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Getting Nervous!

fullhouseof5's picture

DH and BM are both going out of town this week. She has had her trip planned for a long time and now DH has had some work things come up and he needs to be gone this week as well. That means I get to stay home this week with all three kids (my BD and my 2SS). I pick all three up from summer camp every day so I am very used to having all three frequently by myself...but never for a week including overnights all alone!!! Hopefully this week goes by quickly.


stepmasochist's picture

Stock up on wine and bubble bath. The first time I was left alone with my 3 skids for an extended period of time - DH was working on the road 10 days on 4 days off and BM had to go to rehab, I hid out in the bathroom ALOT.

fullhouseof5's picture

Thanks ladies!! I am sure lots of wine will be involved after all the kids get to bed at night! Smile

fullhouseof5's picture

Good idea is the evenings that tend to drag on when I am home with them.