I resent you FH for...
Last night, FH and I were listening to a talk radio type of show on the computer on "how to deal with a psycho ex wife". Most if not all are the things I've been advising FH to do, but he sometimes does and then doesn't for whatever reason of the hour or excuse he creates. While listening to this talk radio, (I'm somewhat paying attention at this point because it had been 2hours of listening to someone talk and it was 1am. )
FH says "pause that". I did so
and he says "that's you."
I say what?
FH: yeah, you get mad at me.
Zen: yes, I do. I'm angry all the time now at you. What's new?
FH: why?
Zen: really, you want to know all the reasons why and you would like to know them now?
FH: yes.
Zen: ok...ready...
FH: go ahead.
Zen: I am mad because here we are where we shouldn't be if you had truly done what you were suppose to do before me, and during this entire time we have been together.
1st I resent you for not telling me the truth when we first met. Not telling when I asked you how long you were divorced that you were divorced for two years, but since your divorce had still been sleeping with your ex-wife even up until the time I met you.
2nd I resent you for making a big stink out of a guy I had met before you suddenly calling me and you accusing me of possibly meeting him while I was seeing you when the entire time you had a relationship (sexual) with your ex wife.
3rd I resent you for when I planned our first intimate weekend alone (at my house) when you ex wife called for a "favor" you didn't tell her "I have plans" but instead you told her "I can watch the kids at your house no problem on Saturday, but you have to make it an early night because I have to met zen at 8pm."
4th I resent that when I felt in my gut something had happened with you and your ex wife, you lied to me. Then three months later I find out you "messed around" from her via text to you because she is attempting to extort money from you yet again for her rent! Yeah, I'm mad do you want to know more?
FH: yes, please.
5th I resent you for putting her first then and so many times after that.
6th I resent you for going over to her house to watch the girls on a Wednesday (sometimes she would go out sometimes she would stay in the house with him and kids) when after my gut feeling (3 & 4) I told you it made me uncomfortable. You said "don't worry, you have nothing to worry about I love you".
7th meanwhile every Wednesday without fail, she would run late (so you would run late or not see me in wednesday) if she went out. After you told her you had plans with zen. Or worse yet, she would stay in the house and "play house" with you in front of the kids! Yes, I resent you!
8th everytime she or her family has referred to me as "girlfriend" or personally attack our relationship you say and do nothing. If someone did or said half the things she and her family has about you to me, they would no longer have one hole to poo with -- but two!
9th I resent you for putting HER first!
10th you put her first instead of me, she is allowed to scream and yell and assault you while I am not allowed to be mad or say my peace in a normal voice without insults.
11th she is allowed an unlimited amounts of mistakes I'm not allowed not one without you threatening to kick me out, and me having to beg to forgive me. (I got really really angry last weekend and said somethings)
12th I resent you for running all over town to meet her to give her money whenever she ask and just the other day, I asked you for $70 until Wednesday and you still haven't given it to me. Why? Oh, I know don't tell me because I am #2!!! but don't worry, I figured my money situation out, because I am an adult, 41 in fact, and have learned to take care of MYSELF. Unlike your 43 year old ex wife who takes no responsibility and expect you to take care of her because she fucking had two kids.
13th I resent you for making me #2 and her #1!
14th I resent you for giving her information about our relationship when it's none of her business.
15th I resent you for giving her more power than she deserves because she is the mother if your children, if that's what I need to do - pop out a child to have power then by all means let's do it because this life is not what I wanted when I meet you. This life is not what you made it out to be!
16th I resent you for jumping to her attention whenever she called, "xh I need money, meet me over at abc", "xh my car is in the shop, can you pick me up", "xh having a bday party need to clear some branches for bounce house", "xh can you come to my house to sit for the kids", etc and all the while you did whatever she wanted placing me at #2!!! always #2!!!
17th lying to me, saying you were still working when you were doing things for her.
