O/T: Time for some Friday fun, all you StepTalkers! "I knew it was over when..."
Totally off the subject of step parenting (although for some of you it might be right-on) but I heard this on a radio show once. We've all had relationships or dates that went badly for some crazy reasons. Mine's a little long, but hilarious. Basically, finish the sentence:
"I knew it was over when...."
I went on two dates with this guy and wasn't into him, so I didn't call or pursue him anymore. He didn't call either so I thought everything was fine and we were just going our separate ways. Three days later he called me, leaving a voicemail that said, "I'm sooo sorry I haven't gotten in touch with you the last few days. I got really sick from these medications I take, and I started having terrible diarheaa, and then I started having bloody stool and it was ALL over the bathroom every time I had to go. It was terrible. I went to the doctor though and everything looks like it's clearing up. Do you want to do somethign this weekend?"
Not only did he leave me that voicemail on my cell, but he somehow got ahold of my work number and called me there, and left me an even MORE detailed message. I never called him again.
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I have to tell you that this
I have to tell you that this guy was a genious at ensuring that you would not expect a 3rd date. :jawdrop:
HAHAHA...I personally think
HAHAHA...I personally think that was his way of scaring you off to another date and look redeemable by being so pathetic lol.
If I didn't know better I'd say what a fruitcake...this one might be on of those "wow that was innovative".
I might question that too
I might question that too except for he sent me flowers that weekend, kept calling me, asked our mutual friend what happened to me....
I knew it was over
I knew it was over when....
He got mad at me because I was talking to my children and he felt left out. I only saw my children once a week for a couple of hours as they are adults and were only coming for supper.
That's sad.
That's sad.
I knew it was over
I knew it was over when...
The guy I was dating was such a psychotic runner that when we passed a lovely jogging trail on our date, he told me to wait and time him. It was bad enough that he couldn't pass up the chance to run, even in the middle of our date, but what was worse was that (I found out later) he knew the trail and knew it was 7 miles.
I knew it was over when.. My
I knew it was over when..
My best friend was in the hospital dying of cancer and he was mad I didn't call him while I was sitting with her. Then the day she died he told me "it was just not working out" because he felt I had not been paying him enough attention. He to this day still calls and tells me he loves me and how I should give him another chance.
I knew it was over when it
I knew it was over when it got to the point that my thinking when it came to having sex with him was, "Well, if I do it tonight I won't have to for awhile."
I have another... I knew it
I have another...
I knew it was over when I almost joined the Peace Corps but realized that I was only doing it to get out of my 3-year realationship.
I knew it was over when I
I knew it was over when I found a note from his GF in our car while preggo and wondered why he was accusing me of cheating when I have a 1 year old and preggo plus living in the boonies with no car b/c he took it to work. Yep it was over.
When the thought of having
When the thought of having sex made me nauseated.
I knew it was over
I knew it was over when....
He told me I should let him go get another woman pregnant, since I didn't want kids and had gotten sterlized. Literally said I should let him go knock some woman up, and he could have the kid every other weekend, pay child support (since most relationships fail anyway, was his thinking) and I should stick around and deal with it. I got settled in my new job and left him a month later, after 9 years of marriage.
that leaves me speechless....
that leaves me speechless....
OMG I don't even know
:jawdrop: OMG :jawdrop: I don't even know what else to say.....
Oh my goodness...how
Oh my goodness...how HORRIBLE!! I can't imagine your sense of betrayal and hurt. I'm so sorry!
OMG...you've got to be
OMG...you've got to be kidding me!!! LOL...wow I hate to laugh but man that karma bus was a bitch huh?
OMG!!! “brown recluse nut
OMG!!! “brown recluse nut sack bite” is my new punk band name!!!
I can’t stop laughing over that… people are looking at me…
LOOOOOL! Karma is a bitch,
LOOOOOL! Karma is a bitch, that's for sure. Poetic justice if there ever was any.
Holy Sh*t.
Holy Sh*t.
I knew it was over when... My
I knew it was over when...
