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BM just got 8yo ss $150 cell phone for b-day!!!

newmom01's picture

I had been reading about this for about a month on here and i be damned it happened to me! First of all I have a cheap ass cricket phone, but Im not mad about that....because all I need it for is to text in emergency or just make a phone call ...I really am not into all that high tech stuff, BUT also our finances would not really allow me to get such a phone if I wanted it right now. Then BM had the nerve to as DH to pay for half the phone! I told him hell no! we will get him something else..a toy or something ....the dh turns to me and says well I might have to pay one of his monthly bills in the future if he asks?????? WTH! I told him ..heck! you cant even keep your own cell phone on for 6 consecutive months! If BM wants to get him a phone then SHE gonna have to pay for it! DH pays cs and if she rather use it on a phone instead of daycare, field trips, school uniforms, or school supplies the let it be but I will NOT let her get her money off the TOP of my DH check every week AND then try stick her hands in deeper.....Then check this out ss (8) been blowing up DH phone all day !!!!! burnin up DH minutes I told him to tell ss to chill out because WE have two small babies and when i need to talk to you, I need to be able to reach you....So tell him to enjoy his phone but STOP wasting your minutes!


Done WIth It's picture

Cell phone is a luxury item. BM made the choice to buy that for him, her responsibility. Just like if she got him a pet, her responsibility to maintain it with food, vet care...etc.

Your husband can tell you son he helped pay for that phone because of the CS he gives BM every month. THere, he has helped.

Disneyfan's picture

Her kid, her money, choice. She needs to figure out how the bill will be paid without bugging dad. I really hope dad doesn't agree to tell his son to stop calling so much because he is using up his minutes. Hopefully he will look into getting an unlimited plan. Metro pcs has unlimited, no contract plans for just $51 per month.