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I understand really I do but I'm disappointed

purpledaisies's picture

We are going to Tx and Co for vac. We are taking my step son, no biggie. My dd has to work and wants to stay to get the money, my ds ha nothing to do and kinda wanted to go. I understand why. Anyway dh told me that he would like it to be just the his boys. I understand b/c I feel the same way about my kids some times and we haven't taken them to Co yet. My son has been top the rocky mts and such with us. Ds will stay with my mom and some with my brother. I know he is disappointed so am I but I explained to him that he has already gone with us once and we are also going back 2 more times this year and he will be going on one of those if not both.

So I do understand where dh is coming from and I am going to let him do it this way. I am just a tad disappointed but I'll get over it as will my son b/c not everything in life will be fair. Although it will be fair since we have already taken him and planning on taking him again.

I am only posting this to help others with situations like this. Thanks all Smile


purpledaisies's picture

Opps I don't know how to edit a blog but We haven't taken my stepsons to Co yet. It was a typo.

purpledaisies's picture

LOL you are so right, I am not planing on being mopey. I will buy them a few things. I bought them both a new outfit too. But other than that I will enjoy myself and I know someday it will be just the 2 of us.

Willow2010's picture

Ugh...not sure I could do it to tell you the truth. If son could not go due to other commitments, then I could see going without him. But to exclude him is awful. Sorry, but that is JMHO.

EDIT to add, I do understand your DH wanting that. I would love to take a vaca without SS. But it is because of his behavior issues.

Jsmom's picture

There is no way I would take one child and not the other. If we take any kids we take them all. If it is just us that is just us. Now we do vacation alone with our own BK's. He takes his kids alone and I take my son alone. Not often but we have done it.

But I would not do this. I see it as cruel. Sorry just being honest.

purpledaisies's picture

Shootingstars you are right. Like said we have already taken bs to the rocky mts. so he isn't missing out on anything plus we will take him again this year anyway. I think what we are doing is as good as we can make it. We have also taken just my kids to Tx. too. And yes his do things when my kids aren't here and my kids do things when his aren't here. So we have to take that into consideration.

I just thought I'd give a different point of view.