Positive Talk Only
Hi Folks. Things can get a little negative on this site...so I wanted to provide a place where we can look on the bright side or ask for advice that comes from a positive place. I know we're frustrated, but sometimes negativity feeds negativity and it's not helpful. So what's positive about your situation? I'll start...
My partner of 11 years (I call him DH because FDH doesn't fit) is a kind and generous man. He is smart and funny and talented at his work. He cooks and cleans (maybe not to the best of his abilities but better than I do)! He is never angry. He is honest. He has many more wonderful qualities, but I don't want to make you :sick: or envious. I have it pretty good. He is totally devoted to his SD23 who has disabilities. I don't agree with how he gives in to her every wish, but it's part of who he is. He's made me a better person. This makes putting up with SD and biomom more tolerable.
- witsend71's blog
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well it's a new day.maybe she
well it's a new day.maybe she is working through her anger by focusing on his better qualities right now. :?
LOL yea i used to wear them,
LOL yea i used to wear them, the problem with them is they keep shattering and the glass shards mame my eyes bleed!! LMAO
Sometimes it really helps to
Sometimes it really helps to fake it till you make it. I always tell people that I have two columns for my husband. The good column and the bad column. There really is a lot more in the bad column than the good column but the stuff in the good column far outweighs the stuff in the bad column.
Dear Witsend- I commend you
Dear Witsend-
I commend you for your effects to make things more positive. I agree w/ you about the negativity here. I still read here but very rarely post. There are a few specific people that just seem to want to bring everyone down to their level - it's a shame.
Positive thoughts for everone!!!
"He is never angry" HOw
"He is never angry" HOw does this reconcile w/leaving you alone on a dark/cold non populated rural road??? I feel you are being abused severely by this man but can't even wrap your own head around it yet.
Reminds me of my exh who would do something so nefarious like that and then insist I was only worryign about that bad and need to focus on the positive. FREAKS. NO man in his right mind would do that?
Well I should say he never
Well I should say he never yells or gets upset, except when I have pushed the the SD/biomom situation. I agree what he did was wrong. It's literally his way or the highway. It's been 11 years, so I don't think this one instance is "grooming me" for a life of abuse...unless you consider living second fiddle to SD abuse.
Okay your DH never yells or
Okay your DH never yells or gets upset - except when you push the sd/biomom situation - is that not the huge white elephant in your life - and I am sure that it bugs you every day so does that not effect your life - I am sure in the last 11 years there have been other instances in your relationship that have been abusive and bad - and living second fiddle to anyone in your marriage is not acceptable and a form of abuse - sorry to leave you like that was inexcusable.
Okay I am back now and I just read your other blog and I remember reading this yesterday and thinking how sad that you are in this situation and I commend you for trying to be positive but the only way this situation is going to get positive or be at a place where you can even stomach living is if your DH changes and makes his daughter become responsible for her actions and holds her to a place higher than a 10 year old all while doing adult things with her - I have to say growing up with handicapped and disable brothers and sisters and there were about 8 of them - we were all adopted - my mother never let them get away with crap and held them accountable and these children has severe physical and mental and emotional problems - not one of them could have gone on a 2 - 8 hour hike or watched weeds - there is something really wrong with this picture.
I am sure that my post does not meet your positivity criteria and I am sure you are going to delete it but please for yourself just read and think about what your life could be away from all of this madness - I think that is where abused woman don't go - they don't take themselves out of their situation because they are so beat down that they can't see beyond the four walls they are trapped in - and believe me I would rather my husband respect me and make his daughter accountable for her life rather than bring me breakfast in bed - good luck - and I will be praying that either your husband makes his daughter grow up or that you realized that life is short and you deserve so much better than the situation you are in - I truly feel for you - because while I have a shitty BM in my situation who causes problems alot and from 700 miles away - my husband treats me with respect and makes his son treat me with respect and he puts me first no matter what and that is what you need to do in a marriage - husband and wife first and then if that is healthy then the children are well taken care of and provided for because the marriage is thriving and so the whole family unit works. If the head of the family (husband and wife) are sick how can the rest of the body function - it can't as evidenced by your whole situation with this girl child and her POS BM.
