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UPDATE: BM parental alienation continued

zenjetset's picture

:jawdrop: I you have been following my blog you know what a total and complete mess BM made of things this weekend. She was the more difficult with me and fdh than she has ever been.after all the smoke cleared, FDH and I reflected and talked about everything, the texts (too many), the phone calls (too forgiving and cooperative on our part) andcwhat we can improve upon in case this happens again. Hahaha! You know it will happen again!

So with lessons learned we focused on getting our new house (new to us) in order. We unpacked, cleaned, painted, etc. We did so with no interruption from BM or gang. We were surprised! But that was short lived when on Saturday night the phones start ringing...yes, phones! Mine and FDH. First, it was BM # but SD6 left message, with bm in the background "coaching her"!!! No message on my line. Then we get a text from bm. I won't translate (Cause it not worth my effort) but it was the guilt trip style text.

Then FDH phone rings's SD11. He doesn't answer and no voice is left. Then a text is sent phone same phone saying SD6 is trying to reach you.

Mind you never ever does FDH phone rings on weekends or days he doesn't have SDs. It's kind if like out of sight out of mind. BM never has even made an effort to remind these little girls to call their daddy. And when daddy calls no one answers and no calls are returned.

So, we have radio silence in this case cell phone silence. Now let's move into Sunday day not one phone call at all. Suddenly at 9pm the phones, yep once again mine and FDH goes crazy. First bm # with SD6, then moments later, SD11. Then my phone same sequence. Then text message from bm to FDH saying more guilt crap. Then my phone rings with SD11 #, no message left. Then FDH gets text from bm, blah blah blah. More guilt trip crap. Then we turn off phones.

During our heart to heart conversation on Friday night, FDH and I felt it best to not answer phones or texts until we have an atty write a letter to BM and file contempt motion on BM. Here are the reasons:

#1 voice messages left by bm has girls voices in the background. She is influencing the hurls by leaving one-sided messages in front of them. This is showing them her anger toward us. She usually says something to the effect that we are bad, doing something or several things wrong, etc. The kids only hear her side, she makes it appear like she is having a conversation with us rather than a voice message.

#2 voice message left by kids has her in the background "coaching them". You actually hear her on the voice mail. ***beware phones today pickup all ambience noice, including whispers!!!**

#3 we decided to not pickup phones if anyone BM or any gang member would call. Bottom line conclusion, we don't know what was said to them, any attempt by FDH to set the record straight and speak the truth would be screened and or extracted from SD6&11 and twisted after such phone conversation. Conclusion, we need to wait until they are back with FDH. So the manipulation can not happen.

#4 we were not opening the doors to further communication until BM was hit upside the head with a contempt motion.

Needless to say, we have not had any sleep at all this past weekend. And all the text messages, voice mails, by the girls and BM prove one thing and one thing only...PARENTAL ALIENATION.

Kids never call and wouldn't you know it they call this weekend after all these issues and she is in the background coaching.

She is such an idiot! I have these mixed emotions. Happy because she has given us enough documentation to really prove our case. And sadness for these girls and fdh who should be together without a major earth shattering situation created by bm.


pastepmomof3's picture

Good Grief Zen! Hopefully a contempt motion will give her a reality check. Did DH ever tell her about family calling and the harrassment thing people were suggesting? A harrassment charge on top of a contempt motion might really throw her for a loop. It's one thing to have the kids call - it's another to have them be around such verbal and emotional abuse. It may not be directed at them but they are the ones witnessing it and will grow up thinking "it's okay".

Good idea about letting the attorney hear it and writing the letter. There definitely needs to be an intervention of some sort.

Good luck and hopefully you guys get some rest and peace soon!

zenjetset's picture

Yes, FDH sent her a text stating that any members of her family should not contact him or me and any text or phone calls from then on will be considered harassment and will be report to authorities.

We actually think BM lied when she said she would be in Atlanta, because she was with the kids. I think ultimately BM determined that she didn't want to do the driving back and forth for the party. I believe she knew this from the beginning but she knew the only was FDH would commit to allowing them to attend party was if she would do the work. Typical BM manipulation.

Anyway, today has been BM free in conversation with FDH and it feels good. Until of course, we see the atty tonight.

Thanks for your time in reading my blog.