18th I resent you for standing on her lawn talking to her while I sat in the car waiting like a dog! Yep, I resent you!
19th I resent you for those past things and for these recent things, you jumping up when the phone rings like a kid getting a call for the first time from a girl he has a crunch on, and then asking me what to do over and over. When I have said and so many others have too don't answer. Even the radio talk show now says dont answer "no-low contact"! But no, you text you answer you call! Why does she have her two hands on your balls still?!
I resent you for waking me up every morning at 630am because she texted or called and you font know how to handle it!
I resent you for then discussing it for the entire day!
I resent you for making this topic ex-wife the only thing we talk about. Otherwise we sit in silence!
I resent you for not disengaging from her before you met me!
I resent you for allowing her to still have a grip on your balls and if I could figure out how to pry her hands off I would!!! But that will be up to you!
#20 I resent you for still acting like her husband!!!! Because if you want to be my husband you HAVE to STOP being hers!!!
I will not be in this kind of relationship! I told you from the very beginning I do not come 2nd to anything. I don't expect you to be perfect, because certainly I am not, but you didn't tell me thus is how it was going to be. You didn't tell me you came with a dump truck filled with crap from your marriage. I expected and you presented a couple of suitcases, not this, not what it's been.
Also, you need to start paying attention to YOUR LIFE! You wouldn't know what's in your divorce agreement because I dont believe you have ever read it. I resent you for not paying more attention to your life. You should read it every night, until you can recite it. I can!!! Why can't you?!? These are the things that will empower you. Not sitting around expecting me to figure your fucking ex wife out or sort your past with her!!!
Ok that was the end... We finished listening to the talk show, went to bed and I ask...
Zen: do you have anything to say about what I said?
FH: I'll have to learn from my mistakes.
Not an am sorry, not an I love you, nothing, zip, zero, nada! If it was BM I am sure he would be begging at her feet.
This morning, I got a kiss on the forehead and a bye. Nothing else! Usually, I get a kiss on the lips and an I love you very much. Call me when you get up!
I'm very sad! I love him very much.
- zenjetset's blog
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Zen… ((((((((HUGS))))))) I
Zen… ((((((((HUGS)))))))
I was about to start a post entitled “I’m dying… he’s KILLING ME!” and then I read your post and you pulled a ton of my own pent up sadness, frustration, humiliation and anger out of my chest with your words alone… “I'm very sad! I love him very much.” That’s my mantra… it’s my prison.
I’m so sorry he’s being such a fence rider… his behavior is infuriating and you’re perfectly justified in your feelings and anger. All I know is this man had better get his priorities straight, he can be a perfectly devoted “dad” without being completely devoted to their birth mother. I’m so sorry for what you’ve been through…
Thank you. I agree he does
Thank you. I agree he does need to get his properties straight. I was just looking at myself in the mirror and thought to myself "I need a face lift, I have a permanent frown on my face that I never had before."
It's just sad that BM can be so manipulative and FH can be such a fool and the skids can be so bitter.
*smiles* I was looking at
I was looking at pictures from “a year ago” and I swear to gawd, I’ve aged 10 years in 12 months! The gray hairs alone astound… but I get you on the frown thing too. My old friends used to call me “Gelfling” because I used to be so sprightly and bouncy-happy, these days I look and act like a wore out sweat sock. It sucks.
Hey Zen… wana run away to a spa weekend with me?
Big ol’ muscular massage therapists, mud baths and fruity drinks with little umbrellas..?
That might bounce the smiles back a little!!!
I would love to! I keep
I would love to! I keep telling FH "Mexico here I come!" he hates it when I say that. lol
Same with the frown on my
Same with the frown on my face too. I WANTED to have laugh wrinkles, if I had to have any at all!!
Wow, lady. My heart hurts
Wow, lady.