Not being "negative" BUT have
Not being "negative" BUT have been down "this" road before-
"Well I should say he never yells or gets upset, except when I have pushed the the SD/biomom situation."
*There is no EXCEPTION to being yelled at and or abused. Not one single exception allows this behavior. NOBODY "deserves" it.
I hope for your sake that you have not been "programmed" to the point of not being able to see what might be really going on in your life. It is never too late.
Good luck,
My husband and I got into a
My husband and I got into a huge fight on the way home from a party once.I was drunk which is SO rare bc I get so emotional when I'm drunk.Dh couldn't take it anymore and stopped the car.He said if I couldn't stop screaming at him and calm down then I needed to get out and take a breather.
So I got out and told him to F-off and i started walking.He drove away in a huff.He came back a few minutes later but still...
I consider that moment to be my fault.DH is in his right mind and he's a good man when it counts.But I was being an abusive drunk girl and he reacted.
It happens.
Good for you for trying to be positive OP.Like someone else said sometimes it does help to fake it til you make it.As long as this sort of behavior(dumping you in the middle of nowhere)isn't a regular pattern of behavior for him.People snap.Anyone who says they've never snapped under emotional strain and stress is a liar.
This seems like a similar
This seems like a similar situation to mine...thank you for sharing. I was definately pushing his buttons. It doesn't make it right. I haven't talked to him since pretty much. I think he's looking for an apology first. Not ready yet.
Why would you apologize for a
Why would you apologize for a situation where you have had to swallow a lot of shit for years and then it bubbles out one night - he should be apologizing and kissing your ass for putting up with him and his nutso daughter - this shows that you are beat down to think that because of a situation that is years in the making and about ready to put you over the edge erupts one night and he leaves you on a lonely highway - what have you done wrong except get out of your head all the things that are bothering you - you are human and you deserve a modicum of respect from this man who has taken 11 years of your life and made a lot of it hell - and when notice I did not say if you apologize he has won once again - good luck!!
And I know this may be deleted too because it is not positive but please just think about what I wrote!!
My x husband did the same
My x husband did the same thing. He got out of our car pissed off and I left him there. BUT I didn't go back. I let him walk the 2.4 miles home in a dark swampy area. I rushed home, packed a bag and got my girls and left. I haven't been back.
People may snap under stress
People may snap under stress but not do what he did-I think your situation is quite different from what her description was also.
eh-i was back talking my mom
eh-i was back talking my mom when i was 14, and it got to the point where i made her mad enough that she kicked me out of the car and made me 14 miles home.
at the time it was a HUGE deal, but i was being a smart ass 14 year old girl, and more than deserved it. i'm kinda surprised she didn't slap me.
o mi god ppl what's up with
o mi god ppl what's up with you guys today....so negative, i can understand why you guys rained hell down on me but seriously someone that put negative posts previously is trying to put up a positive post and all you guys do is :sick: on her...really?
kudo's to you hun for trying to look at it from the positive side, sometimes that makes all the difference in the world
If you don't want to stay
If you don't want to stay positive on this blog...your comment will be deleted. Things can't be all bad, and if they are...you need more than steptalk can offer.
Yes you do need more than ST
Yes you do need more than ST can offer and I know I am being deleted but that is okay just please read what I wrote you are in such a tough situation and I am not trying to be mean but I can't after reading what your first blog said just sit here and vomit up rainbows and unicorns sorry not me I tell it like it is!!
