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GGGRRRRR. Am I wrong?

Willow2010's picture

I am so flipping mad right now! Quick background…DH and I have been together 10ish years…did not marry until 3ish years ago. (Did not want involved in the step crap). As soon as I thought the coast was clear, we married and lo and behold…SS moved in with us about 6 months later. He has lived with us for the last two years and went in military a few months ago.

DH and I rarely fight. And he got to a point where he had good boundries with BM.

Well DH went to the military graduation last weekend. He only stayed one day, because BM was going to stay the whole weekend and take SS site seeing and crap. Well, apparently, SS had a “sad look” in his eyes when DH told him he was not staying to hang out for the weekend. So now DH is pissed at me that he did not stay. I told him that I am sorry SS was sad for a minute, but it would have been inappropriate for him to stay the weekend and go with BM and SS site seeing. ( Malls, beaches ect). One of the consequences of divorce are that you do not hang like a family anymore.

He told me I was wrong and that he will not miss his sons big events for me anymore, even if he has to spend a week hanging out with his ex. WTF?? Are you kidding me? This is the son that you basically ignored for the last two years and now you have to spend days with him? And I am ok with him spending days with SS, just not when BM is there. I understand him going, but think they should spend time with the boy separately.

Do I think he will sleep with her? NO. But it still grinds my gears that he thinks it is ok now to spend days with the woman that has been such a bitch to him for the 10 years!! Grrr. How do I make him understand this is wrong? Or do you even think he is wrong? Or am I wrong? All he keeps saying is that SS is his child and he will always be there for him.


Auteur's picture

Welcome to "the-BM-totally-stomped-on-me-but-it's-OK-I-forgive-her--she's-not-that-bad" world.

We'll make a convert out of you YET, Willow!! Something about "walking a mile in a woman's mocassins" seems to do it everytime!

giveitago's picture

Ohhh yessssssss...and not forgetting the 'it might upset the kids' deal too! I use 'well they are of age now and we really do not need to interfere with their relationship with their mother.' Ohhh dear, I am NOT the most diplomatic person on the planet and I prefer to tell it like it is but I am surrounded by folks in denial and who have their heads so far up their asses their farts are even minty fresh!!

WeddedBliss.sofar's picture

I'm curious....were you invited to go? My DH would have wanted me to go with him, and if I couldn't have he would have gone, but not stayed - that's for sure. No arguments about that one. Another thing.....if your DH really wanted to spend some time with his son, he should have voiced this BEFORE and not AFTER. Our BM has been so nasty to me for the past three years, that, although, DH and the BM had a decent relationship before I came into the picture, her actions and words towards me have made him hate her. And out of respect for me, he would never choose to spend time with her (even for the skid's sake) because of this. Also, my DH realizes that I deserve to be by his side for all the skids' big moments, as I have been the responsible, consistent, and more mature parent as opposed to the BM.

giveitago's picture

Knowing that I'd be upset DH went ahead and provoked an argument, whereby he left on his own, and I fell for it...NOT happening again!! It was to do with BM, she'd called for some bullshit reason and goaded him because I was always along. Stupid male pride I guess, he fell for her goading, went alone, transferred his bad feelings onto me and I LET IT HAPPEN!! Idiot me!! I know the signs to watch for now and I take deep breaths, smile, and point blank refuse to be goaded into a quarrel. It's really the only thing we ever used to fight about! BM is psychotic, she used the kids as pawns and I called her bluff but DH did not. He aought to...but I know I cannot make anyone do anything against their will. Kids are of age now so life will be easier, no reason for BM to even call us...DH is at the point where he ignores her calls now but that's passive...I am more direct...I guess with a psycho you have to 'tread lightly' on occasions but she's not stupid, just deranged if things do not go her way.
Already BM has moved on to victim #5 and will likely clean him out of money etc. same as the other four. I kind of feel like warning the poor bastard, but, I'll mind my own business.

Willow2010's picture

Auteur…I have walked that mile plenty of times.
Mazzy…DH said he would have no problem with me spending the weekend with my EX for my kids. (he would say that because my ex is out of the picture. Lol)
Rip and Wedded… ugh…yes I was invited and he did really want me there. He even offered to drive us there, because I DO NOT FLY. But I could not take off of work that long.
Giveitago…it is really weird that DH and I have had MORE issues and fights about BM, since SS moved out than we did when he was here.
Helpme…I did not help raise SS AT ALL. I had my own kids to raise. Yea, not sure I would be able to stay if he did that.

