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step-father problems as an adult going on too long and I'm weary

frustratedmama's picture

My problem has been going on for 25 years. My Mom met my step father after the death of my grandparents, when I was in high school. He could fix things and do some of the things my grandfather use to be able to do for her. My senior year in high school he was playing around on my Mom's bed and the three of us were there. She did something that made him feel like he needed to get back at her and so he three me on the bed and put a hickey on my neck to get back at her. This was suppose to be funny. Later, after I graduated, my mom was at work and he grabbed me and threw me on the couch and was trying to kiss me and put his hand up my shirt. I kneed him in the groin and managed to free myself. I ran to my car and went to a friends house and stayed away until my mom was home. I was suprised that she didn't immediately kick him out. Instead, she accused me of bringing it on and took his side. I ended up going to counseling at my college and made the decision to go far away to finish school. I managed to make ammends enough to keep a relationship with my Mom, with my own personal understanding that I would never allow myself to be alone around him ever again.

When I got married several years later, he sat on my MIL's lap and made crude comments to them upon their introduction. It has been a continual issue in our now 17 year marriage. We have a now 11 year old daughter and 8 year old son. We make a point of never leaving them alone around him. Although, even this has caused some problems because it's hard to always be right there. Like when my daughter was 5, we were visiting my mom and they were swimming in her pool. My husband and I had run inside for some reason and my step-dad took advantage of the 5-10 minutes to stuff a towel down my daughter's bikini top. That incident resulted in my Mom always having to come visit us.

Well, a year ago they got jobs and moved to our area. This means that we can't just see him on holidays anymore. Now, every time my kids want to spend time with her, he's part of the package. They are also over to our house 2-3 times a week, which is now putting a strain our our marriage. My husband can have a temper problem (yelling, throwing a bit of a fit), (He doesn't hit me or the kids and it isn't all the time) when he is excessively frustrated. Their infiltration brings this out a lot lately and they are constantly carrying on to me about it. Let me note that he makes a good living and allows me to stay home with our kids and is an above average husband and father despite this one flaw. Just a few months ago we found out that we are expecting another baby, quite a miracle. I'm 41 now though, so it comes with some minor complications.

A few days ago, my Mom was at a convention for her job and my step-dad called in the evening and wanted to take my son to a waterpark nearby (we had all bought season passes a few weeks ago because my daughter had a girl scout event there. I invited my mom to come along with me and he ended up coming complaining all the way about the cost of the passes). I suggested we wait until my daughter finished her commitment so that she and I could go. He didn't want to wait and wanted to just take my son by himself. Instead of being very direct and just saying no, I was passive aggressive and said let's wait until tomorrow and see if he wants to do that. He was suppose to call me to confirm and i didn't answer my phone. So, instead of taking that as plans are off, he shows up at my house, doesn't knock , ring the bell or anything and just comes on in! My husband was still home as he was staying to take care of things. He told him, "Sorry, not happening, they have things to do" My step-dad turns around and leaves, which for me just confirms he had bad intentions. I should also mention that he has had nothing nice to say about my son. Always complaining that he is undiciplined and not acting right. My step-father also was playing around with him at my Mom's house in the pool with all of us there and started holding him under water to see how long he can "hold his breath", that resulted in me screaming at him to stop it and us leaving. I should also mention that my son gets perfect conduct marks at school and behaves like I suspect most 8 year old boys act. My Mom was scheduled to come home the next day from her conference and I haven't heard from them. We tried calling both of their cells yesterday for Father's day, but they didn't answer or call us back.

