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bm are you really that blind to your own daughter

somerg's picture

so most of you saw my post last week about my sd13 cutting herself.
Well, dh talked to bm, and she said it's because sd13 wants more visitation with her dad and wants modification over with. dh told attorney over a year ago to settle it and bm denies visitation she is not "required" to allow, at all costs. So that's what sd13 said is her reason for attempting to cut herself. (there's more to her reason's but with counseling that will come out)

So i have a bd 8 who is doing OUTSTANDING and dh told sd13 that if she continues to release anger in this manner, we will remove dd from the picture by switching weekends and making sure they are not together during the summer time except for bare minimal...she said she understood-we'll see.

dh also talked with bm and she said that she understands and needs to start working with dh better when it comes to visitation and knows that she is encouraged by the courts to allow extra visitation (especially if the kids want it)

so she's agreed that counseling for sd 14 and 13 dh and bm is necessary (?you think?)

bm are you really this fn blind to your dd's needs? it really takes your own child inflicting pain upon herself for you to realize that there IS a problem :sick: and it resides with YOU!? She also admited that sd 14 has an eating problem (she is 15 in july and weighs as much as ME and i'm 28 and have had 1 child-overweight by FAR)

we'll see how far this goes