My heart hurts for you. That's a lot to try to deal with every single day, and the lack of apology or insight on his end would frustrate the living shit out of me. I wish I had some sound advice; maybe counselling would be a good idea. It would be great if he could go, as maybe a third party perspective would force him to face the fact that it isn't just you overreacting but it's him that has acted straight out of line. Even if he doesn't want to go, maybe you should go for yourself so you have someone to help you work through some of the resentment. Other than that I guess the only option, if he doesn't change or accommodate your feelings, is for you to re-evaluate the relationship.
Again, I'm really sorry that you're struggling with this kind of nonsense.
Other than that I guess the
Other than that I guess the only option, if he doesn't change or accommodate your feelings, is for you to re-evaluate the relationship.
I told him that last night. That I was going to watch and wait to see what happens from this point forward. And yes, yes, yes...couselling is already in place.
Thank you for you comments. I appreciate it!
From where I sit now...I
From where I sit now...I would have serious reservations about staying in that relationship. But hind site is as they say. I agree with the above completely. Was drawn to your post as your screen name is very similar to my name in real life
Good luck Zen (that feels funny to type as tho to myself
You that sing by John Mayer
You that sing by John Mayer -- half of my heart -- that's my ringtone on FH iPhone. It's the way I feel about us, but it doesn't mean it can't change. I'm hoping it will, nut I'm not holding my breath! Just giving it time, he now knows exactly how I feel and it's his choice to make changes or remain the same. If it's the same, it will be without me! I def can say that.
Zen, I'm glad that you
Zen, I'm glad that you finally were able to let out your penned up feelings. I'm sorry he wasn't more engaged in the conversation, but he may have just been absorbing what you were saying. He probably has thought this whole time that this was "normal" behavior. You've definitely given him a lot to think about - maybe things will turn around.
I would say that although you love him so much, you might need to let him go. If he's yours, he will come back; if he's not, then he never truly was yours. He has a lot of issues to figure out and unfortunately he needs to do it, you can't do it for him. Stop being the stepping stone for this guy - either he's in it with you or he's not...there is no in-between. I'd say if things don't start changing immediately, you need to hit the door. You are only hurting yourself with holding all of this resentment and if he doesn't want to recognize it, then he's not worth keeping around.
IMHO, of course.
Good luck to you Zen.
He is a quiet reserved
He is a quiet reserved kinda-guy and in the past he has really taken things I've said and made changes. At times he does fall back to old habits and I'm not making excuses for him, it does take time. It won't change over night. I am willing to give it another year.
I'm learning to show him books, websites and such so he just doesn't get the info from me.
There's more I resent him for but I realize who he is and how he tries to be everything to everyone. Maybe my resent speech will guide him towards the right place. Otherwise yes, I'm outta here!
Sweetie, you are totally
Sweetie, you are totally valid in your thoughts and observations. Obviously he had not fully disengaged from her before you got involved (A-hole!) A couple of suggestions--pull back and do not try so hard. i.e. "beg for forgiveness" when you mess up. This situation is flipped around. He treats you like #2 and you act like it, like he is doing you a favor to keep you around. The kiss on the forehead? The no "I love you." He does that to keep you off balance, feeling that you need to earn his love and forgiveness. You are so right in your observations and he is damn lucky you stayed with him after all the lying, kowtowing to BM and deception.
This is my hard won advice from my own life: concentrate on YOU for a while. Do something nice for yourself every day. Think about what you want out of a relationship and life. Let him pursue you. Let him woo you. You need to flip this around so he is kissing your butt. And if he doesn't....believe me, you can do better than some skank's apron boy. Sorry to be harsh but this pisses me off.
Not harsh at all! I've
Not harsh at all! I've already been in a difficult marriage I don't want to marry again into something that I'm not the leading lady.
Thank u!
