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FSD said what?

lost hope's picture

That's what I said to FDH. First, let me say, we currently do not live together as another room is being added and I have told FDH, that even after it was finished, until he gets control of his house, I would not be moving in, we were supposed to move in in December. FSD said I wouldn't talk to her on Thanksgiving day or yesterday. That she tried and I wouldn't talk to her. I told FDH really? Because I was sitting there talking with your niece and her boyfriend and she never came over to the table. If you don't believe me, why don't you call your niece and ask her. And as for yesterday, we were busy doing things and she was in her bedroom almost the entire time blasting her music and didn't get off her butt until I made you go deal with her and make her help. I also told him that she can't have it both ways, she said I was no-one to her and wasn't her mom (which I have NEVER claimed to be) and that maybe he needed to teach his daughter respect and that the way she treats others and the things she says or does doesn't just go away without her having to apologize or anything. That it may be okay for her to treat him and BM that way but she would NOT be treating me that way, remember I am nothing to her, so I don't have to put up with it. That maybe he needed to discipline her instead of letting her do whatever she wants by just throwing a tantrum, screaming, swearing until she disrupts everything and anyone to get her way.

The second thing she decided to make up is that I said that I was counting down the days until FSS17 was gone (away to college). First, it is no secret that FSS and I do not get along all that great, but as I told FDH, it is HIS fault for not parenting and letting his kids control everything. I told FDH that if I were to say something like that, I am not stupid enough to say it to HIS daughter who I have seen turn something someone said into a bigger deal. That if I were to say something like that then I would say it to my friends or my family, someone I know wouldn't repeat it. What WAS said, FSD said she can't wait until he is gone because she hates him. I laughed and said well I use a calendar that counts down the days to stuff you can always use that. She obviously twisted what I said to interpret that I was counting down the days.

He was taking her to her friends house during all this, so she was sitting right next to him in the car, Once I realized this, I told him real nice to make sure to show her that she controls our relationship, especially given a couple of the additional things he said. Which were, I can see this is going to end up being just like Sam's house where there is never any peace. I said really? Well maybe if you started to become a parent and discipline a little, it wouldn't be. I told him that maybe instead of taking her to a friends that her butt needed to be grounded instead. His nice excuse was well I can't do anything if BM doesn't..... I asked him really, does BM live at your house? Is she still married to you? Which of course he said no to, and I told him well then I hear you saying you have separate houses so last time I checked rules are different at different houses. But hey, what do I know. He then switches the subject and says well what is for dinner tonight and what time are you coming over? I about laughed in his face. I told him that dinner is whatever he decides and that I'll be over when hell freezes over tonight. Have a great night and hung up.

Grrrrrrr he gets me sooooo mad. At this point, the ring is in the box and if I were to see him I would tell him it's over that this drama and bs with his daughter is NOT worth it. Just write me a check for my portion of the money I put into the basement (we had to add a room for my daughter so I paid for a portion of it) and I'll be on my merry way. I have enough to deal with. He knew I had went out to the cemetery today to visit my dad who passed away earlier this year and that this is the first holiday season without him.


TheWickedStepmom's picture

First let me say that I am sorry for your loss. I lost my dad 8 1/2 years ago and the first holiday season was definitely the most difficult.

I cannot believe that your fdh did not discuss this with you when he was not out of earshot of sd! It's like he WANTED her to know that he was talking to you about it. That burns me up. My dh used to do the opposite, he would talk to me without the kids around, but then he would go behind my back and tell the sk's that he didn't agree with this, that, and the other, and if it wasn't for me, he wouldn't enforce some of the rules that I dished up. That worked really well at pulling us together as a blended family, let me tell ya. {rolls eyes}

Then the gall of this man to ask you when you were going to come over and fix dinner! Unreal. Just unreal. I have no other words for it. If you are having these problems now and you aren't married yet, truth is, they are only going to get worse when you do. Sounds like you are already pretty aware of that though.

Good luck to you in whatever you decide to do...

lost hope's picture

Thank you. Yes it is very hard and I'm also trying to help my mom through it, which is even harder to see.

You are completely right, it will get worse. He just doesn't get it that he causes alot of the problems, by doing this and not being a parent. The disrespect and the hatefulness that comes from his daughter is just unbelievable. It doesn't matter if it's me, his parents, or anyone else she gets away with it. All she has to do is say a fake I'm sorry, because he makes her and it's supposed to make everything okay. Sweep it under the rug and pretend it never happened. If the I'm sorry was real and she admitted how she acted/what she said was wrong, then I would think it was sincere, but he admitted that he made her say I'm sorry to me, and she said it as she was walking out the door.