Thanks SA - I truly am not
Thanks SA - I truly am not trying to be mean but I can't sit here and just tell her what she wants to hear - her situation breaks my heart because life is so short and she could be having a whole different life that is better with someone else or quite frankly be alone and be better off - when a parent coddles a disabled child/adult game over - it never changes and it really hurts the child more than helps them - I really feel sorry that she is in this position - I don't know her story just hit me harder than others - and no I have never been abused nor would I let it happen - My mother who raised over 20 children was a strong tough woman who taught us how to be strong capable women all of my sisters and my parents taught us what a true loving relationship was - up until the day my mother died 3 years ago - my father showed me how a real man treats his wife and he took care of my mother who was very disabled at the end for 4 years and never complained and loved her and still every time I talk to him he misses her and wished he was up in heaven with her. He took her to the bathroom 2 -3 times a night and she was a bigger woman but he got up put her on the toilet and then put her back to bed and cleaned her several times a day - got her all of her meals and took her everywhere because she could hardly walk and at the end she was in a wheelchair - and he spent so much time and energy on him that his heart almost gave out - and yet he cries a lot when I call him because he just misses her and so that is real love from a real man - and I think I have the man and wife first because that is how I was raised and I saw that it worked great -
We never doubted that our parents would not be together forever - and we respected them and understood that they loved each other and because their love was so strong it made our family very very strong and with 8 handicapped children that they took in plus the other 9 abused children they took in it really was a testament to their love for each other and the family - I am glad I grew up in the home I grew up in - I never take crap from a man and I was raised to go out on my own and be a responsible adult - as my sisters who were very handicapped went to group homes and then to state runned facilities to work - if you don't work sometime in your life how can you grow up if everything is handed to you - something not right about this girl.
You make a lot of sense. I
You make a lot of sense. I believe that adult SD could be more independent. She has been raised to believe that not working and being reclusive is okay because her mother has never worked and is a recluse. DH is afraid to stand up to biomom. He was married a long time and it's surprise he got out at all. He's a pushover and that's not going to change. No one is ever going to tell SD that she needs to work. She has NO interest (doesn't talk much other than to parents/no eye contact/no math skills/low muscle tone) and has a medical condition that could be a problem if not monitored closely. Biomom could do a lot more for her...but she thinks she's helping by not getting services because it would SD and parents uncomfortable/inconvenienced to have a worker of some kind helping her gain independence. It's incredibly frustrating. They have never even gotten her an autism diagnosis, even though it is clearly her primary disablity. I have tried to get her help for 11 years. All I am met with is, "accept her as she is". So, I am starting to do that. The worst part is that the small in roads that biomom has made to create a support network is falling apart. SS26 agreed to take her one day a week a few months back, but is moving away. DH's mom takes her one day a week but is in her 80's and not a very good driver. I want her to have a staff of warm and trusted workers that will spend time with her during the day so she can get out and see the world and walk her dog which is what she likes best...but it would be stepping on biomom's toes to try to put that into action.
Maybe the state would pay for
Maybe the state would pay for 1 day a week a worker coming and spending the day with her and giving everyone much needed relief - what would happen if BM died - would she then come and live with you or would you convince DH to put her in a care home which it sounds like she should be in anyway!!
Thank you for your thoughts.
Thank you for your thoughts. I am sure that she could get a worker daily and have suggested that to DH (then she could get out of the house a bit) but he is afraid to bring it up to BM and I am not in a position to do so. If BM died, I don't know what would happen. He would probably quit his job to take care of her or hire a full-time attendant. He would not consent to a supervised living situation unless she asked for it, and she's never been given the option.
I try and stay postive for
I try and stay postive for the most part
2010 was my worst year in history:
My SO grandad died. my Mom died a week later, 3 hs friends of mine passed away all tragically at different times. my best friend was attacked in her place of work and was in a coma for 2 weeks(drug halfway house). other best friends younger brother passed away at 26 (severely autistic)
To top all that off in the first 2 months of 2011 both of us have been laid off our jobs.
However on the plus side my SO gained regular visitation after an 18 month court battle. He filed for divorce. We gained possession of one of his old properties from his ex. I got a beautiful puppy. My sister found out she was pregnant..Ill finally be a REAL aunty.
So I do sometimes feel like the world is caving in on me but other times I feel very lucky to have what I do.