So basically, you're tired of
So basically, you're tired of being "the other woman' in his life??? I don't blame you a bit b/c that's exactly how it seems. He has a chance to change it and he shows no initiative to do so. The resentment is building for you and if the two of you don't get in to some type of couples therapy, your relationship WILL implode. I lived a similar life with my FH in the beginning (right down to a one time sexual tryst between he and the Beast behind my back.) I was livid and it took much time to rebuild that broken trust. Still, my FH seemed to bend over backwards for that Beast, even knowing the damage he was doing to me... to us. Finally, I demanded couples therapy so I could prove to him how right I was about his overly friendly relationship with his ex-Beast (a woman he claimed he absolutely hated.) Once a professional pointed it out to him, how his continued contact with HER was killing any love and trust with me...he learned real quick which side he had to take. He maintains no contact with her at all unless there is an emergency with the kids. He has even figured out what a 'true' emergency is b/c of course that Beast would make EVERYTHING an emergency to hoover his a$$ back in, lol.
I really understand how you feel. Many (((((((HUGS))))) to you!
Best wishes.
Thnk you! BM does the same
Thnk you! BM does the same EVERYTHING is an emergency. Her favorite line "this is about OUR children, you need to call me back."! He then goes into a tezzy like a school boy that realizes he is about to cum all over himself. lol
Sorry, have to find dome humor on his behavior!
Thank you. I'm sorry you had to go through this.
I got to #9 and couldn't read
I got to #9 and couldn't read any further. First of all, I'm so sorry this is happening to you.
I know this guy...the liar who continues to sleep with his ex and then you find out about it...He is only going to take from you. He is not in a position to give ANYTHING to you. Get the F*&K out of there!!! FAST!!!!
Well, I respect you opinion
Well, I respect you opinion but he "messed around" with ex wife 10 days after we met. Couple of things you should know, 1st she knew he was coming to see me after taking care of the kids for her supposed night out, 2nd they didn't have intercourse they kissed and started to fondel breasts, penis and upzip when he pushed her away told her to stop and started to head towards the front door and she was yelling to come back and "finish it" (yep, she said that!)! He ran out and just as he dis I called...I knew something was wrong immediately!
I verified this story with ex wife by asking dome questions but mainly letting her talk. Both stories matched.
Thirdly, I would NOT be with this man if he had stuck his dick in anyone!!! That's a deal breaker for me.
I'm here today because despite all of my OP he has made changes, however there needs to be more. And once and for all put that bitch exactly were she belongs in the past. She knew he had started a relationship why would she do that I asked her? She said "I was drunk!" but she doesn't drink!!! She knew, regardless it is what it is something to move passed.
It sounds like you are in a
It sounds like you are in a pickle. I respect your ability to stay.
I had a situation once similar. It was my baby daddy. He told his new lady friend we were messing around when we weren't. He told me he did it to make her feel bad so he could control her easier. Keep her under a rock, so to speak. Your situation sounds different but it still leaves you feeling like his GF at the end.
I couldn't do it, I'm pretty enough to get my own man. I don't need hers.
What a load to release! What
What a load to release! What an awful feeling to carry around. I don't have advice to offer. I just wanted to tell you that your post reaches into places that I struggled to reach in my first marriage. I hope that your FH will take some time to truly ponder your words & your feelings & that they will mean enough to him to make him check his priorities & reflect on what he wants to have in his life. You sound like an incredibly patient & forgiving woman. If these are things you've discussed with him in the past & he has not changed, he may just assume that you will always be patient & forgiving. He needs to understand that even the most patient & forgiving people have their limits & if he doesn't alter his practices & acknowledge sorrow & regrets for his faults he will find himself alone as he watches you venture down a path that will lead you to happiness.
I went through this with my ex. Our problems were always the SAME problems. When I'd finally had enough & told him I'd made a decision to leave & was looking for a place, he broke down in tears & asked, "Why didn't you tell me it was this bad?" My reply was, "For months I have cried to you. I have yelled at you. I have begged you to work on this with me. What more could I have done to indicate that it was this bad? Why are my tears & pleas NOT enough to tell you that it is this bad?" He had nothing to say.
I feel for you & the hurt that you've been carrying.
