How the Hell do you deal with peer pressure!!!
Ok. I blogged about this crap. SD13 is doing fucking stupid and dangerous shit on social media all because her damn "friends" at school are doing it. How do you get it through that thick scull of a teen that peer pressure is a crap-out?! Who gives a shit what your so called friends at school are doing! If they were jumping off a damn bridge would you!? OMG! I never had a problem with giving in to peer pressure!
Try putting her in
Try putting her in extracurricular actives. Does she like soccer or horses? If she finds a sport she is passionate about, chances, she will leave those friends behind and hang with those that share a passion.
Horses have played a huge part in my oldest SD's life and my youngest SD is now falling in love with equitation. She stopped wearing makeup and was more concerned saving her money for new riding clothes than those horrid skinny jeans.
Keep her mind and body busy, something she can focus and love.
As a former rebellious teen,
As a former rebellious teen, I really needed someone to remind me that my poor choices would always have consequences; whether it's no Christmas presents now or missing out on a career opportunity as an adult. Luckily we didn't have internets then
Teenagers think they're invincible; little do they know that adulthood is right around the corner to check their bullshit.
What happens on the internet stays on the internet. FOREVER. Sooner than later this 13 year-old is going to get a job, go to college, start a career, start a family (maybe?), and have her own life. And with Google at our fingertips, the whole world now has access to her escapades. Self-respect. Does she really want this shit dogging her FOREVER?!
I swear, teenagers and time. They just can't.
They told her about all this.
They told her about all this. She so damn thick headed! They are taking everything out of her room. She will only have a bed and clothes in her room at BM's and ours. She still gets her Christmas presents but they will be put up immediately after she opens them. It's to show her she can earn them back. But this is the second time she has pulled this shit.
She's in the color guard. She
She's in the color guard. She did dance for awhile. I would love to see her get involved with horses but according to BM she's "allergic" to horses.
Allergic to horses?
Allergic to horses? Interesting. Don't believe I've heard of that before. I was put on a horse for the first time when I was 2 wks old. My dad held me and rode around the field. I've been riding ever since.
Aside from the "horse allergy", I am glad the BM and your DH are on the same page for this. I hope they both stick to it. Don't know what your SD did on social media, but it must've been REALLY bad for BM and DH to agree on discipline together. :O
At times like this I will
At times like this I will back any decision BM and DH make. They are putting their foot down with this and proceeding with a harsh punishment (in house prison kind of deal). Let's just say SD13 was messaging a male adult on a social media app that we can't locate through the internet. SnapChat is one of them. I will not repeat some of the messages but lets just say the iPod will be turned into the police for a while.
Wow! Good for all adults
Wow! Good for all adults involved for catching this and stopping it. I hope the police can help, and I hope your SD has learned her lesson. Scary to think how easy it is for that to happen.
We tried over and over to
We tried over and over to talk to my SD (now 19) about the dangerous of social media and she just didn't get it until...........she put a post on Twitter after the Sandy Hook shootings that was so offensive that her peers slammed her and slammed her good. She was the laughing stock of her friends and all fingers were pointed at her. That is where she finally got it, not by us explaining it to her but by her classmates telling her and scolding her. Sometimes it takes an outsider to make kids realize the error of their ways. She still overshares on social media but she has locked up her profiles and seems to understand the dangers a bit better.
If you want to message me, or
If you want to message me, or heck just look through my blogs, my SD was doing similar stupid stuff. I can tell you what was done, and what worked for us. (Sadly, not much, she kind of outgrew it, but not really)
I know I'm going to be sorry,
I know I'm going to be sorry, but... 13 is too late to start teaching them this sort of thing. Helping them learn that being a sheep is stupid starts so much earlier! So that by 13/15/17? They are comfortable being themselves, and not what others expect.