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What kid gets to choose where they live?

Rags's picture

In initial (intact) BioFamilies kids don't get to choose where they live so why do people in blended families allow kids to choose where they life? :?

To me this is asinine. If I were a CP I would make it abundantly clear to the kid and to the NCP that I am the only one who decides where my child will live. If I were a parent in a 50/50 situation I would make it abundantly clear to the kid and to the other parent that I will keep my 50 whether the other parent or the kid(s) want to visit or not.

If the kid or the other parent wants to change the situation they are more than welcome to ask my permission but I will retain the decisioning authority and it will be MY decision. If I were a CP or in a 50/50 situation.

When the SpermClan started filling my son (SS) with the crap that when he turned 12 he could choose where he lived we let the Skid and the SpermClan know in no uncertain terms that that was not the case. My wife is the CP and it is her decision and her decision alone where our son lives.

Of course the SpermClan could try to take us to court to get custody but we spanked their asses so many times in court that they knew better.

When our son was 16-17 and struggling he found solace in the caring bosoms of the SpermClan. :sick:

They told him that he could come live with them and not have to put up with the rules in our home and could go to school or not. I was very proud of my wife when she sat the kid down and told him in no uncertain terms that he had no choice but to live with her until he was 18 regardless of what the SpermClan said and regardless of what the Skid may wish.

I was also proud of my son (SS) when he looked at his mom and I and said "What makes you think I would want to live anywhere but here at home. I know that (SpermLand) is not the best place for me".

So, why on earth does the topic of a kid choosing which parent he/she wants to live with come up so often? That is a decision for adults not for children.

I just don't get it.

Best regards,


NCMilGal's picture

Rags, I respect you and what you've done for your SS, but I'm going to have to throw the bullshit flag.

This quote: "If I were a parent in a 50/50 situation I would make it abundantly clear to the kid and to the other parent that I will keep my 50 whether the other parent or the kid(s) want to visit or not.

If the kid or the other parent wants to change the situation they are more than welcome to ask my permission but I will retain the decisioning authority and it will be MY decision. If I were a CP or in a 50/50 situation."

This is exactly how the PAS- and venom-spewing CPs see things. "It's going to be this way because *I* say so!! Take me to court, because they'll back me up, motherf****er!"

You and your DW got custody. Good for you. His father never had a chance because a) he's male, b) he's long distance, and c) he's a loser. The last is what's important, but I'll bet it's what counted least. Why else will the courts keep giving children to their perpetually unemployed, drug-using, living in the ghetto, unfit BMs when there's a competent BF around?

Our BM is fiscally irresponsible, backstabbing, and IMO, borderline emotionally abusive. There is absolutely NO WAY DH will ever get a chance at custody because she's BM, and that's all that counts. Never mind that the poor girl has no clue about the value of a dollar and will be in therapy for AGES once she's an adult because of the shit her mother has put her through.

That being said, I don't believe the child should have much of any say where he/she lives. Their wishes should make up, oh, maybe 10% of the case. The rest should be based on cold hard facts like who is the better parent and who can provide better. The BM bias in clear cases of neglect or money-grubbing (and we've all seen it) needs to end.

Rags's picture


I understand where you are coming from on this. Maybe I did not clearly state some portions of my original post. I absolutely agree that an NCP should keep their time and retain the decisioning authority over their time. Just as the CP should retain the decisioning authority over the time that the Court Order gives to the CP.

That is what I was trying to get at in the "If I were a parent in a 50/50 situation I would make it abundantly clear to the kid and to the other parent that I will keep my 50 whether the other parent or the kid(s) want to visit or not." section of my original post.

Though I am the CSP in our blended family I have many friends who are NCPs and NCSPs and are victimized by both the CP and the system.

The intent of my post was to discuss the apparently fairly regular situation where parents allow kids to decide which parent they will live with and if the kid will or will not visit the other parent.

If I was the CP or the NCP with visitation I would retain decisioning authority over the time that the court awarded me. Regardless of what the kid wants or the other parent wants. That is not to say that I would not allow my kid to spend more time with the other parent occasionally but that would be my sole decision.

Though it pained me greatly, over the years we have periodically allowed our son (my SS) to spend additional time with the SpermIdiot and the SpermClan. Inveriably he came back with even more of the usual toxic crap but we were reasonable about it when the SpermClan was being reasonable or if a visitation was overcome by events out of the SpermClan's or our control. 911 was one occurrence, when he started school was another. Though our judgment is clear that missed visitation can not be made up and does not add to the next visitation we have periodically allowed for extended visitation and have even initiated it when they missed a visitation due to inability to pay for plane tickets, etc.... I did commit to my son (SS) that I would not deny him a relationship with his SpermClan and so far I have not violated that commitment.