My blind date, Marvin McGill (yeah...it shoulda been over at that) showed up in his rusted out Subaru Brat & sent me back into my apartment to get my own quarters so I could play video games with him instead of just having to watch him & his brother play.
I knew it was over when he
I knew it was over when he pouted when I won a game of putt putt. And then, at dinner, proceeded to snort his drink up his nose with his straw. He proceeded to scream due to the burning in his nose...every head in the restaurant turned our way. Yes, drinking was done earlier in the evening...and, turns out, he doesn't handle drinking too well....
I knew it was over when this
I knew it was over when this really cute guy at the coffee shop asked me out on a date, but upon getting closer, I realized that it was actually a girl.
(how come its always chicks that hit on me???? lol )
LOL ... no for real dude...
LOL ... no for real dude... guys never hit on me but seriously in the last month three girls have tried to jump my bones - one was an ex-gf of DH's (awk---ward), one is a friend of mine from school who literally got me drunk in an attempt to make out with me (have been avoiding her), and the other was some random chick at a gas station TODAY - I pulled up, she started checking me out, I paid and walked out of the store and she was like heey.. what are you gettin into? I was like uhh.. goin home to take care of my kid... she was like oh.. well, if you wanna come back to my place ive got some real good chronic... i was like uh... no thank you. LOL. One chick that I was friends with in high school asked me to hang out with her one night and somewhere between the dinner she paid for and the movie she tried to pay for I realized I was on a date!!!! lol. Why god? Why?! I like penises!!!
OMG, I just peed. These are
OMG, I just peed. These are soooo funny!

Yeah.....well if being hit on
Yeah.....well if being hit on by lesbians is annoying....tell me why do I get hit on by gay men??? WTH??? And by this I mean in still in the closet gays.
I don't get it...My bf seems to think it's because I seem approachable/non judgemental to them. They don't feel threatened. I have quite a few close gay guy friends...one of them I was the first person asides from their therapist they came out to not long ago. So I'm extremely comfortable with them and them with me.
But I typically when we start talking and they start insinuating or hitting on me, I call them out-with a smile and I mean it but like hey man...don't you think you're barking up the wrong tree...I mean I'll go shoe shopping with you but not dinner and a movie lol. They normally dont' get offended-just insist they are straight and seek me out the next time they see me to ask why I would think they are gay? DUHHHHH -it's weird.
this was an article that was
this was an article that was a must read!!! Good laughs from people's funny stories!! i needed that!!
I knew it was over when he
I knew it was over when he held open a door for me and said, "Yeah? You like that?" (in a creepy, trying to sound sexy voice) then later pulled out my chair and said, "Yeah? You like that?", after he tried playing footsie under the table he said, "Yeah? You like that?", after he paid for the meal he said, "Yeah? You like that?", and after he grabbed my hand while we walked out of the restaurant...."Yeah? You like that?" I said goodbye...
lol... social skills much?
lol... social skills much?
I think I would have punched
I think I would have punched him in the nose and said "Yeah...you like that?"
I knew it was over when in
I knew it was over when in the midst of my last big blowup with my Ex he kept trying to verbally beat me down and it went like this: (oh, and FYI, all his parts were screamed at the top of his lungs sounding like some whiny pubescent 15 yr old, and we lived across the street from train tracks.)
X:You'll never find someone like me again!
Look at you! You're a fat bit*ch! No one will ever want you!
You can't f'ing leave me!
WTF is your problem! I wish I could just f'ing kill myself right now!
Fine! I think I hear a train coming! See how you and the kids get along without me! (he stomps off... train goes by 10 minutes later, he comes inside another 10 minutes later)
You're a bit*h...
Me: That's good.
Me: That's ok.
Me: Yes, I can...
Me: Go ahead, nobody's stopping you....
Me: Miss your train?
Me: I know...
I didn't care... I didn't yell back, I answered everything he said in a very monotone emotionless voice. That's when I really knew I was done.
I knew it was over when I
I knew it was over when I realized that we were both checking out the same hot guy!
That's how one of my high school dates turned into a gay bff! We are still great friends.