something like that away knowing how excited she is about it. After all its not her fault her mom is a bitch and her dad is a prick. With that said. This will be the first event I do for SD9 and the damn last!!! No more trying to be the sweet, generous step mom when I'm just going to be pushed aside. They can kiss it! NO MORE I SAY!! NO MORE!!!


Kes's picture

As you rightly point out - this is your husband's fault, and BM's not SD's - it sounds like you have been an excellent mum to her, try not to let this incident sour that. I have never got on with my SDs because of the poison that is their BM, and it has ruined my life for the last 9 years. I would love to have had the relationship with my SD's that you have with yours, but there was never going to be any chance of that.

I think your husband could do with a bit of coaching in how to stand up to the BM. I spent the last 8 years doing this, and he is MUCH better at standing up to her now. When she locked SD16 out of the house recently, he threatened (and would have) stopped her maintenance unless she moderated her behaviour. I use this extreme example because it shows how much he has changed - when I met him he was getting used as a total door mat by her all the time. It is not as if DH HAS to stay in with BM because she will cut off his visitation, because you have custody, it seems. So what is his problem?

CrazyCubanStepMOM's picture

WOW. Foxy I read your blog and it reminded me so much of my situation. I am a CSP too in FL. THey also gave the BM Wed. and every other weekend. She has never picked them up on a Wednesday. I think you are doing the right thing. I dont understand why these men cannot stand up to their ex wives sometimes. Do you think she will actually take her to Disney or do you think that this is all just to mess with your plans. Beware my skids BM has tried this before. At least you are getting along with your SD that is a good thing. Mine is wonderful although she has her days. I dont have bday parties for the skids anymore. i used to and i would invite her whole BM's whole family. I do not do that anymore. Good luck and remember it is not SD's fault that her parents suck.

foxymama87's picture

I though about that to!, how the bitch just said she was going to take SD9 to Dinsey just to mess with my plans. I even mention it to DH last night and he said that "I give her too much credit".

Women are hateful, I know She WOULD do something like that to be a bitch. I just don't understand why HE doesn't see it?

Honestly I think DH said what he said because of "being the man in the middle". though still!, He needs to realize that I have been in SD9's life alot more than the biological Mom and that I come first when it comes to things like this. I have taken on his child when I didn't have to. If BM really cared about her lil one than she would of been there the last 4 birthdays. So Why me? Why again I get pushed aside like I'm chop liver like I'M the bad guy? :?

Its just sooooo unfair! Sad

newmom01's picture

First of all you are right, but whats the big deal? Did you spend tons of money for this slumber party? if not let it go... I understand you being angry but we are sm's a slumber party is nothing to fuss with dh about for this long.

Save if for when bm tries to come into your house, or make moves on your dh, or flat out tell the kid to disrespect you and not listen to you. Then raise high hell! She is only 9 !!! There is bigger stuff that is gonna come along later.

There is a saying "You may have won the battle but not the war"

You WIN THE WAR when the time comes, and a slumber party is not it!

BUT I TOTALLY Agree with you....dont forget that!!! But we (sm's) have to put up with so much crap...Save your energy on this one

foxymama87's picture

I spent 200 bucks, on cake, decor, things to do with the girls/activities..(movies, candy/goodies/coloring kits, nail polish kits, hair accessories, sleeping bag for SD9, PJ's,...

But you are right. I'll save my energy when the situation calls for it and this one is not all that big of a deal. It angers me but Like all the other shit I've dealt with, I'll get over it....

CrazyCubanStepMOM's picture

I totally agree with you. Its so not fair. It will never be fair and this is what it is going to be. Its hard and it hurts. For some reason the BM's always come first and the DH's never want to be in the middle. They want us to raise their kids and treat them as our own but the minute that BM pokes her head in she has the right because she gave birth to the kid. I think that being a step parent is a difficult job. Yet we bring it on ourselves because we choose to be with these people that have children. I love my DH and I am sure you love yours. I just never counted on having to deal with BM. I didnt realize that, that bitch was going to be a part of MY life. As long as your DH does not stand up to her, then this is the kind of shit you are going to have to deal with. I give mine hell for this stupid shit. I think he gets so tired of hearing my shit that he doesnt give in to her that easily. Although he still does. I get the "oh I forgot" bullshit all the time. I think they conveniently forget. Then it isn't a choice they made, it wasn't their fault. I think you need to make him a part of the process. Get him involved with the party and next time tell him about it. Email him about it. And make sure he does some of the work too. If HE is involved then its harder to forget what is going on. Good luck.

reluctantgma's picture

You had a lot invested in this slumber party, so I can understand why it makes you furious. However, the underlying issue that I see is Dad and BM have a custody agreement in place for SD which they both ignore as if it doesn't even exist. That would make me furious.

One of the deciding factors in ending my relationship was that even if there was a visitation agreement on paper and in place for Baby Huey, Bozo and BM had amply demonstrated through an existing informal verbal agreement that they would be conveniently disregarding ANY agreement on a regular basis. I can't function or plan effectively in that kind of chaos and limbo. For me, it boiled down to two adults making me an unwilling player in their nonsense control games. No can do.

I don't know what the answer is for you, foxymama, but both you and SD deserve to have a visitation schedule in place that you can count on and plan around. If SD's Mom and Dad can't sit down with each other like responsible adults and get it together on this critical issue, then you have every right to invoke your own self-protective consequences for non-compliance. Don't let "Dad" convince you otherwise. That's crazy making.