I went through the same
I went through the same things with my 2 exes. I would always communicate how I felt but they never took me seriously until I left. Then it was too late. What I've learned: don't doubt your gut and analysis, you are right; your feelings are valid; and it's more powerful to take control of yourself and stand up for what you want than "hope" they will somehow give it to you. Thanks Mama Gena (good books)
Thank you! I'm not patient at
Thank you! I'm not patient at all actually just tolerate and forgiving but nonetheless only for so long before I break away. And as my xh would say, you are like a light switch you are on or off, black or white, no grey and no reset button! lmao
He was right, you don't want me off because that's the end.
I appreciate your words.
I love him very much, but need to feel loved and cared for in return. I don't think that has been the case in our relationship. We do have moments that are very special and wonderful, but not enough obviously to counteract the terrorist attacks by BM that have caused the majority of the upsets in our relationship. I guess that's why I'm still here...because if it was just me and him (skids too) we wouldn't have any issues. But the constant and relentless demands made by BM are simply too much, and his guilty daddy, guilty whatever is just interfering with "us".
However, I know I know...it's up to him. I have done enough to "save", "protect", and "salvage" our relationship, while he has "saved his ex wife under the illusion he was saving his kids", "stayed silent when he should have protected, or spoken too much to bm when he should have protect us and me", "salvaged nothing not even himself".
Wow! This is becoming more clearer as I write.
Thanks everyone!!
"Tonight, possibly try to
"Tonight, possibly try to "counter balance" the negative list with a list of things you DO like/love about him. I mean, after reading your list, I can't understand why you're together! Maybe he feels the same way... So, try to tell him AT LEAST as many things you DO like about him (I think you had 20??)"
He asked her to share & she shared. She asked if he wanted her to continue & he said yes. If it hurt him, it was only a touch of what she has apparently been feeling for quite awhile. As for coming up with at least as many likeable things about him, there may not be 20. I know when I reached my boiling point with my ex, I would've struggled to find 3. He never hit me...I guess there was one.
I understand what you're
I understand what you're saying. I guess having grown up being taught that we should spare the feelings of others, I've allowed myself to be the one bruised too many times. I've reached the point where if you bruise me, I won't hesitate to bruise you back. There's no reason someone should have to be on the back burner with an ex on the front. That, alone, is damaging. He's done that. He's bruised her. There's no reason for her to hold in her feelings for the sake of sparing his feelings if he's not willing to do the same.
If men get tired of hearing all the negative crap they do that bothers us, they should stop doing it. If my DH expresses that I've done or said something hurtful to him, I apologize & make a point not to do it anymore...because I love him & because I don't ever want to make him feel that way with me. I expect the same in return.
If men get tired of hearing
If men get tired of hearing all the negative crap they do that bothers us, they should stop doing it.
Sure we can. It all goes
Sure we can. It all goes both ways. And when I am annoying to my DH, he'll let me know, & I'll stop doing it. It's not a difficult concept.
I'm sure we can. But when
I'm sure we can. But when something bothers him badly enough to say something to me about it, I WILL CHANGE WHAT I DO TO ACCOMMODATE HIS FEELINGS.
Way too many BDs on this site don't have the same consideration.
This is a little more than
This is a little more than annoying! This is a marriage built on sand--because of DH having no boundaries with BM.
She did, however, keep asking
She did, however, keep asking if he wanted her to continue. I am sure that this isn't the first time she has brought these issues up with him.
There may have been a better way to deal with it but if he would have dealt with each issues as she brought it up over the past however long, she wouldn't have all these unresolved issues to bring out to him.
I agree he has pulled back.
I agree he has pulled back. I don't agree that it can't help them heal. She had a lot of hurt to express. The way I read her post, it sounded like these problems have been continuous & methodic on his part. Maybe he needs to take some time to process & consider the things she shared & he can decide what he's willing to work on & change & what he isn't willing to work on & change.
