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SS4 Really Behind on EVERYTHING.

Mommywood's picture

ok, so my SS is 4. he lives with BM, she does jack-shit for him. BM's mom watches him, and she babies him to death. He is STILL not potty trained, cant talk(DH and I finally enrolled him in speech therapy), and he is very stubborn with everything he eats-- all he wants to eat is crap. but i guess....

anyway, i have an almost 2 yr old BD. she is potty training already --she saw us stress it so much to SS now that hes been with us this month, that she started telling me she needed to go on her own! so im rolling with it.

We got SS for this month, so we were trying to catch him up on what they havent taught him-- we read books with him every night, make him ASK us for things instead of just pointing at them to us like Bam-Bam, and of course, potty training, but we havent gotten very far. To BM-- "potty training" is changing his diaper to a pull-up and kinda asking him when he wants to go IF she remembers to ask, which has obviously not worked since hes gonna be 5 and still not going in a toilet. He even gets mad and throws tantrums when we tell him to go pee.

anyway... weve let her have him for a couple of hrs here and there during our month, and 2 weekends to be nice, but we get him back, and hes an ape baby again. so.... I GAVE UP! As it got closer to the end of the month, I felt like he wasnt gonna learn anything.

I told DH not to let her take him for the whole month (not out of spite, but so she wouldnt interrupt all MY hard work! I actually had SS telling me when he was going to go pee for a whole day!!!) But DH said he couldnt be a dick like that to her, and he didnt have the heart to do what BM did (BM wouldnt let DH see SS for long periods), and so she would pick him up from us. Anyway... now im potty training my daughter, she picks up EVERYTHING we say, so she has a very large vocabulary-- including some cuss words that im trying to erase from her dictionary :/ and shes pretty good at potty training for not even turning 2 yet.

I just feel bad now for giving up on SS. But its hard not to when ape woman BM wont help! weve all had talks with her, and she just keeps doing things (or not doing shit) her way, so SS is stuck being an ape baby. They are also almost diagnosis him MR in his speech therapy. They sent DH a letter telling him SS has the knowledge of a 2 yr old, and that they wanted him to go get examined by a dr to see if there is anything else wrong b/c he is not picking things up the way he should at speech therapy. I also know it doesnt help that when he goes home to BM's, all he does is get thrown in a room with the TV on to entertain him and no one else to interact with. IM VENTING. sorry, but i feel bad for giving up on SS and seeing my BD excel at everything. I dont know what else to do!

P.S. I found out this week that BM didnt get SS enrolled in school b/c she said "it was too late." We nagged at her for WEEEEKKS to call the school district and ask when early registration was, and she never did it, and now she waited too long, and SS cant go. hes already so behind, and this doesnt help! IM LODING IT WITH THIS INCOMPETENT WOMAN!!!!


happymostly's picture

my littlest BIL (he's 5) is the exact same way. He is just now learning how to use the toilet. But that's because is wrong with him. Has bm or dh ever got ss evaluated?

Anon2009's picture

I know I've said this before but I think SS needs to live with you. I don't think living with BM is doing him any favors. I was hoping that call to CPS would whip her into shape! I feel sad for SS Sad

PoisonApples's picture

My skids BM does the same thing. She babies them to death.

She says 'oh, they're only little for such a short time. They'll grow up soon enough'. I've come to the conclusion that she uses that as an excuse to keep them totally dependent on her because she's got low self-esteem.