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Miss Manners Gives A BM's Sister Stepfamily Advice

Anon2009's picture

I agree with what Miss Manners said. Does anyone know if she's written any other stepfamily advice?


Done WIth It's picture

Well great, should be a perfect trip. I'm so jealous I'm not on a cruise!!

purpledaisies's picture

Ok since one addressed this I will, In order to give such a gift wouldn't that have had to have been BEFORE the wedding?? I mean I won;t think it is all that likely that sm could have researched and booked a honeymoon cruse and pay for and for the WHOLE family in ONE day and the day OF the wedding?? Me thinks aunt and gma have issues!! :sick:

Done WIth It's picture

This is why you send a gift the couple receive it and focus on gift giver's thougtfulness.

This is why you give an incredibly outrageous gift alone and away to the couple, away from everyone else. So the couple can appreciate and focus on the toughtfulness.

To be honest, I've always heard it's in bad taste to take a gift to the wedding. That's why there's showers and 6 weeks ahead of the date so the bridge and groom aren't overloaded after the wedding.

Auntie's feelings got hurt because she her gift wasn't the show stopper. However, in her own way, by waiting until the wedding, she included her gift to be opened along with all the other gifts in order to have a pat on the back.

Mrs. New Wife gave a great gift, just bad timing. Think how much happier the couple would have been knowing they had a honeymoon planned for them.

Auntie and New Wifie get 20 lashes with a wet noodle.

But I agree with Finey...there's some undercurrent going on here with Auntie having unresolved issues.

Some just can't allow others to move forward and be happy............