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BM just topped everything!!

Dudes Mom's picture

So Ss and sd have been sataying with dh since sd was 6months and ss was5.
BM has never paid anything towards them, not once, no CS. DH never went to court to get anything from her.
Well, this weekend SS24 is moving to his BM, guessed what the cow did last night.
She phoned DH to ask if he will help to pay towards SS, cause she will have to buy more of everything now, and she doenst see how she will get through a month now.

I mean WTF SS is 24 f ing years old, has a fulltime job, earns a decent salary. When DH told her this, her reply, oh I cant ask him to pay to stay with me.
DH just told her, please our kids are grown ups, dont speak to me again and put the phone down on her.


Dudes Mom's picture

The new husband is apparently rich, this came from BM telling the Skids, so dont know how true it is.
When I told DH "F£$R Her", he said, no you cant say that about her, That is way to nice. I wont repeat the things he said about her though.
DH did tell SS, but he still thinks that he will be very happy with his BM, he even phoned her to say that he will pay, wich I think is not bad, but then wouldnt you as a 24 year old, rather get your own place and pay for that. it seems that SS is just as F%^up as BM.

Dudes Mom's picture

We tried speaking to him, but then he gets all like a teenage girl moaning and bitching. DH said that SS must just go get whatever he feels he needs from his mom and start his grown up life.
That is if she wouldnt have another excuse this weekend as to why SS cant move this weekend again.