What have I gotten myself into? Mostly kidding.... seriously, I cannot believe that I am raising a 2yo and 2mo, again. Wow, I had forgotten what it was like to operate on NO sleep and have your house look as though someone turned it upside down and shook it! This all has been sooo very trying, but I think in a good way, and I wouldn't trade it for the world.
The little girl has taken up with DH. She's so adorable. She has these huge blue eyes and the cutest curls. The baby boy looks just like DH??? I guess since SD looked like DH it only makes sense. The first time my father saw the baby, he said, "My God, that's DH", then I had lunch with my dad's sister yesterday and she said the exact same thing. It was hilarious. He does look like DH, poor thing.
It's amazing how many friends have stepped up to help out in any way they can. I'm so lucky to have people in my life willing to support us and not ridicule me for taking on "more children" that aren't mine.
But what's been truly amazing is that the children's father has really stepped up in a big way. He calls almost several times a day asking if we need anything for the children. SD has shown ZERO interest in the children at all. The court ruled that we had to allow them visitation, but limited and with our supervision AND on OUR schedule. They've asked to see them only twice. When they came to the house, I avoided SD. In fact, I didn't even speak to her. Mama always said to keep your mouth shut if you didn't have anything nice to say, so I did. The little girl wanted her mother, of course, and SD wouldn't even give her the time of day. It was VERY sad. I actually had to leave the room. DH stayed in the room for the supervision, but he wasn't happy about it at all.
I spoke with the social worker about her lack of interest in the children this morning, and since SD has been ordered to undergo a psych evaluation, we think her MI will finally be diagnosed. She just doesn't seem to care about these children at all. Even the social worker has noticed her lack of interest. The father of the child has really shown his interest for their well being, and I'm happy about that. They had been ordered by the judge to supply us with ANYTHING we need for them, so he's been good about getting anything we've needed. When he was leaving after the visitation, he asked to speak to DH on the front porch. This lead to a 2hr conversation between he and DH. He apologized to Dh for being an arse and said that he wanted to build a bridge with us. Long story short, he doesn't have any family to speak of, so he's looking to DH as a father figure I believe. The poor boy NEEDS guidance so bad. DH accepted his olive branch. I'm happy about that. He asked to speak to me as well, but I declined. Not b/c I don't want to, but I need a little time to get over this. I also need time to get things in somewhat of an order in my house again, if ever .
MIL has even been nice to me!!! That's right, hell HAS frozen over and the pigs are flying! }:) She even apologized to DH and told him that she would help in any way she could. Quite the change!
As I am in school in the mornings, they will need a daycare. I found one that has come highly recommended, so we are starting them tomorrow. Ireally don't want to put them in daycare, but I really don't have a choice. I've already paid for this term of school, and if I drop now, I won't get any tuition back. Plus, since the state took them away, they are paying for the daycare.
Someone mentioned that I should make CPS my new hobby..... I fully intend on it. They ignored me time and time again, so by the time this is all over with, they will know me personally! Dh is taking them both to a doctor today to ensure that they weren't permanently hurt, (at least physically) and to get their complete medical history. Unfortunately they have the state run health care for people who have no insurance. After what I had to go through this morning to get an appointment and then being argued with that I didn't "need" an appointment, I can't believe ANYONE would support socialized medicine! It's absurd. But, I suppose that it's better than nothing at all.
Thank you all for your support and kind words. it's really helped!
- Sia's blog
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What a wonderful blog. I am
What a wonderful blog. I am happy for the children that they have two wonderful people in their life. God Bless
Thank you!
Thank you!
Sia, You have just confirmed
You have just confirmed my opinion that you and DH are incredible people.
Hang in there on school and raising the babies.
Best regards.
Thanks Rags! I think you're
Thanks Rags! I think you're pretty cool too! You basically did the same thing....with raising your SS!
Awww thanks Kat! I know you
Awww thanks Kat! I know you would've done the same thing!
Thanks! I'm pretty sleepy and
Thanks! I'm pretty sleepy and trying to do an online class right now without falling asleep!
I remember the on-line
I remember the on-line classes late at night period of my life.
I would work all day, my wife would work half a day then drop our son (my SS) at a drop in daycare on her way to class in the evening. I would pick him up a half an hour later then go home for a couple of hours of kid/dad time. After play time I would feed him, bathe him, tuck him in then hit the computer from ~8:30pm - 02:00am. Up for work at 06:00 then do it all over again.
This went on for several years.
Though not every night was a 02:00 night.
Hang in there.
Best regards.
Not really sure Vic.... he
Not really sure Vic.... he has to get so many "clean" drug tests first..... nasty situation, that's for sure. My cousin used to run the domestic violence shelter here in town, and had to work closely with CPS on a lot of ocassions. She told me that if SD is diagnosed with certain MI's, she won't get them back. Since they're not married, I'm not sure how that'll work.
Those children are so lucky
Those children are so lucky to have you!
Best of luck! I'm sure you'll get used to feeling run down... I have
Not sure I want to get used
Not sure I want to get used to it....hahah I haven't had a baby in the house in 10yrs....it's an adjustment!
Loved reading this Sia.
Loved reading this Sia. Those babies are very lucky to have you and your DH in their lives now. And super surprised to read about their BF, wow!
About your MIL...... I don't even know what to say about her, other than I wouldn't trust her at all. Has all of this changed her tune with your boys? Just call me cynical where she's concerned.
If there is anything I can do to help, please let me know. Hugs!
Oh B, I don't trust her at
Oh B, I don't trust her at all, but it was nice to see her being nice for a change...... not usually an attitude we get from her
You can come stay with me...bring BS4....hell, what's another kiddo?
I'm happy for you Sia and
I'm happy for you Sia and happy for those kids. They are so lucky to have you.
thank you!
thank you!
Hugs, be proud because you
Hugs, be proud because you are making a huge difference in the world of two little people. Man you almost made me cry here at work.
I did cry today when the
I did cry today when the little girl ran to Dh when he was coming in from work, screaming "pawpawpawpawpaw". It was soooo darn cute. they do tend to melt your heart.
OK you did it!! I cried!! I
OK you did it!! I cried!! I knew I would because I know how far you've gone for DH's girls; I could go on but well, we know already
When I read about BD talking to DH I thought to myself he's reaching out-crossing my fingers it's not a sham on his part though
SD21, well there are no words, Sia. Along with alcoholism, my dad had a few MI issues himself. I dodged the bullet on anything more serious than depression but even that sucks. It breaks my heart as a mom to ever think I might hear that lack of interest in having children from either of my daughters especially after they have had any (if they choose not to I'll be sad but respectful)or even bs18. I know that you may think I'm so far away to not help or hang out, but if you needed me this minute, I'd start driving and see you in an hour
(((((((((sunshine family))))))))