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SD gets her way as usual

alwaysme's picture

As per previous blog SD is bad at BM house so daddy comes and saves her. Yay for me because now she is staying with us for a few days because she needs a break from her mother. SD is 10 and she needs discipline because she is little bitch at BM (still not my problem).

So instead of getting the discipline she needs by BM DH just bails her out. I am so fucking sick of it. Now i get her at home with me as well as SS13 because he came along for the ride. I get to look after them and drive them places, BM gets a week off with CS pay.

And yet if i bring the obvious up to DH it is me who is being the trouble maker and we get into a big fight. Why do BM problems always end up falling on my lap??? and she has been nothing but an asshole to me for years. If i had somewhere to move to i would have left my stupid fucking husband by now. He is a moron. I am always second friggin best and have no say in my house unless it becomes a massive fight.


moongirltru's picture

Yeah..I'm hurting over the same thing tonight..I'm new to the whole sf thing and so far its pretty crappy..Yes, if I bring up a problem with the bm crossing boundaries I'm the bad guy or as he put it "throwing a monkey wrench" into everything...It hurts always being treated like plan B...She treated him terrible even physical abuse..he says I spoil him like now other...but let her call the house everything stops at the drop of a hat to tend to her..

TheWickedStepmom's picture

They aren't the priority. They are the ones that make dh's life hell so that's the one he worries about because he can't stand the upheaval. You know how men are, right? If something's broke, FIX IT. If it's not broke, fix it anyway? Well, thing is... BM bitching at them means their peace is broken so they have to do whatever necessary to shut her the hell up so he can get back to his peace. Not to mention, she basically holds him by the balls in the form of children and cash. If he doesn't deal with her bs and please her or keep her happy so to speak, she can keep his kid from him (in order to fight that he HAS to go back to court... MONEY). So it's not about priority. It's about who can screw his ass to the wall the strongest. I am not saying all BM's are like this because I know I have fought hard not to be. But my dh's ex was this very person. I hate that bitch. Argh. Now SD is JUST like her and hubby is busy sucking up to her sorry ass too. Argh. :sick: