Amount of CS paid
I have read many stories on here of how financially strapped families are due to the amount of CS being paid...or of SM having to work extra to make sure CS is paid as well as to be able to afford things for their other children. Do you think that if DH were able to pay CS easily, meaning it had no effect on your lifestyle and you could still live comfortably with lots of extras that you would still feel resentful about paying CS?
I will explain more about my situation after hearing a few answers.
- fullhouseof5's blog
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In my case it is the Biodad
In my case it is the Biodad who gets off without paying child support. He is the NCP and has the kids maybe 4 days a month. Works under the table and there is no way that he could pay what he is court-ordered to pay about $500 a month and he owes back support of about a year and a half. My partner doesn't want to press the issue because she likes the custodial arrangement. We don't need the money, I just feel like he should contribute in some way. Her recent request is that he pays $80 a month for pre-school tuition.
if the cs we actually paid
if the cs we actually paid went to the well being of skids, i would not be resentful at all.... i guess the only thing i can see that bm uses child support for is school clothes/supplies..
what she does with the rest of it, beats the shit out of me... she lives rent free, they always eat at bm's mom's house (who lives across the dirt road), she has no car payment, we cover the medical for skids, plus we get them almost 1/2 the time...
am i missing something?
I think every situation is a
I think every situation is a little different. In MY case, BM uses the CS for the bills that she would have REGARDLESS of whether she had a child (car, house, electricity, etc). Anything that is for the child we end up paying for on top of the CS. BM bitches and complains that she shouldn't have to pay for clothes, shoes, school supplies, etc (in other words the normal costs of having a child). If she were a little more financially responsible and used her money wisely, then maybe I would resent it as much.
In my situation we have the
In my situation we have the skids 50% of the time (though we usually end up having them a bit more than that). DH pays medical insurance, half of all extra activities and school fees etc...On top of that he pays nearly 2x what he should be paying a month! H
I feel the same as starfish..if I saw that the money was going towards the kids I would not have a problem with it at all. But as it is now they come over with old ratty looking clothes, ill fitting and holes all over. So that means DH and I buy them proper clothing. What she does with that money is beyond me!!
I know he had the kids before I came along, and I know he should be financially responsible for them,so I am not sure why I feel angry about this. Though he does pay a ridiculous amount there is still plenty left over for extras. Within the past six months we have finished building a new home and moved in and fully refurnished the entire house, bought a new car, taken 2 vacations we are definitely not struggling right now. I just can't pinpoint where my anger and resentment towards her is coming from. Its really getting to the point where I am starting to withdraw from skids.
I have issues..... :?
" I just can't pinpoint where
" I just can't pinpoint where my anger and resentment towards her is coming from."
maybe b/c she is his is ex, but cs still gives her a free ride and it's not towards the skids... so bm's life style benefits b/c she pushed a few, i guess in her eyes, investments out.
Agreed. In our case they
Agreed. In our case they ordered "parenting classes", had a person come into BM's home to "teach her to parent and use her time wisely" (her place looks like a dump because her ass is never far from in front of the TV).
Nevermind the fact that her oldest child (my SD) had imprints on her face from being hit in the face with a flip flop. She was hit so hard that it left 'bubble' imprints from the circles on the bottom of the shoe. Her brother's nose was broken when BM pulled him off of the bed and into the nightstand.
CPS also calls ahead of time and TELLS BM when they are coming to do a house check. So you are sure as shit that she rushes to 'pick up' everything that can be picked up. They usually call a couple of hours in advance.
Despite that she's STILL been caught locking her boy (he's 3) in his room, because instead of getting up and playing with him she would rather lock him away.
And they do nothing.
The kids continue to live in squalor.
