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After 5 days in hospital..............

Eagle Eye's picture

My BD15 is finally home!! Smile Last Saturday during a soccer game my BD broke her leg, her tibia was shattered and her fibula was broken! This has been a very difficult time!! She had surgery and now has a metal rod in her leg! Sad

Her spirit is crushed! Her entire identity is being a soccer player! She was going to be on the Varsity soccer team in high school this year as a sophmore but no longer. I don't know if anyone out there has a daughter who lives and breathes for soccer but there was a special on tv the other night about it. It is extremely difficult for these kids who suffer injuries and can no longer play the sport they love!

School is coming to a close with final exams in the next week. Luckily BD is a straight A student so teachers are willing to work with her! She is stressed about exams, GPA, and all the while she is in a lot of pain!!

Please keep her in your thoughts!! This is going to be a long recovery physically and emotionally!!


cpreston's picture

Wow, Eagle Eye, I am so sorry! I can't imagine what a blow this is to your daughter. you and her are in my thoughts.

3familiesIn1's picture

Poor girl. She will make it through with your support. Finding out what you planned your life on is gone is a difficult hurdle for anyone.

Good wishes your way Eagle for you and BD.