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sd 13 cutting herself-HELP!!

somerg's picture

long story short, my dh sent modification papers stating he wanted custody of the girls to get bm to respond (it worked) this has been going on for over a year and we just got word today that the 13 sd has started cutting herself :jawdrop: , and she has said its because she's tired of the modification and wants more visitation with dad, but doesn't want to live with us (which we already addressed in front of her with the oldest and agreed that is fine). i told dh i would tell the sd 13 that if she continue's we COULD have a DAMN good reason to take her from her mom, but of course don't want to make the situation worse.

of course i understand that divorce's and modifications can be stressful to kids, but i honestly believe that there's more to the story and she's saying it's this reason to hid the truth. and somewhere she doesn't feel like she's getting the attention she needs.

any ADVICE would be nice i'm at a loss, i want to switch weekends with my dd so that she's not a part of this negativity for she is doing VERY WELL i told dh i'll give it two weeks and if still an issue i will take my dd out of the picture for them

we've already contacted dh's attorney about it and got him on the ball to get the paperwork from the counselor and to pretty much address to nip it in the bud or we would be going after full custody of BOTH of them. bm has full custody and did not sign any release forms for them to release it to dh

He wants me to engage and talk to them to, but idk if that's a good idea or not



simifan's picture


somerg's picture

bm just called dh today, she's in counseling and we've contacted his attorney to get the paperwork. she has been cutting herself this week we just found out, bm doesn't communicate well (if at all to dh)

tigerlilly00's picture

This is a very serious issue I am sure you know already. My SD from my previous marriage started cutting when she was 13 also. She was also anorexic. I think that both her bio parents getting remarried was too much of a stress on her. Her father, my ex was also a nut and didnt help her matter too much either. He was so disconnected. I tried so hard to be there for her and as supportive as I could, but being a SM, I didnt have too much of a say in anything. She ended up going into therapy and it enventually helped her to some degree. She is now 19 and pretty well adjusted. She no longer has any contact with her surprise.

tigerlilly00's picture

Just listening to her and being supportive is really what she needs from you. We cant be expected to fix the problem. I understood her a bit more since I too was a cutter. Many people dont really understand why kids self mutilate, but it should never be taken lightly. These kids are hurting so bad inside and this is their way of dealing with the pain. They turn everything inward and dont know how to express themselves. I really hope she gets the help she needs.

helena_brass's picture

My cousin used to do this. It was for different reasons though.

I agree, you need to take her to a therapist. It's okay if you have no experience with this, you can still help by encouraging DH to get her to the therapist and then by being supportive of what the therapist recommends (if you all agree to it).

Where is she cutting by the way, and what is she cutting with? How deep is she cutting? There are many different levels of cutting, and some are more worrisome than others (I know all of it's worrying, but really, there are progressive levels).

z3girl's picture

Like the others said, therapy is the way to go for your SD.

I used to cut myself when I was younger. I had a lot going on in my life and hadn't found the right therapist. I can't say I understand your SD's situation because I didn't want anyone to know that I cut. I liked to cut my one arm, and have scars to this day. There was a scare once when a family friend saw my arm and then everyone freaked out, but of course didn't address it with me, but called my therapist acting like I was trying to commit suicide. Even to this day, on occasion when I'm particularly upset, I wish that I could bring myself to cut again because it helped focus myself on physical pain and not the emotional anguish I may be feeling. I feel for the pain your SD must be feeling, but know with help, she will get over it.

buttercookie's picture

Get her to a therapist ASAP. My daughter did this too when she wanted attention. I bought her cartoon bandaids and told her to wear them and she might get more attention. I had her sister tatteling on her and I watched her very well when I called her bluff but she was also seeing a therapist and when she got called out on it she quit, but there is NO substitute for a good therapist when kids do this. It is usually an attention getting behavior but can be beginning signs of something more serious.

somerg's picture

bm has her in counseling, she called dh today about it, dh tried calling sd but no answer (must be at church) i suggested that my dd and i go hang with my mom for the weekend (definately sending my dd for the entire weekend) but dh feels if i do that, i'll be "walking out" on the skids, he said if i want to go to the neighbors house while he talks to them that'll be better...i disagree but he knows them better than i do

NCMilGal's picture

SD15 cut herself just before Christmas this year. She claimed it was because she heard that cutting released endorphins and she thought it would make her feel better instead of the emotional pain she was in.

I looked her in the eye and asked her if she would take a hit off a joint? Smoke crack? Shoot up heroin? When she told me no, all shocked, I told her that cutting was an addiction, just like illegal drugs. Sure, it probably distracts you from the bad feelings, but in doing so, the self-disgust and shame wells right back up, and it's a nasty cycle.

(I feel like a total hypocrite lecturing her. I have cut myself, even in the last year. But I know it's an addiction; which I also have more than one to other things.)

Cutting isn't suicidal ideation, mostly. I once had a therapist who tried to tell me (after I cut ONCE) that I was suicidal. That session REALLY depressed me. I swore I would never go back, and I never did; not to that bitch, anyway.

Good luck.

iwishyouwould's picture

my best guess is that she's depressed, like, clinically. When i was her age i sliced my arms and hands up pretty good and i was, here's the cliche, crying out for help, just wanted someone to realize how much mental/emotional agony i was in. Kids in middle school were cruel and i was depressed... prolly same thing with kiddo. thirteen is a tough age. get her in to see a psych and talk it out.

tigerlilly00's picture

It isnt always attention getting behavior. I know, because I used to cut. You hide it and dont want anyone to see. If they are hiding it, it wouldnt be for attention because no one would know you are cutting. I suppose that some kids do it for that reason and maybe flaunt it. Most often, it goes much deeper than that. I think it best to take it seriously before you decide they are doing it to get attention.

ConfusedAndFrustrated's picture

If she's in counseling already, there's really not a whole lot else to be done, other than try your best to create the best, most safe, open environment for her when she's with y'all. She needs to feel like you care, and she may not feel that unless you come out and blatantly show her. Talk to her, give her a hug when you think she needs it. She's reaching out by doing this. I have personal experience with the issue. All I ever wanted was for someone to act like they gave a shit about the emotional turmoil I was going through, and no one ever did. It spiraled out of control and was not good.
Don't feel like a failure if she doesn't stop. She could be doing it for a lot of different reasons, so don't overanalyze it too much. Make sure she knows you care, and that you are empathetic to what she's going through right now and that you want to understand. Don't judge or jump to conclusions, and whatever you do... don't try to pray the demons out of her. (Happened to me, lol.. I can laugh about it now, but at the time it was horrifying. Those people really convinced me I might have had a demon!)

somerg's picture

to the responses, yes we are taking it VERY seriously and dh is very tempted (i hope he does this) to go after joint custody at the least (she has full custody). to a degree i do hope he tells sd (because she doesn't want to live with us, she wants to live with bm) that doing this is NOT a good way to back that up (could win us custody and we will go after it if she continues) because it's proving that bm does not have control over their emotional well-being and ignoring the real problems.

according to dh she is not doing this to get attention because she was caught, we don't know what she's cutting herself with, or how severe the wounds are, per bm she said it's because she wants the modification to be over with and wants more visitation with her dad (which bm refuses without a court order)

OMG bm agreed that she COULD work with us a little more than she does .... you think you stupid bitch? it's just an fn power trip i talked to dh's attorney (dh forgets a lot in the heat of the moment, so he has me call to make sure everything is covered) and attorney mentioned that HER attorney has had to tell her to take a breather and think about it and even ended sessions because of her language. he agreed she is hard to work with and wondered why she is like that, told attorney it's nothing more than a power trip for her.