Interestingly my wife and I recently spoke about Christmas. She said that if THEY call to arrange visitation that she will tell them "there is no more visitation" and hang up. The kid just turned 18 and aged out from under the Custody/Visitation/Support order. The kid will have to choose where he wants to spend Christmas and he and the SpermClan will have to figure out how to pay for it if he decides to go to SpermLand for Christmas. We decided several years ago that we were no longer going to forego the things that we want to do because the kid may or may not be with us. If he wants to do what we are doing he will have to be with us when we do it.

It is now his call, and his decision on how to pay for it if he decides to see the SpermClan. No more of his mom's or my resources will go to facilitate time with the toothless dipshits. I am not overly worried about it. They don't have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of due to BioDad's never ending flock of out-of-wedlock spawn.

We have been ordered by the court to pay for half of visitation travel costs for 16+ years and will not spend another penny on it now that the CO is no longer in force.

I have no problem with your response to my OP. It was well written and made very valid points.

I STalk to get other's perspectives whether they agree with me or not. Your's is one I enjoy and respect.

How may yards in penalty is a “Bullshit Flag” penalty worth these days? Or is it minutes in the penalty box? Biggrin

Best regards,

SusiQ's picture

My DH received custody of SS and BM got custody of SD - long story why but that's the way it worked out. When SS was in middle school, he hated his school because he was pretty much lacking the social skill department. He spent most of his free time with my MIL & SIL, he had a few friends and his weekends were completely spent his sister. Not that he should have spent time with her but they were together every weekend and he's 7 years older. He came back from BMs after his Christmas visitation and proceed to tell my DH that he was moving in with his mother. She'd already gone to the school and un-enrolled him and re-enrolled him at the private school she wanted him to go to. DH was devestated. I looked at him like - why is this child telling you what he's going to do - grow a pair and step up. But DH was so scared that SS would hate him if he told him no that he caved. His relationship with SS basically went downhill from there - he never came for weekends or holidays. It was basically over. Now SS is 22 and we never see him unless he needs $$.
I think DH knew that if he fought it, it would involve a lengthy court battle and BM would win anyway since TX is all about the BM. We never see either of his kids anymore.

zenjetset's picture

Kids should not choose because seriously they don't know how to wipe their ass properly and they think they can determine what is best for them. I think not!

antidrama's picture

We are going to be in that situation come January. Currently there is no court order but BM would be considered the CP. Unfortunately, her house is NOT the best place for her to live for way to many reasons to post. It is a horrible environment and SD is miserable there.

BM has said to us "I don't care if NC law says that she can choose when she turns 12. BMName's law says she stays in this house until she turns 18"

So far I have agreed with everything (that I have seen) that you post but on this one I have to disagree. What would you suggest in this instance?

antidrama's picture

I just read NCmilgal's post and I have to "DITTO" her on the last part.

That being said, I don't believe the child should have much of any say where he/she lives. Their wishes should make up, oh, maybe 10% of the case. The rest should be based on cold hard facts like who is the better parent and who can provide better.

NCMilGal's picture

IMO, a dirty house and no chores is neglecting the duties as a parent.

Providing doesn't necessarily mean only financial - it means raising a productive member of society.

caregiver1127's picture

I don't think it should be about the money - it should be who the better parent is - we have a member on here whose SD's mother is a meth head - the SD wants to live with her mother in this case she should not be allowed to be with the mother - money is not what is important in a child's life it is how the parent is so in your stich I would say they should live with you.

There is also the factor of the second families - when Dh and I got married - SS came and lived with us for 3 years FT - when I had my DD he was 12 years older - used to being an only child - spoiled - so when he turned 13 he asked if he could go and live with his mother - his mother agreed because at 13 he was now able to take care of himself and she could still continue on with her life and not worry about childcare or getting him breakfast or getting a babysitter for when she went out at night. Dh allowed him to go but had the stipulation that he could not move back - he had already gotten mad at BM the first year of the divorce so moved with us - could not handle when I had DD so he wanted to move back - it worked out well because at his mother's he is number one - she is never home so he can come and go as he pleases and when he comes out to visits - DD and him get along just fine for the first 4 days and then you start to really realize how painful it would be if they lived together full time.

I always thought it would be great for them growing up in the same house but it isn't because of the age difference. His mother's family lives in the same state and he has made many friends - he grew up in the area and moved out here with us in after 3 months of marriage - believe me if I could move back to the area I would - all my family is there it is where I met DH who moved us here due to work.

ThatGirl's picture

We initially had 50/50 of all three skids who were under 18. One dropped out of high school, turned 18, and flew the coupe. He was couch hopping for about a year, telling people we through him out. He's 19 now, and sometimes sleeps on BM's couch. A heroin junkie w/o a diploma, car, or job.

