SOOO my kids are the ones not listening!
As I have said before we are going away this weekend for my bday and mil is to take all kids. WELLLLL my SON decided this is a great weekend to have his first date!!! He asked her out himself and set up all the plans, he has it very well planned out. He included his sis and her bf. Now I am NOT leaving a 16 and 17 year old at my house alone for the whole weekend!!! NOT gonna happen! So know what ds does he calls my mom who lives a few blocks from us and asked to stay with her so he can go on his date and he talked her into being his taxi!!!
While I'm proud of him to get his first date (he is a nerd and this is a biggie for him and with a cutie) what was he thinking??? oh wait he wasn't he is 16! GGRRR But at least mil is ok with it and said it was fine and my mom said she is happy to help him but still.
ok I'm mainly venting but should give him a consequence for this or what? Oh and yes both my kids knew about these plans ahead of time and to change them now well I'm a little miffed at them.
- purpledaisies's blog
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You have a date - he has a
You have a date - he has a date everyone enjoy the weekend. If it is his first and he is kinds nerdy (which are actually the best boys to date) how much more nerdy will he look if he gets in trouble with mommy. You mom is willing - you DS may have had to jump on this chance this weekend or miss out on the cutie - let him enjoy it!
I don't know why your are
I don't know why your are miffed? Unless, I am missing something. sounds like he took responsibility to arrange for his supervision and transportation issues.
Yes I'm going to let him go
Yes I'm going to let him go as I understand he may have missed out on the date. Like I said I'm proud of him for doing all this on his own. I guess i'm just irritated that he made all these plans and didn;t tell me till he made them.
Are you really disappointed
Are you really disappointed that you are going to miss this first date?
Kids at 16/17 should be making thought out plans before bringing them to the table, so to speak. You said he was a very good planner... I have taught my kids to come with the plan.. otherwise, I hear the 15 different versions before they settle on the final plan. That is irritating.
Cmon Purpledaisies fess up
Cmon Purpledaisies fess up you wanted to be there for his first date to take pictures - lol
Have a great weekend with the hubs and enjoy your birthday - let the kids fend for themselves - soon they will be on there own and at least your know your son will be able to plan his own dates!!!!
Ok so yeah I kinda did want
Ok so yeah I kinda did want to be here for that. my son is a turd!
I knew it!!!!! You are so
I knew it!!!!! You are so cute!!! He probably planned this for when you were away so that you won't embarrass him by saying how cute the situation is or something. He is probably very nervous and is glad that you will not be there gushing. Tell us how it went for him-
I don't think consequences
I don't think consequences are needed. The boy took responsbility for his planned activities and made all of the necessary arrangements himself. And both mom and mil seem to be ok with the plans. So, go have yourself an awesome bday weekend!
Agree with everyone. Good
Agree with everyone. Good for him for being so concientious and making all the plans. I have also figured out with my own 15 year old, the less I am in the loop on the dating, the happier he is. He has his first Homecoming this weekend and he assures me he doesn't need my involvement other than buying new shoes last night. Thankfully he is going with a group so that I don't have to follow him on his first date. :-).
Have a good birthday and be glad he is having a nice double date. Since mine is kind of nerdy as well, I would be thrilled if he would go on a date. Of course not til 16 as the rule goes in our house.
Yeah the rule is 16 in our
Yeah the rule is 16 in our house too. I will go and have fun and let my mom handle him and thanks everyone.