Deep pain like she has expressed needs to come out. If it further divides, it will likely be because he's unwilling to accept responsibility for his choices or because they're unable to reach a compromise they can both accept & feel good about. I really don't feel it could be blamed on her expressing her resentment.
*Not sure why this posted in this spot, but it's in reply to luv them all.
I agree it could be a
I agree it could be a temporary "withdrawing" on his part to think over all the information she let go at once.
I know my DH tends to seem remote when he is trying to focus on thoughts that are swirling in his head. Maybe this is the same thing...?
That I definitely agree with
That I definitely agree with too. I have been to a counselor after a severe fight with DH in which he said I was the one with the problem.
I have learned through her and some books she recommended that I am part of the problem too.
It's very hard to break out of the habits that we tend to get into when we fight. But I DO know that I have changed some of my reactions (as per the book suggested) and got TOTALLY different responses from DH.
I have after each incident
I have after each incident express to FH my concerns, dislikes, worries, hurts, pain, sadness, anger, and now my resentment.
as I have said, he has made changes to several, actually many things. That's why I said I'm not a perfect person, I dont expect him to be, but I also don't expect to be living with him and the intrusions of his ex. And to make matters worse he bows to her threats.
He wanted to know, I told him. I was kind actually, I wasn't screaming or yelling. My voice never once was forceful or condesinding in any way. Didnt speak to him as a child, just stated my feelings. Didnt even ask him to change, just told him I resented him for all these things (there more too I left out once I got to twenty I figured it was enough!) that I felt and feel he had/has the power to do, but for whatever reason (again not my problem to point out the reason) HE has chosen NOT to and IT IS hurting OUR relationship.
I guess because I am not really the crying type he doesn't see my pain. Maybe I will try that next time. It seems to work for BM all the time!!!
There are many things about
There are many things about him I like and love. He is truly a really nice guy to a fault. Guess I'm a nice person too and unlike BM don't take advantage of him. I guess the most recent one, me asking for $70 until Wednesday I could have hounded him about it, but that's just not my style. I'm the type I ask once and that's all the end. However, (not to compare) BM will call in the morning ask, the followip with text asking, then call again, the text a reminder, the call that she is waiting at location abc for the money. He will make his way there with check in hand!
She even asked him for money in front of me once, saying she was short on cash! She is relentless and has NO boundaries, FH (or not)
needs to learn boundaries and how to put people off likeBM!!
Thank you!!
Thank you!!
Ahhh Zen I am so sorry I
Ahhh Zen I am so sorry
I understand how you feel. My DH wasn't completely truthful with me about him and BM when we first got together. He would go over to BM's place to see SD in the beginning. Of course, I had no say in how he spent time with his daughter, and she was young, so I kept my mouth shut. He would get texts from "his friend" (it was BM, he had her under one of his guy friend's names that was actually seeing BM at the time, thinking I was that dumb I wouldn't figure out it was her) You know, texts for things that there was something in the house that needed to be fixed, extra $$$ needed to be paid, meet here, meet there, etc etc etc. Then, like you GUT feeling something was up. From one of my older posts, I had written that I found a videotap of what DH told me was his kid's first x-mas. Wrong. It was him, BM, and kid with him having bought BM presents and calling BM honey and sweety and videotaping HER as well as kid....that was our FIRST x-mas together. Yeah, I've never really been able to get over that. The fact that he lied about it for years....the fact that he didn't give me the chance to decide if I wanted to stay around when it happened and he decided to try to make a go with his ex-g/f to try to "be a family" while he was with me, the fact that he lied about what it was when the video popped up, the fact that he told ME to get out when he got home because he scooped up the kid like i was some sort of threat to her (rediculous, would never do anything like that ever).
I also understand how you feel with the experience of having been put on the back burner. It's not so bad as it was, but there was a point in time where he was always first in my life and i was either 2nd, 3rd, 4th at best. Never 1st.