Becuz the CP's are really not
Becuz the CP's are really not that bad of parents in most cases and the NCP really doesnt want all the day to day care that goes along with the child. Hence child support.
from wikipedia:
All international and national child support regulations recognize that every parent has an obligation to support his or her child. Therefore, both parents are required to share the responsibility for their child(ren)'s expenses.[1][2][3][4][5][6][7]
Support monies collected are expected to be used for the child's expenses, including food, shelter, clothing and educational needs. They are not meant to function as "spending money" for the child.[9] Courts have held that it is acceptable for child support payments to be used to indirectly benefit the custodial parent. For example, child support monies may be used to heat the child's residence, even if this means that other people also benefit from living in a heated home.[21]
Child support orders may earmark funds for specific items for the child, such as school fees, day care or medical expenses. In some cases, obligors parents may pay for these items directly. For example, they may pay tuition fees directly to their child's school, rather than remitting money for the tuition to the obligee.[25] Orders may also require each parent to assume a percentage of expenses for various needs. For instance, in the U.S. state of Massachusetts, custodial parents are required to pay for the first $100 of annual uninsured medical costs incurred by each child. Only then will the courts consider authorizing child-support money from a non-custodial parent to be used for said costs.[26]
My former relationship was
My former relationship was over $900/month for two kids and she refused to let him see the kids for a year while it was being pushed through court for custody time. Tell me how that's fair.
On top of that he pays nearly
On top of that he pays nearly 2x what he should be paying a month! H
Why is he paying more than he should? Also, it is NEVER right for CS to change hands in a 50/50 situation.
He things because its "for
He things because its "for the kids" and helps her maintain a certain standard of living for the skids.... :sick:
We paid a fortune in child
We paid a fortune in child support....$2,700 a month for two kids....for years. We got custody of the kids a few years ago.
I never minded paying child support. But I felt like we were supporting not just the kids, but their mother as well. I hated that what we were really paying was alimony disguised as child support.
Holy crap! that is MORE than
Holy crap! that is MORE than I make a MONTH. Stupid social services field. I shoulda gotten knocked up in your state
That's where the money is at!
Insane, huh! That's $32,400
Insane, huh! That's $32,400 a free!
Can you imagine the explosion that went on in her head the day we got custody of the kids? $2,700 a month down to $0 a month! She's lucky we didn't ask her for child support!
"I hated that what we were
"I hated that what we were really paying was alimony disguised as child support."
This is how i feel too....
I would resent him way more
I would resent him way more than BM!!!!!
I am heading there
I am heading there Willow...and I don't like that feeling.
sorry, but the only thing i
sorry, but the only thing i can say to that is:
What state do you live in
What state do you live in Snarky01? I'm hoping it's not ours or BM's.....
duplicate post.....
duplicate post.....
Happens a LOT. Previous
Happens a LOT. Previous situation, we had custody of SS, BM had custody of SD. We'd trade kids for 3 hours one weeknight/week. Weekends were EOW both kids or no kids, so they got some time together, and each parent got some one-on-one time with both children.
During that time, BF was paying a boatload of CS to BM, because he had a full-time, good job. And she chose not to work. She had a full-time job, paid quite well. But she quit, right before going to court, told the judge she was going to be self-employed, and that she guessed her income would be "about $250 to $300 per week."
Courts accepted that, and based CS amounts, what BF paid to BM for SD, and what BM owed BF for SS, and had BF pay the (VERY significant) difference.
Sometimes, the laws just don't make sense...
Child support and custody are
Child support and custody are never permanent no matter what the divorce decree says. Don't be too surprised if it comes up someday.
That stinks fullhouse! Have
That stinks fullhouse!
Have you told him that it is crazy that he pays her that much??!! I am sorry, but I would freak out and think he was still in love with her. Sorry.
i agree 100%, if it's 50/50
i agree 100%, if it's 50/50 -- there should be no cs to either bio....
UNLESS, bm was a sahm for 10 years, dh had a stellar career, screwed around on her and now she is making the most she can at an entry level job and she's not your typical bm slacker that we discuss on here..
every situation is different, but using kids as a money maker is just wrong! kinda like child labor, huh? except these skids aren't in sweat shops, they only have to hate sm and cause problems for new blended family for bm.
