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looks like the skids win and MIL

rozylady2's picture

last night everything came to to explosion and h wants a divorce.
his mom told him i am jealous and i stop the kids from loving him. never mind the fact he tells her he rather be alone and depressed and give the kids what they want.

She and i are done. the kids will get what they want
me in depression and all alone.
im done with being the middle man,
tired of cleaning my own house
tired of everyone want more and more and more
she has changed in to something i dont need
she does nothing but sit on computer and not watch the boys

8 hours ago
you should not have to clean your house, cloths, or cook, esp. when she isn't working besides thats what a REAL wife does, takes care of HUSBAND kids and house( my house isnt perfect and i wash his damned clothes plus mine and my boys which makes about four loads twice a week)

8 hours ago

she will accept nothing but her OWN OPINION!
im tired of how she doesnt get along with YOU or my kids

8 hours ago
thats true

8 hours ago

oh well, i told her im filing for dirvoce
im done
i rather be DPRESSED and alone
no expectations
it what joey and sariah want me alone
so they will get it

8 hours ago
no, they just don't want her the way she is
you are right she has changed

8 hours ago

well she is just like Pycho ex , and i dont need that any more( which he is still talking to her chatting it up deleted history so i cant see and now she wants to meet)

8 hours ago
you deserve so much better and she should be on her knees for taking her in esp. with her boys the wat they are. NO OTHER MAN WOULD( i had my own house, my own car, and was doing fine when i met him)

8 hours ago

i dint get in this relation ship to deal with her kids
and that is all she want

8 hours ago
from day one she dumped them on you and the kids, everyone saw that, but you made that decision and we stayed out of it
i will not let her treat my kids badly anymore and she knows that!!!!!

8 hours ago

wel what ever, i just divorce her, and crawl in to my corner, go to work pay bills, and let the kids do what ever
then i just worry about work, and nothing else

8 hours ago
no life will get better and those kids will be there to love and take care of you. they tell me all the time how much they love you and will do anything for you, but she stops them, because shes jelous of their love for you and not her

8 hours ago

well what ever I'm done, bye

8 hours ago
don;t do anything stupid i'll always be here for you
i love you unconditionally


reluctantgma's picture

No rozylady2, YOU win. Being free from the disloyalty and insults from those two is worth it's weight in gold. Enjoy your life without it and them!

rozylady2's picture

i dont have money nor a place to go. i got work this week and stuck. my boys and i need to have dental done now i dont know whats going to happen and certainly cant afford to pay it.

rozylady2's picture

i got a job that starts this week but now im stuck without anyone to watch my boys( that what she means by dumping) and the dental has to be paid up front.

stepintexas's picture

I haven't been on here in awhile, using a different user name now, but I read your post and thought I had to respond. I didn't read your bio so I don't know the ins and outs of your marriage, but let this relationship go. He is an ass with a defeatist attitude and that will generally get NO better years from now. He shares way too much info with MIL, who is not on the side of the marriage surviving, he is feeding MIL amunition to continue to break you up. Then, she feeds his defeatest attitude. Look at it as a rediscovering who you are and what your boundaries are. Do not take the blame that is being put on your shoulders for what looks to be a dysfunctional family that you became a part of. You are better than that!!!!!!

stepintexas's picture

Rozylady, do EVERYTHING you can to get out of this situation yourself! Has DH ever been abusive? If so, take you and your boys to the women's shelter in your area. They will take you in and help you with childcare and help you meet your needs. If not, go to any and every social/church organization, people will help you more than you think. Do not let your DH's defeatest attitude keep you from thinking you can do for yourself. It is hard to start from nothing, I have been there, but it is soo worth it when you see the progress you make without a jerk off like that. Confidence, woman, confidence!!!!!

stepintexas's picture

That is horriblly disrespectful from your DH, if you have no money, the places I mentioned will help with legal aid.

stepintexas's picture

By the way, I'm in Texas also!!! Where are you at???

What has happened to men to become this wishy washy? You know, we are in Texas for Gawds sake !! Where are the men of older generations from here to teach the men today to live for God and Wife first and all others after! The pussification of American men!

stepintexas's picture

West Texas here. I wish I was near you, we could get together!!!!! I really would start planning if I were you, are you in a city or rural area?

rozylady2's picture

the teens watch the boys occasionally when H and i go out or something like that. at home my youngest always to be there with them (little brothers). the teens take it upon themselves to do things and act as a parent to my kids. So MIL thinks im dumping my kids on them.

stepintexas's picture

While I do agree with all this, I still think she neds to make plans for herself and her boys, or they might be made for her. Yes I agree for her not to rock the boat with either DH or MIL, but plan, plan, plan! If he is intent on ending the marriage, he might do it sooner than later, and where will she be? My ex, as chickenshit as it was, planned on leaving me, and did not tell me. The result: I was completely off guard, left for a girl scout team meeting- he packed everything we owned, our kids, all of our money and skipped the state. I was left with nothing when I got home, no kids, no money, no idea where he went.

rozylady2's picture

I`m not telling him i saw this. if he going to throw divorce around i need all the proof i can get.last night he flipped out because the house wasnt clean enough when i tried to tell him he was yelling he got worse and i ended up screaming to get him to back off ended up taking a whole zoloft and slept on the couch.i now know where his son gets it from.

stepintexas's picture

Oh, I wouldn't tell him either. Big mistake if you do. The house wasn't clean- that shouldn't be a biggie- screw that! Days go by and the important stuff will get done, does he help? I know the type, he expects you to take care of HIS kids, clean his house, and put dinner on the table, right? That is PART of the Texas manly attitude I am talking about, but honestly a real MAN also PROTECTS his marriage and MAKES it important above all else. Is he a MOMMAS boy, too? Man, what a dick! Do not DRUG YOURSELF UP- you can deal with this with a much clearer head!!!!! Strength!!! You have it without that Zoloft. Clear concise PLANS, you have your kids depending on YOU!

rozylady2's picture

father on my kids is a deadbeat and hasnt paid child support. i not sure where he even located anymore. he has ignored his kids since we got divorced in 03

rozylady2's picture

yes i have he already been to jail once because of it. he told me he rather sit in jail on our tax dollars.

Anon2009's picture

Hi Rozy,

I'm sorry it had to come to this, but I think it's best for everyone involved.

Have you considered applying for assistance? There are programs out there that can help you. Call your legislators' offices and ask them for assistance. I know this must be an incredibly difficult decision to make, but if you don't get out now, it will only be more tough to do so in the future.


rozylady2's picture

he changed his password on yahoo. he been chatting with this woman he compared me to in above blog. he extremely defensive about this. says there nothing going on but he deletes it all and she still keeps iming. the latest she asking if they can meet in person.i keep telling him if there is nothing to hide then why hide it from me and now he changed his password.he cheating on me at least cyber wise.he just gave me the password saying he ws sorrya nd was angry last night.