Sleepless and Confused
Well I had a terrible day yesterday…came home from work to the skids and hubby. I just needed some time alone so I immediately changed clothes and then sat on the porch and read. During this time, the girls were picked up by BM and I didn’t get an opportunity to say goodbye. Not saying goodbye isn’t that unusual, my oldest SD is 11 and very on and off with that kind of thing – she is right in the middle of puberty. I was (I am admitting this) terribly cranky – I didn’t want to take it out on the kids or my DH so I just sat alone for a while. When I came back inside my hubs, the kids were gone and I had a minor argument (about the skids, rando other stuff, just me being a bit cranked out), we worked it out and the rest of the night was fine. Before bed, I went online to check my Facebook account and found that my SD has deleted me from her friends list. I know this is just Facebook, but I have no idea what I have done to warrant that and frankly it hurt a little. I brought it up to my husband and he said she probably did it on accident, that he knows she likes me and that he would call and ask her about it. I immediately asked him not to, I decided that if she feels angry or hurt by me (still no idea why) than she should be allowed to feel that way. I thought all night about what I might have done to anger her so badly…and I can’t think of anything. Her mom and I are not close, but I never speak ill of her in front of SD. I do know that lately, I have been standing up for myself with SD…saying things like, “Please do not talk to me disrespectful” (she doesn’t say mean things aimed at me specifically, rather the normal hormonal stuff teen gals go through – being bossy, etc.). I can’t think that would set her off, but I don’t know. I am wondering if I just let it go and say – Oh well, no big deal. Or if I should have my DH talk with her to see if she is okay. I feel silly getting so bent out of shape about something like Facebook, but it is so odd. And to top it off, she is still friends with my mom, brother and best girlfriend. Only I was removed, I think that’s why it hurts my feelings.
- jlot's blog
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I totally agree about her
I totally agree about her being too young for FB...but her parents let her have the account. Thanks for listening...I am too sensitive sometimes.
I got kind of upset when both
I got kind of upset when both of my Skids SD12 and SS11 recently got FB accounts and did not request to have me as a friend but their BM's BF's are their friends?? But then I thought, I'm actually glad, because I really don't want their nutcase mothers having access to my FB page, pictures etc. I already know that they stalk me, because SD's uncle told me one day when he was over helping hubby with some stuff that he saw my FB pictures that SD showed him (the only pics anyone who is not my friend can see are my profile pics) the rest of my pics are private and I'd like to keep it that way!
So I figure for me, it's a blessing!
When signing up for a fb
When signing up for a fb account it states that the minimum age is 14. The skids bm made ss11 a fb account when he was only 10 and considering he is also mr I told dh the it isn't safe for him to be on there at all and explained the reasons. He agreed and told bm that he didn't want ss on fb anymore and she said ok but kept making excuses to why she didn't delete it. So I took care of the problem and since you can reactivate an account I changed all contact info to mine so she couldn't do that. I will not let my daughter on until she is 14. The way I look at it, even if they have the mental maturity to handle a social networking site, letting them sign up before the minimum age is teaching them that it's ok to lie to get things you want.
My son has gotten mad at his
My son has gotten mad at his dad and has deleted him. I think it was because he had gotten in trouble for not doing his homework and he was mad because his dad had punished him. Me ex doesn't take it personally, but just chucked it off to my son was mad because he was being punished and din't like it. Well needless to say my son saw that my ex wasnt being mean and so he friended soon aftwewards. It is a kid thing.
Your stepdaughter could have done it because she took something you said wrong. Kids are hormonal... I wouldn't take it personally.