I don't know that there is
I don't know that there is ever an equitable split. There are just too many variables. In our case, BM and DH divorced when SD was 2. They got 50/50 custody and no CS (because of equal incomes), although DH agreed to pay SD's daycare costs and medical insurance, which essentially amounted to him paying CS, in my opinion. BM remarried when SD was 4 and decided she wanted to be a SAHM. Every expense SD had was paid by DH (and then me) over the years because BM refused to provide ANYTHING. She said it was DH's responsibility because he was SD's father. We're talking school supplies, clothes, school lunches, projects, activities, you name it. We paid it.
When SD was 11, BM moved an hour away (without the court's permission). SD came to live with us for the next four years. DH did NOT ask BM for CS, he was just grateful to have SD and we already paid everything anyway so we were used to it. BUT, when SD was 15 she decided she wanted to live with BM. What did BM do? Filed for CS. And when the case still wasn't concluded, BM sent SD back to us. Without CS, BM wouldn't take SD. I was (and still am) incensed by the situation. In addition to getting CS, BM also got an agreement that DH would pay HALF of all SD's expenses (medical, school, activities).
So in this situation, I see no fairness. I'm sure others (custodial BMs) have been on the opposite end of that in that they get little support from the biodad. CS needs an overhaul!
Dh really pays no child
Dh really pays no child support out of pocket. He is on disability and so each of his children actually get a disability check as well. ss's check goes straight to bm. So no, we obviously dont resent any payment going out to her-we do resent that out of the money she gets very little is spent on ss. She did finally get a decent job a few months ago and that and her increased money from dh (thru disability) kicked her off all her government assistance that she was none too happy about. But she doesnt pay for ss's school clothes, medical care other than his copay on scripts (no copay on anything else under dh's insurance). I guess she if finally paying for his food-before she was on free lunches and food stamps. I think she may still have free breakfast and lunches at school. He is too old for childcare so she doesnt have to worry about that. He is in one extracurricular activity a year (3 months of local baseball). So truthfully, I am not sure what she does provide for him. For his bdays and xmas-her relatives send him money and her too I believe to buy him presents. So I guess the cs is paying for electric bills and so forth.
I dont' resent the CS one
I dont' resent the CS one bit. It's DH's obligation to support his child. I don't always agree with the method of calculation or theory of how support standards but that's a whole new post.
What I do resent is that BM and SD too both have their hand out constantly wanting more and more from DH. Anything I spend on my children (50/50, no CS) they think SD deserves equal.
It burns me to no end. And it's currently a fresh wound as school shopping is on the agenda for the weekend.
When DH and BM were still
When DH and BM were still communicating. He once asked if she would be willing to take $10 out of child support and put it into a savings account for the kids to have once they got older. She agreed...until she realized that he meant $10 for EACH kid!! Then she flipped and started screaming at him.
I guess she had better things to do with that $20 a month. Like get rid of her 3 bedroom house and buy a 5 bedroom house (for her and my 2 skids!) and a new car when her OLD one was better than the one we had to use to transport the kids!
Why do I think she used CS money for this? Because she had to sell the house and the car after the next time she took DH to court and court actually LOWERED CS. She moved the kids into an apartment. I bet she wishes she would have KEPT her 3-bdrm house that wasn't good enough for her.
How many single mothers with two children do YOU know that have a new 5 bedroom house and a new car??
I also have a friend who's fiance is paying CS for his 4 kids and their BM doesn't WORK or even have a CAR or driver's license! How in the heck is all of THAT CS going for the welfare of the kids?? That is CS turned alimony for a guy who wasn't even married to BM.
