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Birthday Party

Stepmomm's picture

Ok my youngest baby is about to turn three and the BM family lives 3 hours away. Which means that they always have two parties for both the girls, one here with all their friends and DH family, and one in her old home town. Well BM told DH that this year he was not invited to babys birthday this year, because she said that she didnt want him there. I told DH to screw the BM and that was his child just as much as his. Who comes off thinking that they can tell their chikds father that they can not come to their own childs b-day party!


PoisonApples's picture

I'm confused too.You said they have separate parties but then you seem pissed that he can't go to the party the bm is having.

No joint parties for us by the way. Separate means separate.

purpledaisies's picture

Yeah I'm a tad confused too. However we do our own bday parties here for the boys and she does hers no joint ones. For one bm has tried to get my ds arrested several times and accused him of messing with one of the boys so NO WAY will I or my kids be around that so called person!

ETA: bm does the kid invited parties and we do just the family and cake one.

Stepmomm's picture

ok again ... They have two parties one here with DH parents, and one in BM home town with her parents. She told DH that he is not invited to the bday party that DH parents hold for the little girl.

TheWife's picture

Um, how is she going to not invite DH to a party HIS parents are throwing? And why would she even be there in the first place?

PoisonApples's picture

She shouldn't even be at the one his parents are having. I can't believe that's even up for debate.

I am confused's picture


purpledaisies's picture

Yeah i'm with everyone else why is bm going to be at the one his parents are throwing?