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What should i do?!!

Addy2772's picture

Bm drops skids off before she goes to work everyday when we have them every other day. My husband just says i don't mind their my kids, yeah easy for him to say beacuse he works i have to babysit while bm has no worries of getting a babysitter just drops them off as she pleases. what should i do?


Addy2772's picture

letmebeme: we don't pay cs but we share custody and her paying me no thanks i do work but night shifts. so during the day i'm super tired and i have to cook for them get them ready because bm never showers them before drop off.

mystiery's picture

In that situation then I would have to tell him either you watch your own children when they are dropped off or they don't get dropped off. It's kinda rude of him to say he does not mind them coming over in the mornings when he is not even there.....

Addy2772's picture

mystiery: your right it is stupid of him. i'm going to take ur advise wish me luck! fingers crossed.

Addy2772's picture

Ughhh i drag myself to work each night with two hrs. of sleep while dh and bm have no worries because i take care of the problem. i'm done with all this, tomarrow if my skids our dropped off i'm saying no i'm not taking care of them she needs to struggle they are her kids!

oneoffour's picture

Hide your car if you can't park it in the garage and don't answer the door.
If your DH lets the kids in, get up, grab your bag and tell him "I cannot sleep during the day with the kids here. I am in danger of losing my job. Now I am going to a nice quiet motel for the day to get some sleep. See you at 7pm. Byeee!" And walk out.

Let him deal with his kids and his ex. My DH left me wiht his sons all day 1x when he was helping a friend move house. I was a guest of DH at the time (as far as the boys were concerned)and had known his sons about 2 months. He left at 7:30am and called me 1x at 9pm. I advised him that he had 2 very confused upset sons and if he felt like being father of the year anytime soon he better come back to his boys NOW!

Addy2772's picture

That sounds like a good idea. I'm not going to hide i'm going to be up front and foward and say i'm not taking care of them! I need my rest, i love my skids but their bm needs to deal with them on her days i have it covered on my husbands days but i'm not helping that ungreatful bitch!

Tx mommy of 3's picture

Agree with oneoffour!! But seriously, do it! Have a bag prepacked already as well as a place to go just in case. And leave!! I like the line about your at risk of losing your job. But yeah, my suggestion was going to be not to answer the door and unplug the phone. If dh starts calling then tell him you're sorry you didn't hear the door or the phone and you must've crashed hard because you've been so exhausted from lack of sleep.

Addy2772's picture

Just had a big talk with DH and he called BM to let her know that if she wants me to take care of the kids on her days that she needs to pay up or find someone else, but than i was like fuck no tell that bitch that she needs to find someone to care for them. I'm way to tired. She got all mad and said she had no one to take care of the kids and DH said it's not his problem, that the only time it's his problem is when the kids are with him! SUPER HAPPY MY BABY STOOD UP FOR ME! Thanks everyone Smile

forever2's picture

I can't believe how often I say this on this site. The same exact thing happenned to me! BF and I had no more than signed the deed to buy this house together when BM decided she wasn't about to be outdone and immediately bought a house outside the kid's school district with NO consideration for how the kid would get to school on her days. BM decided one day before school started that she would drop him off at our house at 6am and we would be late for work and miss our meetings to take kid to school. I said absolutely NOT! BF told BM SURE! For 6 months that bitch dropped her kid off knowing it was my house and I said no. For 6 months we were prisinors. A weekend away? Forget it. Have to be back Monday at 6 am. Finally I stopped bitching as loudly so BM didn't get the satisfaction and decided it was easy enough for her to drop the kid off at school. Glad your man stood up for you. What's that like??

Addy2772's picture

A really good feeling! Just step up and say NO bm needs to find a way on her own, with out relaying on ur man. Ur man needs to step to the plate and say NO as well, if he wants things to work out fine with you. call police if possible when she drops them off.

Addy2772's picture

No, BM doesn't want child support BM thinks she's high class when she doesn't have enough money to be on her own. Yeah we can afford daycare but since i was home i was the daycare but now we are going to start paying my DH's mother to watch them on the our days.