kisses-n-kream's Blog
My new rules
My rules of engagement
#1. Maintain a level of detachment. I love them but they are not MY children. I have four of my own to be concerned with. The more I try to pretend they are mine the more I frustrate myself because they will never be mine no matter how much I love them.
#2. Absolutely NO conflict between DH and I concerning Schildren or BM (or any of my Xs, for that matter). I refuse to argue a point I cannot win. This is what the BM wants and I will NOT give her what she wants.
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Angry beyond words
I am so angry right now!!!! I am completely out of patients which for me is very unusual. I am normally the most patient, mellow, happy, and understanding person you will ever meet. But NOT right now!! My H's ex is using their children to try and manipulate him and cause trouble for the whole family. Not unusual or uncommon, I am sure. I have five other children and she is trying to say that my four (we have one together) are picking on and make sexual advances on her three. (SICK SICK SICK!!) It is one thing to attack me or even to attack my husband but to attack my children...
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