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Angry beyond words

kisses-n-kream's picture

I am so angry right now!!!! I am completely out of patients which for me is very unusual. I am normally the most patient, mellow, happy, and understanding person you will ever meet. But NOT right now!! My H's ex is using their children to try and manipulate him and cause trouble for the whole family. Not unusual or uncommon, I am sure. I have five other children and she is trying to say that my four (we have one together) are picking on and make sexual advances on her three. (SICK SICK SICK!!) It is one thing to attack me or even to attack my husband but to attack my children... she has gone to far!! I just don't know what to do any more... I know what I would like to do... but I would never do anything to hurt my stepchildren... it is not their fault their mother is a psycotic, nerotic, sycophant with nothing better to do with her time than cause trouble and drama for other people.
We are now on first name basis with the department of social services child protection devision; she will not stop calling and reporting us for things she imagines in her sick little mind. We went to court to revise a six year old parenting plan that worked well when the children were small but now that they are older does not work at all. She turned into a four hour circus act complete with clowns and corn dogs!! The woman is insane, certifiably NUTS!!


Willow2010's picture

I have five other children and she is trying to say that my four (we have one together) are picking on and make sexual advances on her three. (SICK SICK SICK!!) It is one thing to attack me or even to attack my husband but to attack my children...

I don't have a lot of deal breakers but this might be one of them. sorry, I really have no advice, but I hope it gets better soon for you and your kids.

kisses-n-kream's picture

Thank you everyone for the warm welcome and words of support! It is amazing how much it helped to just rant... Imagine my suprise when I logged on and saw how many people actually read my post and took their time to respond to it!

CPS has closed all cases as unfounded as of today!

no, it will not be a deal breaker... I will not give her the satisfaction of causing any conflict what so ever in my relationships! It would be like giving in to a toddler's tantrum! I will not give her what she wants...

sixteensmom's picture

Absolutely agree with blender. There is no way your family goes on without the step recanting this accusation and admitting bm put them up to it - and get it in writing. Then march their little lieing ass down to the Police Department.

This isn't anything you let simmer.

GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

Reading that really made me want a corn dog.

Anyway, I'm pretty sure you can file a complaint against her for filing retaliatory charges against you guys without actual cause, unless of course CPS has found fault with you. If they haven't, complain that she is harassing you.

purpledaisies's picture

Get counselors involved. I went through the very same thing with my son. Bm attacked him and attacked him! It finally stopped when bm took the boys to a counselor and he figured out that she was making everything up. He told her in no uncertain terms she would be in a lot of trouble if she didn't back down and if not he would go to the proper people with what she is doing. She stopped but said he was a quack. We never heard about it again.

WickednNasty's picture

She would deal with me directly and have the corn dog stick and all........put where the sun doesn't shine.

SillyGilly's picture

UGH - I feel horrible for you. What a terrible thing to be going through. My DH experienced this with his first BM. BM1 was all hot and bothered and after Dh had remarried and had two more children BM1 started shananigans - social services, sexual accusations between kids, etc... It was horrible. She wanted money and DH wasn't going to give her any so she started all of this. Then she decided she just wanted their child to herself. In the end, DH gave up his rights to his son for the sake of his other children with BM2. It's so horrible but he had to "give up" one child to save the other two. *sigh* I hope it doesn't come to this with you because really no one wins.

Is your BM just being difficult for the sake of? Does she want something?

kisses-n-kream's picture


She is being difficult because she has lost control... the children are getting older and the older they get the less they want to be in her home not to metion the fact that she can not control my husband any more. It's not so much what she wants but what she does not want. She does not want him to be happy in any way. She is miserable with herself and her life so she wants everyone else to be unhappy also.

on the fence's picture

I went through this with my XH! It is so ugly and tears everyone apart! And the innocent victims are the accused! I can't believe people would use children like that! But my XH did and all to make my life hell!

SillyGilly's picture

I think GoodbyeNormaJean is on to something about filing complaints against her as well. I know when Dh was going through this with BM1 he finally filed something against her because she continuously tried taking him to court to get more child support - the woman wanted TEN THOUSAND A MONTH. DH makes good money but this was asinine! The judge came down on BM1 hard about that and that if she did it again she would face the consequences (I can't remember the details because this was all LONG before me). Hmm, although...that is when she just started saying their was sexual abuse between children. Geez, I don't know?! Would it get her to knock it off or escalate it?! This is just a terrible situation. I really hope you find a solution and sooner rather than later. I'm sorry you are going through this.