I understand kids are expensive. I am also a BM who lived without any CS until my son was 9 and they finally caught up with his BD. But each parent should be paying for HALF of the child's well being. CS should not be used to improve BM's standard of living. That is just wrong.
i have absolutely no problem
i have absolutely no problem with dh paying cs! he should help support his child! even if that means we have to cut back here and there...thats fine. but what gets under my skin does not work. she quit her job about 6 months ago. she is on every type of government assistance you could possibly be on and still has the nerve to call dh and ask for help other than the cs he is paying. now i do not think it is right that dh and myself both work full time and try to provide for our children (we have 2 together) and he pays cs for his son and she just sits at home on her lazy butt with her hand out!! i would love to not work and be at home with my two little ones but no, i have to pay someone to watch my children while i work so that i can provide for them and my taxes i pay can keep her feed and under a roof. she is an able bodied person and there is no reason that she cant get a job her damn self and maybe, just maybe provide for her children. it's not the state or dh's sole responsibility to care for her children. oh i love to bring this up, she has posted on her fb page before and i quote..."jut got my nails and hair did, thanks baby daddies" and yes it said baby daddies, she has 3. i HATE ppl like that.
when she and dh went to court for custody the judge asked dh how he would support the child, he replied i work a full time job and make enough money to care for my child. her response, " his child support and my mom and grandma" WTF?!
How about BM actually being
How about BM actually being awarded to pay only $20/month and doesn't?
Prior to DH being awarded custody last fall, he paid $150 per week which I never resented. Odd thing is that NOW, I resent BM and her hypocrisy. Here's why: with the above CS that he used to pay WEEKLY, always on time, never late...she used to constantly harass him for more, to help with every.little.thing. that ever came up. When he would say no, she would then tell him how worthless he was, a deadbeat, that his children aren't his first priority.
Of course, BM stopped working several years ago due to "disability" but has been going to online school forever. The same BM who couldn't help provide her portion of the court ordered transportation time and time again due to disability, but always well enough to travel long distances elsewhere by car (vacations, meet another boyfriend online, visit family, etc.).
After DH was awarded custody, BM was ordered to pay a whopping $20 per MONTH. Yes, that's right. AND she moved 1/2 way across the country so only gets visitation during breaks and summer. And she doesn't pay it. Still doesn't work, still can't get disability. I'm not against disability, but the thing is, from what we know...she doesn't LIKE to work, never has, and certainly does NOT live like a person who is too disabled to work at least minimally.
So now I'm way more pissed off about it than I ever was before. We provide everything and work like there is no tomorrow to provide for the kids. I'm working on letting the anger go...haha, but sometimes the hypocrisy just blows my mind, particularly hers. I can still HEAR her voice in my head when she used to tell DH that his kids weren't his first priority when he refused to pay extra on TOP of his weekly child support, that he was such a deadbeat and how he doesn't provide for his own kids.
In fact, she doesn't even keep CS updated with her current they are now looking to suspend her license.
DH now spends more time updating CS with HER information to track her down than he ever has talked to them before.
Ughhh...sorry for the vent....this post just brought out the beast:) It's frustrating that knowing no matter what, my DH would have NEVER gotten away with that, EVER.
If she's disabled how come
If she's disabled how come she doesnt get disability? How can she call herself disabled? I guess you can hope that the disability will go thru at some point-then your dh will receive a check directly from social security disability in an amount that is likely to significantly exceed the 20 a week she is ordered to pay now.
bm works but mainly uses the
bm works but mainly uses the cs money on herself. The skids are always in the same crappy clothes and when they get new clothes itsbecause bm mom buys them. I understand that living expenses should come out of cs so that not my issue with cs. My issue is that I really don't see the skids benefiting from the cs. bm goes away every weekend she doesn't have kids and she is always claiming she has no money. My dh works 6 days a week, gets one day to himself a month. She always complains how bad she has it! Ugh!!! We have it bad, we barely get by.
ha ha, true that! Thank God
ha ha, true that! Thank God these men have us to support the family!!! so fun
EXACTLY - why is it that you
EXACTLY - why is it that you have to pay the CS, whether or not it is being used for the kids BUT when it comes to BM having to follow the court-ordered visitation, it's like pulling teeth with dental floss!
What do you do? CS keeps you poor enough so you can't easily afford a lawyer!
I feel like I am supporting DH so he can support skids and BM!