giveitago's picture

My kids were grown when I married DH, they are decent people too. I used to get so many compliments about them. I saw buck assed wild kids here and I had to speak up! Silly me?
I disengaged with the two younger ones, NO ONE liked the reality of the situations that I pointed out or expressed disaproval of of...they wanted to continue to manipulate daddy, since I saw through them they quit trying with me. DH really did get pretty sick, pretty quick, after I disengaged and he had to deal with it all on his own. He woke up and began instituting 'new rules now they are older' LOL I thought that was pretty smooth, since he never had to own being wrong? Actually a counsellor asked him some very pointed questions too, made him consider a few things! Court ordered counselling because SD is in secure juvenile facility right now. Counsellor actually made me reallize disengaging would be a good thing for me to do. It liberated me to do stuff I wanted to do too! Bonus!!
BM is very manipulative, alienates the kids no end and DH just sucked it up?
I refuse to suck it up, I put her in her place so she does not try to manipulate me any more now iether. I called her bluff when she threatened me too! DH had split pea sized balls, then they got to walnuts, now they are fully grown and no longer reside in BM's purse. Ohh it's been a long haul but I love them all very much and now I hear BM has moved onto victim #5 She just cleaned out victim #4 recently, and will fleece him the same way she did the others. Maybe she will encounter a crazy BM too? Aint bad Karma a BITCH!!

SteppingUp's picture

Definitely inappropriate to hang out with your ex for a week under ANY circumstances. Next time, he wants to do that, then you go with him. You're a package deal now. Smile

stepmomblues's picture

I would think this was a joke, but I know what it is like as a stepmom and it is sadly not a joke. The common denominator in all these stories, I believe, is that the DHs put the children ahead of their new spouse. And it apparently doesn't matter what age the kid is, as in your story. He is a military graduate and still demanding that mommy and daddy spend playtime with him. Please!!! This is manipulation pure and simple. YOU ARE RIGHT! All the DH had to do is tell the son to come visit you guys and you all will have dinner out and celebrate.

God Bless You!

Willow2010's picture

I almost thought it was a joke also. I NEVER would have thought my DH would have said some of that crap.

giveitago's picture

Wait until the 'guilt' sets in with DH, you'll know it when it hits him. He's really not thinking at the moment and I discovered that it does take a day or so for things to come back to my DH's mind. I wait! I do not let it slide but I do not pick fights iether. I accept his appology and amends. I know none of us are perfect and the situation could crop up again and if it ever does I will tell him it's probably cheaper to tell her to #u@K off because my 'amends' could get expensive! He does consider my feelings on the issue, we both know that neither of us can change who she is or what she does but I tell him that he can change the way he responds to her. Currently he ignores her calls.

TryingSoHard's picture

For years after my boyfriend divorced BM, he would HANG OUT AT BM's HOUSE (read: his former home) during visitation with his kids. They would watch TV, do homework, etc. She lives in another town and it was easier than taking them to eat or to the park. BM loved this because it made her feel like they were still married! How nice for her!

I let him know I wasn't ok with this, so he stopped. Now he realizes how F#*!d up it was.

Boundaries. Boundaries. Boundaries.

We have a few rules in our relationship. One of them is that we do not share meals alone with members of the opposite sex (exes included). This would seem like a no brainer, but think of the message he sent the kids when they would have dinner "as a family." Gag me with a fork.

He was, for many years, truly brainwashed. That doesn't undo itself the minute the divorce is final. It takes some undoing. To this day I get frustrated when he inadvertently crosses a boundary. But it happens less and less all the time.

Doubletakex3's picture

The way we've handled it with my skids is that we all go to a celebratory meal together (e.g. after the graduation). We can manage to get through a meal without any sniping. And then the parents split up the remaining time to do things with the skid separately (e.g. one goes shopping on Saturday and the other takes the kid to do something else on Sunday). All were happy. I was always at my skids major events because I had been in their lives for so long and wanted to at least be a part of the "good" that comes from the toil. The event is about the kids and we tried to make it as memorable as possible with the least amount of drama as possible. And, trust me, spending extended periods of time with the ex would not have resulted in pleasurable memories for anyone.

Oi Vey's picture

I'm sorry Willow.
I have a bit of a different perspective. My XH is nuts, and arrogant, and a total POS. He was violent, he threatened to kill my DH, he abandoned our children for several years, and he tried to get me arrested. :?
Just a small snippet of history. Not all roses and balloons over here.
It's been a few years and things have calmed down somewhat.
Now we have been able to do things "together." He and my family can attend the same events and there's no drama. It's uncomfortable, sure, but it isn't the end of the world. My DH has been very accepting and sees that the situation is good for the kids.
It's been a long haul. I'm grateful that my DH is a forgiving, kind man.
That's just my experience. Smile

Kes's picture

Unlike TryingSoHard, my DH does have meals alone with women friends, of which he has quite a few, mainly ex colleagues. He is totally trustworthy on this and I would never think he would make a move on them. However, a year ago he did end up going on SD14's birthday outing with BM - she turned up at the railway station at the last minute and he didn't like to make a scene and tell her she was not welcome. When I found out I was FURIOUS, and I would not think it OK that your DH hangs out with his ex for several days under any circumstances. Spending time with BM's is a total no no.

TryingSoHard's picture

Thank you for saying, "Spending time with BMs is a total no no." I will use that.