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SD4 and I had a breakthrough

majka's picture

SD4 and I were driving in the car, and she was coloring on this little magnet pad she has... next think I know she say to me "Look! I drew you and me together holding hands!" IT was so beautiful. I pulled over in the first place I could and took a picture and sent it to my DH.

This was a big moment for us! I have had a very hard time with her, and her attitude. SD4 and SS3 have been with us since June, and it has been a constant stuggle for me, and my DHs marriage... but this little moment made it all worth it!!

I was on the brink of tears!! She almost never shows me any affection. I told my husbands grandmother about it (we are close) and she told me that children will let you know how you are doing in many ways. It might not always be the conventional way, but they will let you know... I guess I am doing OK!

Here's to hoping that you all have wonderful moments too!!



young_step_mom's picture

Congratulations!!!! How exciting! It is definitely nice to hear a story like this and it gives me hope that someday I will be able to form some kind of bond with my own SS!! Despite his wicked BM :/

stepitup's picture

I've had a few moments like this since being in SD's life, and they do make anything and everything worth the battle...We have a property on the lake, where before having built on it, we had a temporary trailer. We put Leah to bed, to then go by the fire and enjoy the night with friends, but when I went back to check on SD after 1/2 hour, I woke her up, and she said: "SM, can you stay with me until I fall asleep?". My heart melted for that little girl then, and I stayed with her, and witness her fall asleep with a slight smile on her face.

Then the other weekend, fiance and I ended up staying at my parents' place, while they were gone, for halloween. (My parents live close to SD, conveniently, so when we travel to see her, we stay there or at the cottage). We slept on the couches, while she slept in her very own bed. When she woke up, I decided to sleep in her bed, since I had not slept very well that night. I woke up an hour later to her gently pushing her teddy bears into my neck, and ever so quietly left the room. What a sweetheart <3

I think these moments are something every stepmother deserves and will appreciate.