That left SS12 and SD16 with us every other week. SD16 was a handful: shoplifting, drinking, drug OD, sneaking out, pregnancy scare, house break-in's, etc. Most of these things happened on her BM's weeks, as we were more strict. One Monday, BM pulls up to drop skids off for our week, and SD16 isn't there. SS12 informs us that she doesn't want to come. No discussion, BM won't return calls, SD won't return calls.

We decide it's no big deal, and are actually thankful to not have to deal with her drama for the week. Well, next Monday it was same thing, and the next, and the next. BM is incapable of communication, much less cooperation, there's no way she was going to send her back. And we really didn't want her back. Our home became a nice place to be once again, without her in it.

Other than the fact that she had absolutely no rules at BM's, it really wasn't a place she wanted to be. No computer, no house phone, no TV, no bedroom, shared bathroom, no laundry room, further from town and all the parties. What were we to do? It was a game to her. She was hoping we'd beg her back, or that her dad would file contempt of the CO, then she'd be able to come back and rule the place. No way, not gonna happen!

She was there for 8 months w/o a word, then she started texting her Dad and being all sweet. I thought, "Here it comes, she wants to come back." But that wasn't it. Her birthday was approaching and she wanted money. Birthday (and money) came and went, and she once again became silent. She'll quickly be no better off than her older brother. She's no longer going to school, SD12 says BM is homeschooling her. Pretty good trick considering BM is never home. We've had neighbors knock on our door in the middle of the night to say she's drunk and hitting up men in town to buy her more alcohol. We've had to find her and drag her back to her BM's, who doesn't even come to the door.

We both feel bad for letting her make that decision, but it was hers to make. At 17, there's not much else you can do as a parent if they aren't willing to let you. You can't force them to go to school, you can't lock them into their room at night, you can't be with them 24/7 to make sure they are doing all the right things. It's sad, but at this point, both her father and I are at the "not my kid, not my problem" phase. She's made her choices, she's going to have to live with them, and hopefully learn from them.

tigerlily's picture

Our BM had custody for nearly 9 years. She constantly would argue that she listens to the kids and their needs and what THEY wanted. They would say they didn't want to come to visit? Mom says it's okay and she's listening to the kids and Dad is not listening to the kids. It was nonstop.

She wanted to move them away from her abusive husband so they could be closer to her online boyfriend. The kids of course wanted to go. They ended up hating it there.

She wanted to move back in with her abusive husband (she's abusive too by the way). The kids magically wanted that they went. They all hated it.

She wanted to take SS out of 6th grade and homeschool him. Everyone advised against it. He didn't get any homeschooling. Missed half of 6th grade. But it's what he wanted.

SS missed 30+ days of school every year with BM. Apparently when a kid doesn't want to do something in that house, she listened to them and their teenage whims.

She wanted to move them half way across the country and they wanted to go with her.
She told them directly that they can talk to a judge and tell them what they want and the judge will listen to her.

We always thought DH would never have a chance in hell at getting custody. For him it was shocking when the decision came.

My favorite line of all time came directly from the judges orders:

SS13 and SD15 have both expressed their strong preference to remain with their mother. The court feels this is mostly because that's all that they know and that mom offers the path of least resistance which is not in their long term best interests.

Finally, someone got it. After many emails and conversations of threats from BM and even SD that a judge will just do whatever a teenager says.

I don't understand how a child can decide when there are so many other factors that a child (even a teenager) does not fully comprehend.

What's interesting is in our home the lack of all the problems BM use to have (missing a lot of school is no longer an issue, actually doing homework is no longer an issue).

But we didn't listen to what "they" wanted (skipping school, not doing homework).
They have adjusted well. BM use to tell DH that his SD would HATE him for making him live here. It's the opposite, they have grown closer.

I'm almost always doubtful when a parent says they leave such major decisions in a child's hands and never understood why someone would do that.

hismineandours's picture

I also agree that a child not be allowed to make decisions regarding custody or visitation. But you would be amazed at the number of people that allow even very small children to decide this. I am thinking of a 4 year old ct of mine. The mom says, "she cries when its time to visit, I dont want to make her go" yikes! I told her that the dad is entitled to his time as is the child entitled to time with her father (whether she actually enjoys it or not!).
I had a really good childhood, but i can easily see situtions in which kids are troubled and on one day may want to live in one house and then next month they want to live in another.
Now that being said, if an older child (a teen) really wants to change the custody arrangement-i agree that this could be brought into a discussion betweent the child and both parents. If the child's wishes are appropriate and logical and all parents agree then in these cases i can see where a custody change might work-BUT it is still the decision of the parents.

PoisonApples's picture

The CP should view sending the child to the other parent in the same way they view sending the child to school.

If a child says they don't want to go to school, we still make them go. They don't get to decide.