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Thanks for the cold sores BM

majka's picture

I am so unsettled right now. A little background; we just received my husband kids (SS4, SD6) back from their mother who lives across the country. Apparently kindergarten was just too hard for her, and she couldn’t find a man, so she sent her kids back to her ex husband (my DH) to raise. No court, no fighting, no nothing. In my mind, she abandoned them.

So along with that, I am now a full time stepmother again. We had the children for the majority of their lives anyway though, so this is not that different. What IS different this time is my SD 6 came to my house with a massive cold sore on her lip. Fantastic.

A few years back, BM called up my DH hysterical because she had gotten herpes from a F buddy she had. That already made me uncomfortable, but now she has spread this to her daughter. I feel absolutely horrible. This is a beautiful little 6 year old girl who now has to deal with this disease for the rest of her life due to her whorish mother. This is not something she chose to have. I feel sick to my stomach.

And now this changes the dynamics in my house as well. No more kissing the kids, no more sharing drinks, or bites of food, I have to be ultra vigilant about chapstick, and lip gloss that she before used to love to use. We have to explain to her that the oral sores can spread to her genitals if she scratches the sore, then goes to the bathroom… this is not something a child is supposed to deal with! She is SIX! And I am just waiting for an outbreak from my SS4… I doubt he does not have it.

And then there is me. If I somehow get this STD from my SD, it essentially means that I got it from BM. This makes me furious. Is it not enough that I am raising your children so you can continue your whoring, but now this too?! And resentment boils over. The only silver lining to this is that she came with it, and we know about it, and can now deal with it.

Best part…. DH calls BM to discuss it last night. She was so aloof about it. “Oh, really, hmmm.” There was not a chance she did not know, she just doesn’t want to be blamed for it.


Elizabeth's picture

I deal with this as well. SD18 got herpes virus from BM when she was a child and has passed it on to DH. I am super paranoid about catching it. And it seems SD18 "tries" to pass it on to my two BDs. She came to our house once when she was about 17. First tried to kiss our two BDs (which she NEVER does), then tried to share her drink with BD4. I flipped out. Don't know what to tell you. Now my two BDs can't use any chapsticks DH uses. Kind of a pain, but it is what it is.

alwaysanxious's picture

This is why I hate to see SO eating or drinking after the skids. They have two gross stepbrothers with their gross BM and a stepdad who used to do heroin. I have to assume they all drink after each other. SO doesn't listen to me. The skids know I won't drink after them. They don't even try.

DaizyDuke's picture

I thought that Herpes 1 and Herpes 2 were two different things? Like one is strictly oral and the other is genital. Can one cause the other??? I had no idea.. that's pretty scary and gross!

Elizabeth's picture

From webmd:

Cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV). There are two types of herpes simplex virus: HSV-1 and HSV-2. Both virus types can cause sores around the mouth (herpes labialis) and on the genitals (genital herpes).

The herpes simplex virus usually enters the body through a break in the skin around or inside the mouth. It is usually spread when a person touches a cold sore or touches infected fluid-such as from sharing eating utensils or razors, kissing an infected person, or touching that person's saliva. A parent who has a cold sore often spreads the infection to his or her child in this way. Cold sores can also be spread to other areas of the body.

Auteur's picture

GG gets cold sores AAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLL the time. Things that make you go HMMMMMM!

StubbornEnough's picture

Snitchy has a flaming case of herpes that she is always trying to spread to everyone in the house. STOP PICKING AT THAT SHIT, GIRL!

Get the kid some Abreva and slather it on her lips every morning. It keeps them from breaking out. I also had her put on acyclovir for the winter months. It is an antiviral, and keeps the outbreaks at bay.