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Kind of a Funny Story ...You will laugh like crazy!

newmom01's picture

:O :O :O :O :O

Ok so on saturday me and OUR kids were at my mom and dads just visiting, DH calls and says that he is coming by to pick our oldest son to take to SK's baseball game.....I don't mind kids playing with Sk's I just dont want BM touching on my son! Before our fall out, she would do it and I didnt like it, but I didnt say anything to keep the peace....(not touching in a bad way, just pinching his cheeks saying how cute he is and stuff) but after our fall out I didnt want him around her at all! so anyway i could not tell DH thats why I didnt want BS to go so I just told DH he was not clean because he got really messy during lunch }:) }:) }:) so DH says there are clothes in his diaper bag.... I took them out, and said there was not any clothes in there...I said I must have taken them out to put in more diapers and forgot to put them back in.. Blum 3 Blum 3 DH keeps at it and says Im still coming by to see how bad it is I still may take him with in a panic I look at my darling son and say lets have some he starts clapping his hands and smiling (me too) so i go into the kitchen to look for something to smear on my kids clothes so he cant go with DH I could not find anything!!!! Looked in cabinet and spotted a jar of peanut butter...So I get a finger full and smear it all over his shirt and face....(Then actin like a kid myself, I said this is fun!!! So me and my baby are laughing and covered in peanut butter from head to toe! By that time DH pulls up into driveway and enters the house ...I quickly go back to talking with my mom and let our "messy" son go greet his dad....all of a sudden DH says hey whats wrong with BS face? I said what are you talking about and he pointed to a bump I said hmm mabey its a mosquito bite he was outside (thats what i thought honestly)... so DH got some paper towels and wiped his face then it got swollen, puffy, eyes almost shut, face really red, and itchy !!!!! :jawdrop: :jawdrop: :O So being in the medical field I washed his face really good with soap and water and headed to the local drug store for some benadryl before we rushed him to hospital!!!!! We gave him some and within 5 minutes MAGICALLY his face returned to normal! :? :O I checked his airway and heartrate, looked for lip and tongue swelling and he was good since he really didnt eat the peanut butter! I kept an eye on him for about 3 hours while he slept.....Needless to say our son and my DH didnt make SK's game!!!! (OMG that was close....)


zazzery's picture

That must have been scary. It's too bad your husband had to miss their basketball game.

burnet's picture

Maybe I woke up on the wrong side of the bed and my humor got up on the other side, but sorry, I don't find this even remotely
amusing. Instead of playing games, just tell your husband that you do not want your baby associating with BM.

twopines's picture


buttercookie's picture

I'm glad I'm not the only one who saw the danger in this. Smearing a kid who's allergic to peanut butter with it just to make sure the kid can't be with his father. SICK!!!!!

on the fence's picture

That was a pretty psycho move.

Was it really better for him to go through the trauma of swolen eyes and a visit to the hospital to avoid a little cheek pinch from BM?

You must have had to give DH some kind of lie. If I were him and I found out what you did to our child- well, it wouldn't be pretty.

Eagle Eye's picture

I'm guessing OP didn't know her son was allergic to peanut butter. I'm sure she wouldn't have done it had she known.

simifan's picture

This, I agree I don't think she knew he was allergic to PB. Point of fact, it was probably the best way to find out. If baby had eaten it,I'm sure an ER visited would have ensued. Take him to the doctors to verify and add to his medical records.

However, I agree. What kind of relationship do you and DH have that you can tell him how you feel?