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BM stuck (really!!) in the basement. pathetically funny

MamaBecky's picture

I celebrated my bday last week and over the weekend we took SD's 5 & 13 to a hotel so we could all enjoy the pool, hottub, spa. I invited my BFF, my DH's BFF, SD5's BM, and SD13's BM and all of the applicable family memebers that come with all of the above. Only my BFF and his family, and SD5's BM & family came and it was perfect. We had a great time. We learned some fun facts regarding why SD13's Bm could not make it...

Last friday SD13 called me in tears that BM and GMA are fighting and can you come get me early please because I dont want to be here....sure. I went and got her early. She proceeds to tell me that due to a back injury that her BM sustained giving birth to her brother 10 years ago she can no longer move and is stuck in the basement. (this is the same back injury that has prevented her from having a JOB but has never prevented her from hanging out with her friends/boyfriend/going to her sisters, and going out and spending her other daughters SSI check or the CS checks she obtains from my DH and her exH) So, when she told me this I said "What!?!". She nodded emphatically...."yes she is stuck in the basement...they are going to have to get her a port-a-potty to put down there". (LMFAO!) She then proceeds to tell my DH and I that BM is confined to the basement, needs a port-a-potty and is becoming hunchbacked.

Someone needs to tell this kid that her mom is pathetically lazy, it's probably moreso the 80lbs she's gained in the last year that isnt helping with her mobility, and that maybe if she would get off her butt and not sit around smoking weed all day and night that perhaps her life would improve. Man it was hard not to bust out laughing when she brought up the hunchback and port-a-potty though. Seriously I though DH was going to loose it but we managed to keep our composure.


MamaBecky's picture

She lives in her moms basement with her BF. They moved in there last year when she lost her house to foreclosure. She's lazy and pathetic and blames everything on the birth of her youngest child but in reality shes lazy and feels owed by the world. She's probably just to fat and lazy to get up the stairs. She sure can get out of the basement when the monthly check comes because she has no problem getting to the store to cash and and spend it...and she can get to her drug dealers to buy weed. It must be a monthly miracle!

Totalybogus's picture

I think my only question is why on earth would you invite your husband's ex's to the spa for your birthday????

MamaBecky's picture

I knew someone was going to ask this! LOL I put ALOT of effort into building relationships/friendships with my SD's BM's. I have been very successful with SD5's BM. We are becoming very good friends and it is so beneficial for SD5. We are all able to work well together and really put her best interests first. It is a lot harder in regards to SD13's BM because I really dont like her or have any respect for her. I do get along with her ok. I knew when I invited her she wouldnt come so it's kind of an empty invite. I would hate for my SD13 to go home and tell her BM that I invited SD5's mom though and not her so I invite her. I was 90% confident she would not go. I know how lazy and uninterested in physical activity she is.

ddakan's picture

WoW :sick: I wonder who is going to carry the port o potty contents upstairs..... :sick:

Our BM is a big fan of weed, its what makes her move at a turtle's pace I suppose. I wish a big house would fall on her or she would fall through the cracks in the sidewalk.

Our BM gets these butt pumping procedures done by her mother. Its a coffee treatment pumped up her butt and then vibrated around in there and then vacuumed out. Her mother does this little treatment for her and they call it their cancer machine.

They did it to sd9 one wonder she came to live with us. :/

MamaBecky's picture

"WoW Barf! I wonder who is going to carry the port o potty contents upstairs....."

Me too! I am going to ask SD13 ASAP! LOL How disgusting.

I thought the BM I deal with had a funny self diagnosis when she declared herself a hunchback in need of a port-o-potty but apparently your BM with her butt pumping cancer machine gets to win this competition. WTF!?! LMAO