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Grrrrrrrr......DH back to Disney Dad status and I'm Evil SM once again!!

Shaman29's picture

Let me just say I F**KING hate being a SM!!!! It sucks the big one......

This weekend we agreed to let DH's kid have a friend over for the weekend. DH didn't really want to but I pointed out we had no real plans. Also DH agreed to let her go shopping this weekend and she wanted to bring a friend with her. So....MY IDEA #1.

I had a hair appointment about 1/2 a mile from the mall, so DH and I explained to his kid that we'd leave early to drop me off and then drop them at the mall. DH would come back for me, we'd have lunch and she and her friend could shop without us hovering. MY IDEA #2.

So Friday night we pick up DH's kid at the bus station (Uberskank will not drive her to us, makes her take a backwoods bus to a city 45 minutes away from our home), go to dinner then pick up her friend. DH didn't want the friend at dinner with us. We pick up the friend and on the way back to our place DH lays out the plan for the next day. Friend looks horrified at having to get up before noon on a Saturday. DH's kid tells her well Shaman has a hair appointment and didn't feel like driving herself, so Dad has to drive her and take us with him.

EXCUSE ME??? I GET BLAMED FOR INCONVENIENCE #1. Did DH stand up for me? Absolutely not.

We get home and his kid asks if they can make a pazookie (hot cookie with vanilla ice cream). DH looks at me, knowing she is still barred from using the oven or stove. I said I don't care what they eat, but Dad has to make it for you. She asks (in front of her friend) if she will ever redeem herself (long story) and get to use the stove and oven again. I said probably not and get glared at by the friend.

EVIL SM INCONVENIENCE #2. Did DH back me up on the decision. Oh hell to the NO.

I did bend on the no food rule in her room though so they could have some privacy (they're 15). Did I get a thank you? Nope not a one. DH then says, what about breakfast tomorrow, do you guys want me to pick up some donuts for you? Seriously DH?? We just talked about this on the drive to pick up your crap breakfasts for her. I pointed out to DH they would be shopping first thing and shouldn't do it on a bunch of sugar. I suggested a real breakfast instead, which both girls went for. MY IDEA #3.

We run to the store for their provisions and come home. DH goes to make their pazookie and I get in my jammies and get comfortable. The rest of the evening goes off without a hitch.

The next day we all get up and get out the door on time. I go to my appointment, DH drops off the girls, finds a place to read the paper then meets me after my appointment. We go to lunch, then head back to the mall to pick up the girls. We get home, get the mini fashion show and then we head out for a walk. DH asks if we should take the girls to dinner and a movie. I said how about we pick up the meal of their choice, have them pick out a rental and then we go out to dinner and leave them on their own for 2-3 hours? MY IDEA #4.

So we go back home, and DH tells the girls HIS idea. He got all of the thank yous and how cools, while I get glared at once again. He grabs the girls, takes them to a RedBox for a movie and McD's for dinner. They come back, DH set ups the DVD for them and we take off.

The entire conversation for the next 3 hours was about his f**king kid. Every time I tried to steer it to something else, DH would bring it back to his kid.

We get home, I'm not in the best of moods. DH once again offers to go shopping for their breakfast again. I point out we have everything here in the house. No special trips necessary. Again I get glared at by kid and friend.

Sunday morning. We sleep in a bit, have breakfast and read the Sunday paper. I go run to shower and dress. While I'm getting ready DH knocks on the door and tells me that the friend's mom wants her home in the early afternoon. Since it was late morning, I said no problem and finished getting dressed then did a few things around the house before getting on the computer. DH tells me he has to get oil for his car, the girls are getting ready to leave and he would be back soon.

About 5 minutes after he leaves, his kid comes out of her bedroom calling Dad...Dad?? I explain he's running an errand, what did she need? She said the friends mom is on the phone and wants to know when we're leaving? I said your Dad is getting oil in the car and we could leave when he gets back. What do I hear next??

Sorry friend's mom......Shaman is STILL getting ready, so Dad didn't want to wait for her and is getting oil for his car! EVIL SM INCONVENIENCE #3.

Holy f**king s**t I was steamed. How in the hell did I get blamed for this one?? I had been dressed and ready to leave for at least 2 hours and I got blamed for holding them up?? They weren't even up when I was showering.

And what is DH doing this entire weekend?? Running around making special food shopping trips, catering to her every whim, making her special breakfasts and taking credit for all of their fun times.

What do I get out of this?? Blame for the bad stuff, glared at for not allowing certain privileges that she had taken away and not a single thank you for anything I did for them.



Shaman29's picture of the kid's friends in our neighborhood is now terrified of me. She pulled a completely bone-headed stunt involving DH's kid. She put DH's kid in a very bad position, so bad that even I could see the kid wasn't at fault for the situation. So when the friend finally brought her back to our house, I hollered at her friend for about 20 minutes. And I'm not a person that yells at people. I banned her from our house for two months. And I told the kid the friend could not come here unless her Dad or I were at home.

Now she's refers to me as Ms. Shaman, doesn't make eye contact and if I say anything to her she just about pees herself. }:)

on the fence's picture

Snakey SD! I wouldn't take her anywhere. Let DH seal with her! It can't be your fault if you're not involved.

Shaman29's picture

Yeah.....funny thing is that I did disengage, about two years ago. However there are times I can't help but try and soften things up because DH doesn't get the teenage girl thing at all. Even when I explain it goes over his head.

DH had boring, military like plans for the girls. Since I was once a teenager, I knew this wouldn't go over well. The only thing I couldn't convince him to change was the friend joining us for dinner on Friday night. Otherwise I was able to round out the edges on all of the other plans he made.

We just got back from grocery shopping and he made the mistake of asking me if something is wrong. So I vented. I said I was done helping either of them on the front or the backside. That what happened was my own fault for trying to be helpful. He gets the thanks, I get the knife in the back.

I thought part of disengaging was knowing when to step in and help smooth things over from time to time. For me it's Full Frontal Disengagement going forward.

Just in time for the family visit from the Rotary. We're expected in Uberskank's house this coming Friday for a panel interview. DH's kid has a chance to be a foreign exchange student her junior year (freshman this year). Uberskank said it was "okay" for me to be there because her BF will be there too. How nice. :sick:

So now I'm torn between telling her to bugger off and enjoy a quiet Friday night. Or bite the bullet, show up and show a positive support system to help get DH's kid in another country for 11 glorious months. They're down to the final 6 kids, and they will probably choose two to go. His kid has a very good chance of being selected.

Which means instead of dealing with this s**t for another 3 years, it would only be two more years with a break in between. What to do.....what to do......

Shaman29's picture

LOL!! That's pretty much the direction I'm headed in right now. 11 whole months of not having to deal with this kind of EOWE crap.

on the fence's picture

Yep. 11 months of Heaven? Oh, yeah! Cooperation in this instance is all about benefitting you! Go do it!

Yme's picture

11 months of FREEEEEEEEEEDOM!?!?!? Yipeeeeeeee!!
If I sent SD over seas they would pack her a$$ right back...:(
You're soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo lucky!!

paul_in_utah's picture

Disengage. You will be much happier. It has worked for me, and countless other unappreciated step-parents.