I think most sane people would just cut ties and not worry about a parental relationship that use to be good. I have never wanted to do that and my husband has supported me in that decision to just "manage" the situation. I have to say though, I'm about there. I know he's cooked up a huge whopper to tell her and I'm just not up to messing around about why he can't be alone with my kids. He has recently done a huge amount of carpentry work for us to sell our house and I know he feels that we should "owe" him, he can't good deed his way into privileges, no matter how grateful for the work we are. This is a good example too of how we have tried to finds ways to make him a part of the family without crossing boundaries that we are uncomfortable about. He is also never excluded from holidays or family meals out of respect for my Mom. I'm going to have to explain it to her again about him not being alone with them, which I'm not looking forward to doing. We thought we had made the point quite clear back with the bikini incident when my daughter was five. Any advice?


hismineandours's picture

You already told your mom he was a creep years ago and she took his side. She will do so again. Unfortunately, I do not think it is going to be possible for you to maintain a relationship with your mom and reading your post made me anxious about your kids being alone around this pedophile. He has already had too much access to them and as they grow older he will continue to look for opportunities to see them when you and your husband are not around and what happened to you may very well happen to your daughter.

I would just tell your mother again why you feel it is not in your kids best interest to be around her husband. If she would like to visit in your home solo-then fine, but that's all I would extend. From what you have stated i would not even trust her to take the kids anywhere (I mean if i read your post correctly she allowed her husband to give her teen daughter a hickey?)

doll faced sm's picture

What in God's name are you thinking? Your step-dad tried to rape you, and you think you can "manage" the situation??? Pull your head out of your butt and protect your kids!

Done WIth It's picture owe this man NOTHING.

You need to make it clear that your kids will not be around stepfather ever and anyone breaks your rule will face dire consequences. So no one needs to even think they are taking the kids anywhere until the kids are of age making their own decision. PERIOD!!

This guy is a creep, your mother is a sorry letdown. Neither one is trustworthy.

You protect those kids. You make it very clear to the folks and to your children that they are not to be alone with stepfather ....EVER!!

Your children need to know what stepfather did. THey need to know to be on the look out for that kind of bad behavior with anyone. Do not be afraid of the backlash from your folks. You are your children's protector, protect them.

youngmama1b1g's picture

I agree with every post here. That sh*t hes doing is not funny, its molestation. Please protect your kids and keep that man away from them!
And let your H know what the history is (if you havent told him already) and let him unleash his temper on this douch- im sure itll keep him at bay.
I hate to say but you probably wont be able to count on your mom much in all this. You dont want to wait until he tries something with your daughter before you ex him out.

maldita's picture

"My Mom was scheduled to come home the next day from her conference and I haven't heard from them. We tried calling both of their cells yesterday for Father's day, but they didn't answer or call us back."

I'm really worried about the statement you wrote above. You wrote this yesterday. Have you heard from your mom? Are your kids home and safe? Please listen to the responses above. Keep your children safe!

frustratedmama's picture

We don't let them be alone with him period, which sometimes isn't enough as I don't like the verbal trash he dishes out in front of everyone. While no physical harm, it makes everyone uncomfortable listening to him go on about everyone's weight especially mine and my mom's (which is not THAT bad), and other topics that anyone with a filter would not discuss. My husband is aware of all of it. We have had a period that we were able to keep him at bay since they lived hours away. The problem has really come back up in the past year, since they have moved just a 30min drive away.

I very much took him to task on what he did to me when I was 17. I made my mom make him go to counseling, where he was diagnosed bi-polar and made her make him commit to therapy, if she wanted to have me in her life. It did help, but just not enough and most people like that need a lifetime accountability coach, which he doesn't have. One of my biggest regrets though is not contacting the police and going that route. It seems so dumb now that I didn't, but I can tell you that it isn't as easy as you would think when you are in the middle of the situation and I was young and scarred. I'm an only child and prior to him coming into my Mom's life, she and I had a very good normal relationship, so this has always been tough not wanting him to have the ability to rip her from me. I also worry because i feel he is emotionally abusive to her. I realize that it isn't my problem and to some extent she has to live in the bed she made, but it is still hard.

