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Can you say over stepping your bounds???

purpledaisies's picture

We have been looking for a new car b/c we only had the expedition. WE really needed another car that first got good gas mileage and 2 we decided to get a sports car as dd is out of the house and ds is about to be in a year. Then when the expedition is paid down enough we will trade it in for a truck for dh b/c that is what he wants.

Well the thing is I have been wanting a mustang for YEARS and EVERYONE knows that. I found my dream car yesterday and I could afford it! YAY A 2004 yellow 40th anniversary with a scoop on the hood and a spoiler! SO EXCITED!!! I'm in LOVE!

SO dh I blogged about dh only getting 1 kid this weekend and the crap that went with that. Well on fri and sat nights dh takes me to work. While we were on our way there (in MY CAR) ss15 calls and wants to come this weekend so dh says ok I'll be there soon. No biggy to me since he was already in town.

So dh gets there (in my car) and ss15 about craps his pants and wants to drive dh tells him no it is purples car. ss15 didn't say anything he was just ok but of COURSE bm HAS to say 'but he is a very good driver no reason he can't'. dh again tells her it is purples car and no..Then bm HAS to say 'what she just buys a car without asking you'. WHAT? REALLY is that HER business??

First NOT bm's place to try to get her son to drive someone elses car anyway then she just couldn't keep her mouth shut about me yet again! That really pissed my off If I had been there I would told her to shut up!!! but did dh NO he just said "no but it is her car and I'm not going to let others drive her car with out her permission". Ok so he probably did the right thing but still I want to punch her in the face right now.

Oh and of course the only reason he was in my car to pick him up is b/c he was driving me to work and it was a chance thing as he decided he wouldn't take it to pick them up.

Ok vent over!


purpledaisies's picture

I know I don't care what she thinks but it more of her thinking she had the RIGHT to say what she did and ask what she did just to get in our business. That's what really pissed me off. No concept of boundaries ya know.

I would NEVER think of asking anyone to let my 15 years old son who let his permit expire to drive someone elses car especially a car like that and one that know was just bought! So sick of entitled people!!!!

reluctantgma's picture

Baby Huey's BM used to bring up really inappropriate things to me. Prying about Bozo's finances, yet we had had f/t care & keeping of BH w/no child support from her. Given her way, she would have kept herself inserted in our lives long beyond BH growing up. She did it with the husband before Bozo. A literal "elephant in the (wrong) living room." Creepy. People are bizarre with their lack of boundary ways.

CONGRATS on the new car, purple! Smile

purpledaisies's picture

Thanks I love my car. you are right it is very uncomfortable when people have lack class and boundaries. Congrats on getting rid of bozo. Smile

SASX's picture

At least she's not letting herself into your house and interupting nookie time...

Might want to have your DH ask the insurance company what they would charge to insure your SS on that car... send her the bill. Tell her when she pays it in full you will let him drive once around the block. Until she is willing to back up whats shes saying she needs to stfu and mhob!