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Dudes Mom's Blog

BM just topped everything!!

Dudes Mom's picture

So Ss and sd have been sataying with dh since sd was 6months and ss was5.
BM has never paid anything towards them, not once, no CS. DH never went to court to get anything from her.
Well, this weekend SS24 is moving to his BM, guessed what the cow did last night.
She phoned DH to ask if he will help to pay towards SS, cause she will have to buy more of everything now, and she doenst see how she will get through a month now.

I am your childrens other mom ..... And I love them

Dudes Mom's picture

This letter dear BM will never reach you, I have written this so many times in my head.
Nothing I ever want to say to you looks good on paper, maybe because I know that you dont care what I have to say.
to you I dont exists, but we have so much in commen.
We share the same surname, but we will never really know each other.
I am married to the man you loved once enough to give him two kids, the same man you hate so much that it sometimes scare me.
I am your kids other mom, thier "STEP" mom, an awfull word hey?

To my dearest stepson

Dudes Mom's picture

Dear SS24,
I Have been the closest thing to a mother you had for the past 15 years.
I have been at all your cricket matches
I have been the one called into school if something was wrong
I have been the one that helped you do your homework
I have been the one that that was crying myself to sleep when your heart was broken by your first girlfriend
I have always been there for you since you were 8 years old through bad and good times.

help me to understand you all please

Dudes Mom's picture

Hi there everyone!

Ok so I am new to this group, but I find reading some posts a bit difficult.
I mean it took me couple of reading to get the terms like bm,ss, sd and so on.
I read earlier FSD and FDH and I have no clue? sorry if I sound a bit stupid
Will you please just reply and give a small runndown.

Thanks for helping this SSM (stupid step mom) ha ha

Feel betrayed Part 2

Dudes Mom's picture

So we sat the sk down to have a chat as to why we feel they shouldnt move to BM.
SD18 told us that she doesnt want to go and stay with BM anymore as she always thought that the day she moves it will be into her own place and she cant see why she should try to be there for BM as BM was never there for her. and since she only finishes her studies in 3 years time, she will be staying with us for atleast another 4 years. I am very happy about this