When my daughter was born, my mom would always make the trip alone to come visit and it's been that way for 10 years. We would only make occational trips there and after the bikini incident those trips stopped altogether with my husband and i feeling ashamed that something like that could occurr with us right there. Now, they live right here, which was my mother's doing. She wanted to be close to her grandkids and me, because we are what's good in her life. She was here for a year before he finally sold their house and moved here too. For a that whole year, I thought that what was really happening was a divorce, and then he showed up. Now, everything has gone to H***. I should point out that my husband has a good relationship to her as well and anyone who knows her or would meet her would be shocked to know this is what her nonprofessional life is like. MY husband and i feel somewhat compelled to protect her as well as our children. BELIEVE ME, I do realize that my children come first and anyone who knows them would tell you that they are well cared for and those knowing the situation feel we have dealt with it well so far. The real problem is what to do now, I feel in over my head.

My husband and I are strong of faith and we believe in compassion, forgiveness, and mercy, but having him so close is just more difficult than what I was ever prepared to deal with. We are actually considering moving away, which will be very difficult due to my husband's profession. Also, it's a free country, they could just move too. At some point, we just are going to have to deal with it. My motto has always been to forgive because i needed it, but to never let down my guard. I know at our church there was a known sex offender who had an accountability person with him at all times so he could attend. Then one day, he crossed the line by looking into SS room and starring, which resulted in him getting kicked out of the community. So, I know that sometimes, you can't take on more than you can chew. Because we had such a long period of time with my Mom being able to be around without him, my kids are really close to her. It's going to devestate my children if I have to cut her off, which I really think may have to happen as I'm not sure that she will be able to accept our perameters. I'm going to have to explain to her why her slieze of a husband was given a no go at our house by my husband and explain that we thought it was clear about the boundaries. Explain that I really didn't appreciate being put in the position of having to respond to a request of taking my son alone. I guess I especially don't appreciate that this has occurred while I'm pregnant and vulnerable and not as capable of being the protector i need to be. Fortunately, my husband is more than up to the task. She probably won't like it and it very well may be the final straw. I just don't know. I'm sure he told her a very big lie about my husband blowing his cool and that we just don't treat him well and carry on about how we aren't really the Christians we claim to be. My step father has a very big hold on her though that I know scars the ever living tar out of her, which is that she has always been a very meticulous saver and has accrued over a million in her retirement funds. He lets her know all the time how he would get half even though he hasn't earned most of it. She did have a prenup when she married him, but because they have been married for so long, the rules of community property have been muddied and the prenup most likely wouldn't stand. He's very aware of that too. I caught him telling one of his kids from a previous marriage how it was all half his. He has three children by the way who all keep their distance as well.

VioletsareBlue's picture

These are just excuses and words trying ot justify your behavior and your lack of real parenting.

frustratedmama's picture

Oh, by the way, no, my mom hasn't called me since she has been home. I called my aunt and had her call her to see if she was ok. Apparently, she is fine but said nothing of the situation to my aunt. Everyone just knows that engaging her in a real discussion about her husband's behavior is a taboo topic. She has had many friendships damagaed as a result of him as well.

maldita's picture

You says your kids will be devastated if you cut your mom off their lives. I'm pretty sure it can't be as close to how traumatic it is to an individual, let alone a child, being sexually molested. Sometimes in life, you have to do what you have to do, no matter what the consequences are. Your mom is an adult and will have to accept your decision. I will pray for you and your kid's safety.

VioletsareBlue's picture

People like you make me really angry. Why your husband hasn't threatened to leave you and take the kids with him if that man EVER is around the children, I have no idea.

High Road Lynn's picture

:jawdrop: I just can't believe what I have read here. Why are you still not in extensive therapy? That man tried to rape you. THAT MAN TOUCHED YOUR CHILD!!! I would have gunned him down in the street. You are no better then your mother in your daughters eyes. Your mother is pathetic and now you have shown your daughter that even if he touches her you still give him power.

You really need counseling...extensive counseling!!!