It's like you tell him what bothers you. And you tell him over and over and over again. Because you don't see an improvement. You don't see any form of true sympathy or regret on his end for making you feel like shit on the bottom of his shoe. So THAT breeds MORE resentment that he's not putting forth the effort to try to correct his shortcomings. It's just a nasty circle of crap. I'm sorry you are going through this, I feel you!!!
So...turfokey you must have
So...turfokey you must have resolved it within yourself because from your story it sounds like you are still with him. Correct?
I'm not the type of person to play second fiddle to anyone. I've never had a man give me anything except, grey hair, sleepless nights and wrinkles between my eyes from frowning. On the contary, I have given up a lot. My time, my energy and with my x money (took my for a cool mil) any way...I'm not and I repeat not going to stand here and be 2nd when I know how to put myself first!
Not saying I am giving up on FH, but I am watching him and his actions.
It sounds like you were upset
It sounds like you were upset by my post? I am agreeing with you, no disrespect at all! I was saying that i've been there to so i can understand how frustrating it is. The situation still rears it's ugly head from time to time but it is better than in the beginning. I am happy for you that you stood up for yourself! I had I don't know how many millions of arguments and knock down dragouts with my DH before I even saw a small hint of any improvement.
No, no, no, not upset at
No, no, no, not upset at all...I usually type from an iphone (tonight computer), so no worries. I am not one to get upset, unless you really come at me and then really, it's only your opinion. I am not upset by what you said. I understand and I agree.
Funny though when I hit the save button I thought, "i hope it's not taken badly".
No worries. Thank you for your words and your feedback. I really appreciate it. I have recently moved to a new state, a new home, and have not many friends that I can speak to freely. This is my forum for that. My FH and I have been struggling with our relationship in many ways that we haven't before, I guess as we get closer to our wedding date we get more crap from BM and Skids. I don't know I see pattern and things (my xh use to call me rain man). It's interesting to me, the better we get thet more crap we get from BM and lately it's been wearing me out and down and upside inside out....
Thank you again! I appreciate your opinion and feedback.
What is it with these guys
What is it with these guys wanting their cake and to eat it too??
My DH told me BM and him had been broken up for 2 years but admitted later on that they had been trying to "work things out" for the "good of the children."
Recently (we just celebrated our 9th Anniversary) I was told, no - he meant they were broken up for 2 MONTHS. Not two YEARS. :jawdrop:
I want to share some advice
I want to share some advice that i just learned at the ripe age of "almost" 40. I couldn't figure out why it was always me complaining and like you being so mad and telling him that i resent him and didn't respect him. We are all so quick to point it out, but we ALWAYS forget to ask ourselves why are we frustrated. We have become to focused on their ignorant and disrespect behaviors and forget about how we feel. I try very hard now to not point out what my DH does that is wrong, but i tell him how it makes it me. We are all human and while almost all men seem heartless, they understand if you keep it simple. "Ya know when....well i get so shaky inside and can't breath to the point where I feel like im ball, it hurts". I posted somewhere else, i remember doing it for the first time and DH said, "why didn't ya just say that". He hugged me and apologised right on the spot. I snickered when he left the room, and said to myself, heheheh it really works. Hope it helps.
I will try that, I'm not much
I will try that, I'm not much of an actor tho. But I'll try...hey it's better than what's it's like now. I've barely have said 30 words to him in the past 18 hours. Oh well, it is what it is!
I'm going about my busy, working on me. Learned a long time ago that's the only person I can depend on. Thought it would be different when I met him, but it's becoming more obivous it's not.
I have a question: It seemed
I have a question: It seemed from your post that FH has cheated on you with BM. Is that so? Because if it is, there is NO WAY I could stay.
I'm so sorry you are dealing
I'm so sorry you are dealing with those nasty feelings everyday and have been putting up with something most wouldn't!
Of course, reading it like that I'm thinking GET OUT but I'm not in the situation. What I can say is I hope you figure this out and become happy again!