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I can forgive but I will never forget......

foxymama87's picture

Okay so for the past two days I’ve been taking SD9 to school because dear fiancé had to be in at work very early. Well this morning as we were both getting ready he asks me if I’m going to take her today. And I said no because he can since he doesn’t have to go to work so early and because he didn’t inform me about it sooner. Well then he tells me that he shouldn’t have to ask me to take her that it should be an initiative and I should want to take her to school… really?! it’s too early for this shit! I don’t know if he was joking or not, it wouldn’t be the first time but I just wasn’t in the mood. I’m not really a morning person and the fact that I slept crappy last night didn’t help the matter. I didn’t respond, I brushed it off and finished getting ready. He ended up taking her this morning….

Well his comment still bugged me just a bit. “It should be an initiative for me, I should want to take SD9 to school and blah, blah” SERIOUSLY!! Because everything else I do for the lil brat is not enough?! Taking her to church, shopping, movies, events, helping her with projects/H.W…making her lunch, yeah the list continues.

If I remember correctly they both made it loud and clear that I shouldn’t make her MY priority or initiative when they both failed to wish ME a happy mother’s day this year. In fact I didn’t even get a card...NOTHING!!! Yes I forgive them but I will NEVER forget. I’m the type that will hold a grudge regardless. I know it’s not healthy but that’s just the way I am. And that day they really hurt my feelings. I expected it from SD9 but not from HIM. HE should have known better. So sorry if I don’t feel like dealing with SD9 at times, Sorry if I don’t feeling like packing her lunch or take her to school unless DF asks me to because honestly why should I in the end it’s not My responsibility, Not MY problem, It shouldn’t be MY concern or INITIATIVE!!! Last time I checked I had no kids? I’m no mother, so Why pretend??

Does this make me a bad person? Holding this silly Mothers day grudge on them both? :?
We’ve been together for 7 years! I’ve practically help him raise SD9, since she was 3yrs old to be exact! I don’t know about you but their lack of taking action or appreciation hit me hard and I just don’t think I can ever really forget… Sad


CalgonTakeMeAway's picture

^^^^Totally agree with Maux. If we forgot everything, we'd repeat the same stupid stuff over and over!

CalgonTakeMeAway's picture

It doesn't make you a bad person, but holding on to it will make YOU miserable. I know it's hard to forgive, but forgiving is for us, not the people we forgive. Usually they don't even know how upset we are. I had to buy a book about forgiving because of a work situation I was in a few years ago.

You can forgive and move on and still detach a little. This is HIS kid...where is HIS initiative? If he's usually unable to take her because of work, he should JUMP at the opportunity when he's able.

You need to set some boundaries. Stop doing all the things you usually do for a few days so he can see how much you do. He probably has NO idea. He'll get the picture when HE has to pick up the slack. But no, you are NOT a bad person!

allaboutperspective's picture

Couldnt agree more. Unfortunately, some men can push things to the point of having us snap or cry because telling them nicely the first one hundred times only equates to us being nags. I am of the opinion that most men are visual learners; so if they dont see you do something they are used to being done, thats when it'll sink in.

Jsmom's picture

I remember everything that was done to me. I can't dwell on it, but I certainly won't let it happen to me again.

These dads want it both ways, they want us to do for their kids naturally, but when we try to parent naturally we are admonished for it.

DaizyDuke's picture

“The stupid neither forgive nor forget; the naive forgive and forget; the wise forgive but do not forget.”
~Thomas S. Szasz

I'm with you and Jsmom, I remember everything that was done to me and while I can move on, I certainly won't be dumb enough to forget and open myself up it again.

Still Have Hope's picture

He is her father. If anyone should want to take her to school, it should be her parent.

helena_brass's picture

I think holding a grudge over no Mother's Day gift is silly. It sounds like there's more serious things that you could be upset about here.

I think that him expecting you to take care of his daughter when he is available is stupid. He's the parent. His daughter is his responsibility.

foxymama87's picture

Its not about a mothers day gift I'm holding a grudge over. Is the fact that they didn't knowledge or show appreciation for all that I do for him and SD9. The one day out of the year that they can do that they didn't. That is my problem... and not just that day but in general... Yeah I get a little "thanks hun" here and there but actions speak louder then words... What does he know after all he is a MAN. however he is A man with a mother who he buys flowers, sends cards, complements, and tells me how great of a mother she is, he also has a why not do the same for me? I to deserve a complement, a thank you card, maybe a nice dinner... I would do it for him....

helena_brass's picture

Like I said, this sounds like there's a bigger problem than just Mother's Day acknowledgment. If you don't feel appreciated for all you do after nearly 7 years, then one Mother's Day acknowledgment probably isn't going to alleviate that. Appreciation and respect are things we show our loved ones regularly, not just on designated holidays. Do you deserve a compliment or a card? Maybe, but I think I'd be way more concerned about day to day appreciation.

Rather than holding a grudge and holding it all in, you should probably talk about this.

allaboutperspective's picture

Do you communicate with DF about how you are feeling unappreciated? I mean effectively communicate? Holding a grudge does not help, but hurt you. Grudges also allow for you to keep a talley of what you do versus what he does/doesnt do for his child, and blocks effective communication. Have you tried sitting down and talking to him, feelings aside, and just let him know how his actions affect you and what you both expect from each other? This is definitely something to discuss before walking down the aisle, because it will not be any easier once married and the problem not nipped in the bud. I wish you the best!

DoingItAgain's picture

Nope - doesn't make you a bad person. It makes you human. You were hurt by the behavior. It shows their immaturity and ungratefullness. But dad is a man. And men can be stupid and insensitive about recognizing you as a 'Mother-figure' and celebrating all that you do on the one day that he SHOULD recognize you. It stinks, I know. SD9 is young and at this age, I think would need to be reminded (and helped) to recognize you (or even her BM) on Mother's Day. Try not to take that one too personal. This is where dad failed. He needs to teach her how to show appreciation.

That all said, your fiance is a bonehead for expecting you to just continue what you are doing even when he is available. But I can tell you mine would probably do the same thing. As soon as you are doing something, they expect you to keep doing it. I guess you need to have a conversation with hubby about your expectations. That you don't mind doing things sometimes when he CAN'T but when he can, he needs to be the primary care giver.

To give you an example of a stupid, insensitive man... my own BS was 6 months old on my first Mothers Day, EH didn't do CRAP, not even a happy mothers day wish because he said "he's only 6 months old, you didn't DO anything yet." Whaaaat? I did everything for my son... I carried him for 9 months, I breastfed and he NEVER had to get up in the middle of the night, changed approx 1 diaper, never bathed him, never did squat (until he was around 2 or 3 yrs old) and I didn't do anything. a$$hole.

beyond pissed-off's picture

You said that he ASKED you if you were going to take her to school. That shows that he knew there was a damned good reason why you would not be doing it and that he should get his lazy ass in the car. Basic passive-aggressive crap. My FH does the same thing. Grrrr!