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Seriously? Two years about delayed reaction.

poisonivy's picture

So, its a skid free weekend and everyone is tooling along just fine, when BM graces us with her telephonic presence. She called to ask DH to call SS10 because he has been crying for three days straight and talking about how he wishes his parents were still together "like everyone else's" AND Dh fell for it.......sigh.

Perhaps, SS10 is tired of moving from town to town state to state and being dragged behind like an afterthought in MommyDearest's calico life. Give me a break. I've been saying since I met this kid that he had serious mental, developmental and behavioral issues. Did anyone listen? Nope, and guess who its biting in the butt.



NewBeginning's picture

And you know as well as I do that woman is instigating it. What better way than to make your child feel horrible on a holiday such as Easter than to bring up why you're not with your spouse anymore. What a bitch!

I deal with the same crap here..only my DH has an 18yoS and 20yoD. They feel their mother is such a misunderstood person. I can tell now they probably were half nuts at the age of 10 or below and it was never dealt with.

And like your DH..I'm sure my DH fell for it as they were growing up too.

You feel sorry for the child - but both parents have to do what's necessary to let them know that that life is over. Hard pill to swallow but it's life. Gotta be dealt with.

Good luck!

Done WIth It's picture

BM's a bitch, no doubt about it. She's a big 2 ton fat trouble makin' ugly bitch that when the Circus comes to town they hit her up for a pair of her underwear to patch the Big Top.

I hope this makes you feel better and maybe gets a smile.

Auteur's picture

"like everyone elses?" where does this skid LIVE? Most kids nowadays come from DIVORCED or NEVER MARRIED homes!! I know the actual percentage is something like 30% but where I live it's FAAAR higher than that. More like 30% are living in "in tact" nuclear families.

Stpma's picture

Wait now... 10 years old is the exact age where children have those fantasies. It may really be that he is wishing for his parents to get back together. Dad could explain that them seperate is better because there is less fighting etc.

Auteur's picture

Some skids have that fantasy when they are in their 20s and 30s!!!

The quicker that is nipped in the bud the BETTER!