I didn't read the other blogs
I didn't read the other blogs ppl are talking about, but i have to say no matter how bad a situation is (sounds abusive) who would be able to stay sane if negative things were always being thought of? :?
even if her situation is horrible, if she's trying to look at the bright side of things even if it means her focusing on something else in her life like kiddo's siblings, neice's nephew's what ever, give her that moment.
step aside- what is wrong
step aside- what is wrong with bragging on here too? yeah it's posted for venting but what's wrong with a little positive attitude?? it happens on here all the time in a round about fashion, even if it's silly stupid stuff like posts i've seen name # of things you like about bm or skids and nevertheless sarcastic remarks are made (inevitably) but it's still POSITIVE, no?
you have a point
you have a point
Somerg-not sure what your
Somerg-not sure what your past is-NO nothing wrong w/positive thinking-BUT ...it's also very common to slip into denial this way and do nothing to improve the negative that's sure to keep piling on. It's like doing the ostrich move.
You have a point
You have a point
Agreed. * @ overit2 ONLY
Agreed. * @ overit2
ONLY trying to help and be supportive here. *
All I know is that one of an
All I know is that one of an abuser's tactics is to tear down your self-esteem to the point where you feel like everything is your fault.
Ok - positivity, positivity...I am POSITIVE I will be living in my own place sans H by the start of the summer. Does that work??
YOu know, yeah isn't it crazy that after she is left on a lonely road SHE is expected to apologize...and she's not thinking THAT is crazy-just saying she isn't ready for it...see how they warp our thinking???
And Butterfly----count down!!!! YES!!! Another positive!
Unbelievable. My H told me
My H told me once about when him and his brother wouldn't stop fighting in the car and his mom and stepdad left them on the side of the road. They were about 9 and 5. I had problems with THAT as a form of discipline. And that was parent/child!
If I was EVER left anywhere by H, he would never see me again and I sure as HELL would not be manipulated into apologizing for what HE did to me!
Oh, I am POSITIVE that my ass
Oh, I am POSITIVE that my ass would find both he and the windshield of the car and take a Louisville Slugger to both. I do not let anyone treat me like shit anymore.
Women are way above men, IMHO in the "eyes" of our universe and no woman should be crawling around and begging for forgivness and apologizing. (yin-yang) etc.
Apologize for what? For putting up with being treated this way? Should it not be the other way around, a million times over?
I am POSITIVE that I have
I am POSITIVE that I have exactly one more week to literally "GO."
to butterfly
The purpose for the "Positive
The purpose for the "Positive Talk" is a place for people to look at the brighter side, or to request advice with the intent of making things better. I don't want you to puke sugar, I just don't want to hear people calling their SK names. The exes I can see...but I draw the line at the SK...however horrible they can be.
Re: my experience
Yes, my DH, during an argument about his SD/ex, pulled over on a dark rural road and I got out. Four days later I began talking to him again. He remembered things a bit differently. He can't even bring himself to acknowlege what really happened. I called him on it and told him that what he did was kind of abusive and that if it happened again I would leave. Those of you who think I should leave may be right...but truthfully I still don't have the sense of self worth to do it. I have this distorted notion that you are less than without a man and I can barely pay the bills on my own nevermind put my son through college. The positives outweight the negatives. Pushing his buttons about his daughter and ex hits a nerve with him because I think he knows that I am right on some level and he is powerless to change it.
I didn't read all the
I didn't read all the posts...
You positives were regarding you DH. My DH and I have had a really rocky 12 years. In the end he is not the person I thought I started with but:
He tries to be the best dad he can be
he has never missed a support payment
he has attended every activity he knew about ahead of time that he didn't have other plans
when we could we went above the support to try and help- but usually not at the cost of providing needs into our household first.
He tries to be the best sdad he can be
he has always been supportive of my decisions and of her activities.
He tries to be the best son he can be
he lost his father recently and has stepped up to the plate in helping his mother maintain her living alone status.
He tries to be the best husband he can be.
he has always been employed, he cooks, and will do laundry if needed, sucks at cleaning the house but will help if directed.
But what about positives on skids? IS there nothing positive about your skids?
