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bm needs to "apologize" to dh for the past - as per her recovery...

txcajunmom's picture

so bipolar bm texted dh a couple of days ago stating that she was at a point in her recover where she needs to make amends and needed to apologize to dh for her past behaviour. i'm sorry i think its just another way for her to try the poor pittiful me act. she has on numerous occasions tried to beg dh to leave me and go back to her and when he turned her down, she turns into mega biatch. anywho i found it quite funny when she called him today to see if they could talk face to face so that she could apologize to him, his response: go to a priest and confess if it makes you feel better. i'm done with that crap.

he has his moments Smile


txcajunmom's picture

for the kids sake i hope she does make a recovery but i am just not buying it. she is very manipulative and i trust that thing about as far as i can throw her.

Asher10's picture

Good for him!Yay DH!!IF bm really wants to advance in her recovery she can do it correctly and apologize to both of you TOGETHER. "ooooh poor bipolar me I need to make amends to my ex husband ONLY without his wife around,"It is so obviously a manipulative tactic.

stormabruin's picture

I agree that if she needs to apologize as part of her recovery, it is perfectly acceptable to do so in conversation over the phone. Apologies don't take long. "I'm sorry for making your life Hell & for being a crappy wife & mother. I'll do my best to be a good mother & a positive influence in the lives of our children."

txcajunmom's picture

and how convenient she wants to talk to him today, ash wednesday as you mentioned, which is the day their son was concieved...

Asher10's picture

well i was going to eat something but now i think i'll pass after reading that :sick:

txcajunmom's picture

well for her safety i sure hope she doesnt bring herself to my home while i'm here at work to "apologize" lol }:) i literally hate bipolar biomom with a passioin for all the constant drama and turmoil she brings into my life. i try to ignore it but she is constantly dragging me into it by bad mouthing me to the kids, to my dh via txts and on occassion calling me acting crazy. i sure wish she would get a life and move around.

Asher10's picture

So how bipolar is she?Like Sally Field/ER type of bipolar or just semibipolar and using that as her crutch to commit evil acts?

txcajunmom's picture

for instance, she calls me up one saturday morning early, and begins to cuss me up and down hysterically because dh would not answer the phone. he was asleep. and so was i until my phone rang lol after threatening to beat my ass and blah blah blah, i finally told her she had no business calling my phone anyway, since i did not lie down with her and make those children. if she cant get in touch with dh,too bad! she replies: girl, im sorry. you're right.. ok bye and all smiling and waving the next time i saw her. the cycle repeats itself over and over and over.

Asher10's picture

It sounds more like an anger management issue than a bipolar issue.I don't know I'm not a dr but that example seems more of a anxiety/temper problem.Of course,that won't get her any meds while claiming bi-polar will get her a crapstock of funky drugs.

txcajunmom's picture

see that's my problem with it. i dont care if she wants to apologize for her past to him if it will help her with her recovery which is best for the kids, but the part of needing to do it in person is fishy... and as far as an apology to me, yeah like that would ever happen and if she even attempted it, i would tell her to keep it because even though she claims to be clean, she conducts herself the same way so its really worthless. i think that's why dh really isnt trying to hear it either.