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BM up to something!!

Eagle Eye's picture

SS13 has been living with us full time for over a year and a half now. It was only supposed to be one year while she moved away w/her DH. During that year she stopped working and had a baby all the while trying to parent from afar! She of course thinks what she wants is the only thing that matters!!

She has been demanding that SS goes to a specific high school and I let my DH know that I would have no part in it! This school is out of our district and my BD will be going to high school in district! Of course DH just let it go and said she would be moving back and she could drive him..whatever!!

So last night I tell him he really needs to get a plan about school because things are beginning to happen like orientation etc. He sends BM text about the school and telling her that she would have to be in charge of transportation etc.

she texts back saying enroll SS in same school as my BD because she doesn't know what her plan will be. OMG this says to me she is never coming back and SS will forever live with us full time! Sad

As usual she get to make all the fucking decisions while I raise her kid! I am so angry today! And so sad! I see no light at the end of the tunnel!!


Eagle Eye's picture

I've always thought he was better off with us because I thought he would grow and mature by living with us! I was wrong! He will be starting high school soon but his maturity level is still somewhere in elementary school! I've tried to help him mature but that is met with resistance from all!

BM sees him EOW and she constantly texts about his school assignments, calls/emails his teachers and always he is saved at the last second due to his mom putting forth the effort. I think he needs to learn the hard way even if that means repeating the 8th grade. The kid can't even put a sentence together! He is the one who will be hurt in the end and his parents will wonder what happened!! Ugh!!

so_f-ing_over_it's picture

What IS it with kids these days? My SS14 CRIES when he is corrected or doesn't get his way. He also can not put together a sentence. He absolutely CAN NOT relate a story from beginning to end without stopping ten times. There's NO continuity of thought, just talking in circles...

mlmt1128's picture

You appear to be living my life. With one exception. BM lives 4 miles away and has spent a total of about 48 hours with ss in the last 14 months. And the number is only that high because she has a new found interest in him ever since we told her she needed to start paying CS like we did religiously for the 9 previous years.

Eagle Eye's picture

When I first met DH the BM lived a block away and that was bad. I was so glad when DH moved into my home! We found out that she had been entering his home taking things while he was at work.

She pays no child support and it seems DH likes it that way because in his mind she doesn't exist! Of course when she is barking orders to me anyway that makes it seem like she does exist and my life revolves around her wants!

I could never abandon by child! I just can't understand these women! Like it isn't bad enough that men do it often when a mother does it..that is even harder for me to accept!