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UPDATE about Pics BM sent to DH

newmom01's picture

oh so BM's husband told her I sent him the pic of her posing in her panties in the bathroom mirror..... And they (her DH) called my DH to ask him about it... At that time my DH didnt know how her DH got the pic when they were asking him to call me he said "Oh no yall not putting my wife in this" trying to cover his tracks }:) }:) }:) But little did he know Im the one who sent it Wink Anyway he found out I did it... But he watched his tone because he didnt have the right keeping the crap in the first place!!! feels good to know I caused a little trouble on her end for a change since she constantly have me and DH fussing over her or her kids....But I was able to get DH to change his number and have BM talk directly to me or his mom....I also told him that when he goes to get the kids he is to no longer go in the house (while I sit in car) to get them....they know we are coming, so when we pull up and blow the horn send them out!


stormabruin's picture


...but only for the people who were wrong. HILARIOUS for the one who got revenge.

It still sucks that your husband behaves the way he does with her & that you have to keep him on a short chain because you can't trust him, but perhaps this "oopsie" on their parts will make them think twice next time.

I still recommend you really give some thought to the fact that your husband is as guilty as she is.

SisterNeko's picture

Evil but I like it.

Honestly they are right DH is just as much to blame. I swear you are my clone I just didn't something like this recently. BM sent me pictures of her and the boys for mother's day (among other pictures of just the kids) so I cut out the ones with her in them and gave them to SS3 to take back to BM house. Smile When BF got mad (because BM got mad) I told him that he shouldn't have let her give it to me in the first place and then HE should have gotten rid of it once he realized that it upset me.

So good for you.

newmom01's picture

I just saw it as an opportunity to lay down some more ground rules, and it worked... Biggrin He is still asking me what I want him to do! But Im still upset i just keep telling myself he is a man and he likes looking at women any women posing half naked...... What other rules can I throw in before this gets to old? My goal was to stop all the texting back and forth, the calling about stuff that has nothing to do with kids, oh yeah and of course her sending him pics of her half naked, and always having to go inthe house to get them when he picks them up (I dont know where her DH is half time prob work) But anyother things you guys think I should add

stormabruin's picture

" i just keep telling myself he is a man and he likes looking at women any women posing half naked...... "
I'm sure most any man likes looking at women any women posing half naked.

What makes this VERY different is that most men look at women they don't know...& will most likely NEVER know. They haven't slept with them. They don't have a past with them. They haven't been in an emotional or physical relationship with them. The majority of the naked women that men are looking at are in magazines, on TV or in a strip club. Not women they've have emotional attachment to & are still in contact with.

I have no issue with DH watching porn, but I'll be damned if I'd even TRY to excuse him saving & hiding pics of BM in her underwear because "he is a man" & likes to look at half naked women.


alwaysanxious's picture

Nah, "any women" doesn't include the one you divorced. He liked that she was coming after him.

alwaysanxious's picture

Yep. And it will get exhausting keeping tabs on him. He's not to be trusted.

twopines's picture

When did your DH move back in? Did everything get straightened out regarding his parents not moving in with you all?

newmom01's picture

She got a part time job and he only came back because I started bleeding really bad had a baby about a month ago ...guess it was first cycle since birth but it was very very heavy doc gave meds to stop the bleeding ...I was feeling weak so he came to help with kids and took it as him moving back in....was too tired to fuss with him