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Bm's using CS as a paycheck other than what it is truely meant for, a supplement to her income i.e. support...

txcajunmom's picture

So we, or should i say i have been dealing with this issue for as long as i've been with dh because it doesn't seem to bother him in the least. saw this on the earlier post "my 'favorite' quotes" and it really struck a cord with me.

bm does not work. has 3 children with 3 different men however dh has claimed responsibility for her son since his bio is in prision and they were together from birth to 6 months.

anywho, bm does not work, and her only source of income is cs. now as i see it, cs is a supplement to your income, hence the term child SUPPORT. not bm paycheck. now i dont have a problem in the least for dh supporting his son. that's what he should do, but what i do have a problem with is her not supporting his children and the use of ss's money being used for her other children. i am aware of his being a "father" to ss6 however if that is the case there should be some kind of agreement for him, not just taking ss10's money and dividing it. not to mention that she has told dh that she only gets about 30-40 dollars a month for her other child so basically we are supporting her household. my point is this, if me and dh split today, i would expect him to support our children however i would also contribute. same as i do now.

it really pisses me off that dh pays cs and when she uses it for her other children or whatever it is she does with it, i'm assuming paying bills that when it's gone she is asking dh for more money. no, it's called get a job and support your children also.

we buy all christmast presents, birthday presents, easter baskets, school clothes, halloween costumes etc for the boys. we also have two children at home to support and dh works construction so there are times when i am the only one bringing in income and this bm has the nerve to call and ask for more money?! ugh i can not stand bms like this. my best friend is a bm and she doesnt even include the cs she gets from her ex in her budget that way if the check actually does come in, it's extra.

not to mention that about a year ago, she actually posted this as her status on myspace:
"just got my nails and hair did, thanks baby daddys"

--now that's class


tigerlilly00's picture

Sounds so familiar. Skids come over here on the weekends and they are always wearing clothes that are too small, have stains on them and ratty shoes. I end up going out and buying them clothes if we want to go out to dinner or somewhere else. BM calls sometimes and wants to know if she can have CS early because she needs to pay her bills. I know that CS does go towards everything such as housing payments and all, because it all works together, but why dont the kids have proper clothes to wear??? Its so frustrating.

herewegoagain's picture

Sorry, your DH doesn't owe you anymore than u owe him...if you left, you was your choice to stay and also your choice to have a baby w/him...amazing...He does owe his child the support...

For the original post, how amazing...oh, sorry...not surprised...