So what is helping or is
So what is helping or is positive about your situation? Enquiring minds want to know!
In case anyone is interested, here's an update on my relationship (discussed above):
Yes, I pushed my DH's buttons for 30 minutes and he said something about walking home. I said, "Ha, ha, funny." He pulled over. I got out. He drove away. Yeah, it's kind of abusive and I told him that 4 days later when I began talking to him again. He is in a bit of denial about how it went down. I told him if something like that happened again I'd leave. I guess I am in denial. Another time SD, DH, and I got in an argument over the remote resulting in him physically prying it from my hands. It hurt and I felt totally humiliated. I left and we didn't speak or see each other for two weeks. I was on the verge of ending it for good...but ultimately get scared of making it on my own and decide to change my outlook on the situation. If you saw us away from the SD you might think we had the ideal relationship/life. We laugh and enjoy each other and support each other and understand each other in ways that no one else ever has. I guess I am accepting this imperfect situation until I decide not to, but I'm not there yet. I don't have any close friends. I don't want to be broke and alone.
Since I'm new to the posting
Since I'm new to the posting I am thinking you were asking me what was positive about my skids?
Ok, so sd pretty much couldn't wait until she was 18 she wasn't going to be forced to come anymore. So she wasn't forced. The first year "away" at college (she lived in the dorms 10 minutes away from her mom's house). We heard from her only for financial needs, we saw her only during gift giving events, she was very snotty.
This year, she seems more polite to her dad, she has initiated phone calls and contact. And she initiated an overnight visit. IN addition for the first time ever she made the comment that she was always available to babysit for younger dd (1/2 sibling) should we need her.
SS, is very involved with the other kids in the house. He asks about them when they aren't here and texts Oldest dd (his ssister) randomly through out the week. He doesn't back talk me and will usually do what his dad asks of him. In general he is a kid put in the middle of a bad situation. But he is a good student that is showing promise of being a very responsible teenager and adult. He has learned the value of hard work and saving for the things he has wanted.
Now, yes there are positives, but there are many negatives too. But sometimes holding onto the positives get me through the hair pulling out negative.
"Another time SD, DH, and I
"Another time SD, DH, and I got in an argument over the remote resulting in him physically prying it from my hands. It hurt and I felt totally humiliated."
I told my DH and he also agrees that this guy sounds totally abusive and controlling. I would encourage you to do whatever you can to prepare yourself (financially and otherwise) to leave this situation. Is this your sons bio-dad?? If not, then perhaps you can have a talk with your son. If I was your son and found out my mom was putting up with a mentally abusive man, I would not expect her to stay in that relationship juat so she could pay my tuition... Why doesnt he have a job anyway if hes in college and why cant he apply for student loans? Maybe I dont have enough details to figure out your best way out, but the car story and then this one made me sad. Are these the only two stories? Because it sounds like theres more. He may not have actually hit you but he does sound controlling, and that does not happen overnight without him conditioning you. I wish you the best.
witsend--You statement of "I
witsend--You statement of "I don't want to be broke and alone." told me alot about your situation. If being optimistic helps you get through the day, then go for it. You'll know when you've had enough.
Don't ever be afraid to be alone. I felt more alone when I was maried than when I was single. Make sure you have an education to support yourself is the most important advice I can give you.
Good luck and take care.
I will bite. My wife is
I will bite. My wife is incredible. Incredibly sexy, intelligent, professional, passionate and is a great partner, wife, lover and mom.
We have the occasional disagreement on how to deal with our kid (my SS-18) and have dealt with these issues periodically since we married 16+yrs ago.
The skid .... not too bad but majorly infuriating when he has a Cranio-Rectitis flare up.... which is at least weekly.
The SpermIdiot ... has no redeeming qualities what so ever ... except for maybe that he is not a child murderer. Though he does have an appetite for underage girls (16yo). I have no use for his worthless ass or any of the SpermClan. My SS's half sibs are just victims of an unfortunately selected sire and dames of questionable judgment. All of the SpermClan adults ...... need to be removed from the human breeding population.