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Just getting by

007Lostit's picture

Two weeks now. I feel a little better. But still feel the depression, and will be going in to see my Dr. That is a positive I suppose.

SD17 has slowed on the "niceness" and is not bombarding me with it. Which is a relief. It made me super uncomfortable. Because I felt it was so fake.
She has made so many plans to do stuff since she ran away....which makes no sense....because hello? You ran away and made a huge mess of a lot of things, and you think you just get to go on like nothing happened? What freakin' planet do you live on??!!
She "claimed" that she had a "dinner" to go to at Famous Dave's for a school club....uh huh...and was wondering if I was going to take her or if she needed to find a ride. ROFLMAO!! Told her it was none of my business. Well her dad told her he was going to call the teacher who is in charge of this club and find out what the deal was (after I told him it sounded fishy, because I did not believe the school would pay for a dinner just so these kids could get to together for a 'meeting'). Well we heard not another word about this "dinner". lol I think she was going to see that guy again, and that was going to be her cover. We still have yet to meet him. Yet she claims that he wants to meet us. Whatever. She told her dad that they are in the same grade etc. I think it is a lie. I don't think he is in school at all. Because if he was then wouldn't he have offered to give her a ride home from school etc??? I would think so anyway. I think he is one of the many random guys that she talks to while at work. Creepy!

She has announced several "plans" that she intended to do, but had to be told, "remember, you ran away, and that means you have consequences". She told her dad her plans to go to a school dance this weekend. Told me she wanted me to do her makeup. ROFLMAO!! Nope, not interested, not even a little bit. Going with some "Friend" we have never met. Of course. Don't think her dad is going to let her go however. I told him, hmmmm wonder if she will try running away again when you tell her "no".

She is not trying at all to make things different in this house. She is the same. She is just trying to get out of the house more. Which normally would have been fine. But our one and only rule for going out with "friends" is that we get to meet them first. How hard is that? Really? But apparently it is the most difficult thing in the world for asking her to fly to the moon or something lol. It is ridiculous that she feels like we do not need to meet whomever it is she is choosing to hang out with. Again...what freakin' planet are you from?

My theory on this issue, is that she does not want us to meet them because she bad mouths us so bad, that if they were to actually meet us, then they would know that she is full of shit pretty much. This is why she does not keep "friends" around long...because either they do find out she is full of BS, or she doesn't want them to find out anything more and ditches them. Seriously, she has no friends. No long term, friend from grade school or middle school... nothing. No one. But she acts like so many people like her etc. Which, great if thats true. Then go do stuff with them, go to the mall, go to movies go shopping, something anything. But no. She doesn't do those things.

She is one messed up kid. Just like her brother. I knew she would end up being just like her brother. She just hid it better than he did. They are both mentally disturbed individuals with many many many emotional problems. The sad thing is, that we tried to get both of them professional help...but you can only lead a horse to water. They enjoy the victim role so much that both of them refused to change anything about themselves, or even face the issues they have in order to move forward with their lives in a positive manner. I can't help my SD any longer. I have wasted enough of my precious time on her, and I am moving on.

Whether or not she chooses to keep trying to mend our relationship is up to her. Whether or not I choose to warm up to her again or not, is up to me. But I will not put myself out there once again only to be hurt, and disrespected again. I said I am done, and I mean it. I love my DH with all my heart, but I will not be there for his kids. I owe them NOTHING and that is what they will get from me from now on.


oneoffour's picture

She may also be hiding her friends from you because you would not approve of them. My daughter did this for s year or so. Or she would bring along one of the most respectable ones who we would meet and everything was nice and then they would meet up with the weirdos later.

007Lostit's picture

Yes, you are right in that respect she has done this to us as well lol. That is why she lied about belonging to a club last year, introduced us to the "nice" girl, and then hung out with all the little gang banger kids after school. Just another of her "true confessions" in her "I am running away" letter. Except, why didn't she run away to those kids when she chose to run away? They are her "true" friends then why not rely upon them in her time of need???? No, she chooses to go to one of the "nice" kids who don't know her, and cry on that kids parents shoulders. The manipulation never ceases to amaze me sometimes.