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purpledaisies's picture

When a woman is married and cheats on her husband with a friend. Then ends it to be with another friend then ends it with that friend. That friend then goes on face book and airs the dirty laundry even calls the husband to tell him everything and even about the first friend. Whose fault is it???


JustAnotherSM's picture

I think everyone except the husband bears some fault in this scenario. Wife is responsible for cheating on husband and being fast & easy. Friend #1 is at fault for getting involved with a married friend. And Friend #2 is guilty of being a blabber mouth. I would advise husband to get a divorce and look for better friends.

stepmasochist's picture

"I would advise husband to get a divorce and look for better friends."

That's excellent advice. Ditto everything JustAnother said.

purpledaisies's picture

Thank you! I told her the same thing. She is a friend that I have known since HS but she is getting all our friends some how on her side and they think the other guys are jerks. Yes what friend 2 did was wrong and he is lashing out however she made her bed!

I even had a friend tell me that they knew she was married! I told her that yes they knew but she IS the one married and she is to blame too.

It only matters b/c I sit by and let 2 friends be blames for the entire mess that she started. I know they are to blame too but why is it that she seems to getting a free pass?

purpledaisies's picture

Justanotehrsm I would normally agree however I know for a fact he knew from the beginning that she was cheating. The reason is b/c he gave her t really expensive gifts the day he found out she might be leaving and she stayed. plus I know she has done this before with someone else I just don;t know who that someone else was and he gave her a really expensive gift then too.

JustAnotherSM's picture

Wow, so the husband is ok with his wife running around as long as she comes home when there's a nice gift? Is she an entitled adult SD by any chance? JK, I don't mean to make light of a serious situation.

Sometimes it's easy for a friend to overlook another friend's transgressions just because she is a friend. For me, I have always found that better advise comes from a friend who will give me the brutal honest truth as opposed to someone who just agrees with everything I say.

purpledaisies's picture

Yeah see she won't talk to me anymore b/c I tell the truth. I told her that she was playing with fire and she needed to stop. she assured me she was leaving her dh and then the excuses started as to why she couldn't. Friend #1 started to call her out on her excuses and she finally let him go. He was heart broken but understood he shouldn't have gotten involved since she was married and took the blame for his part. He backed off and never contacted her again. Now the friend I'm talking to said that friend #1 was being possessive and that is why friend that cheated let him go. i told the friend I'm talking to that was not true and that friend just called her out on her excuses as to why she wasn't leaving her dh and friend that is cheating said they can't be together. All this friend wanted was someone to cheat with b/c right after that day she cheated with friend #2. Why is that I'm the only one seeing this and none of our other friend scan see this???

caregiver1127's picture

Was it the woman's friend or the husband's friend? Just asking because our BM cheated with her best friends husband who was really great friends with DH - wasn't that lovely?!?!??!

purpledaisies's picture

Caregiver no it was our friend. We are all HS friends and she married someone we didn't know before. Now I'm talking with another friend and for some odd reason she seems to think that this is all friends #2's fault and he should have just kept his mouth shut. I told her that what did she expect she cheated??? She lead him on and then let him go what did she really expect her lover to do? really? Something was bound to happen right?